my X1, BoomPro and Astro Mixamp Pro 2013 finally arrived.
some thoughts
(1) Philip Fidelio X1 is FANTASTIC!

love the new details I'm hearing! tried it both on my PS4 and my PC (via the Audinst HUD-MX1) - sounds really good
(2) for all the Audio Mix settings in-game in PS4 (e.g. inFamous SS, First Light, and The Last of Us) do we choose Home Theater or Headphones?
(3) Mixamp Pro 2013 is a disappointment - I don't know what's wrong with it but I can't seem to set up my BoomPro properly with it.
(i) With the X1 and BoomPro plugged into the Mixamp, I'm getting electric shocks from the Boompro mic itself when it brushes my cheek (I tried the Boompro on my Note3, no such issue!)
(ii) I can't seem to get the PS4 to recognise my voice commands (e.g. "PlayStation") - When the PS4 catches the command, it can't understand as it is too loud. I turn down the Microphone level, the PS4 can't catch the command at all. I tried testing the mic via PS4 Twitch stream, it is way too loud as well.
any suggestions on how to exactly configure my Mixamp? I updated it to the latest firmware as well