Writes a lot, says very little
lolz, this sounds more like an educated guess, as why did they wait to tell us about a campaign after we already found out EA is making some team to do a BF campaign?
So I find this post a bit odd as its clear they waited to hear that and tried to fold it in as if its a reveal or something.
I doubt you'll see BF 2042 support end 2023 and then a reveal and release of BF7 2024, its more likely they have something set up in between.
Campaign is a prequel to BF2042 of which Irish is a big player.....and literally dead.
Battle Royale.
Specialists - Who they have already toned down/basically gotten rid off.
128 player SBMM?
Whoever this person is must be really unhinged and just listed everything the Battlefield community DOESNT want.
This isnt even worth giving the time of day.
DICE is not that stupid.
Not after Season 4......it would be like basically fixing all the problems your community has with your game, then announcing "hey remember all the things you hated that we fixed.....well we are done fixing them and have brought them all back in this new title we expect you to pay 70 dollars for."
Its why I doubt anything that is being said here. It would make zero sense to focus on features literally being removed from another game.
So I do believe part of DICE is working on BF7 as the team is no longer working on Star Wars, which means that other half can start on BF7 and the other half might likely be fixing 2042 along with Ripple Effect, I don't know about a reveal and release in 2024 though...massive doubt.