As usual, the Boca Raton store had absolutely nothing worth buying. The same thing happened with the stupid Best Buy mini-sale a few weeks back. The stores around here either have the newest stuff (even if they get it a week late....) or copious amounts of shovelware lining the shelves. You'll never find the mid-range good stuff that came out 9 months-year ago.
So, I got:
Parappa 2 - not the best Parappa game, but I still liked it when I had it before
Spy Hunter 2 - eh, might as well, the first one was kind of fun
Fantavision - for the hell of it.
I was really hoping to pick up some of the older RPGs like Wild Arms 3 and BF

Q or even Disgaea (yeah I had all three of these games and traded them all in at some point). Hell, even games like Disaster Report would've been great to have.
In addition to this, there were some other sharks there already and there were wayyy too many clerks there today. Most were sitting around doing nothing and staring behind my back. Its annoying that way.
So, yeah, I got a few games, but I can't say I'm a happy camper. Didn't even find anything worth putting up on eBay.