I can't see the link, but I'm guessing the old pair were Etymotic MC5.
Those were the HF5s. A user on there is selling them for £67.
I can't see the link, but I'm guessing the old pair were Etymotic MC5.
Yeah I'd either go with those or check out the Hifiman RE-400 or MEElectronic A161P if you're looking for a similar level of high isolation.Those were the HF5s. A user on there is selling them for £67.
Yeah I'd either go with those or check out the Hifiman RE-400 or MEElectronic A161P if you're looking for a similar level of high isolation.
Those Hifimans sure look pretty. Just won a bit of money - if I was to add, say, £50 to the amount I'm looking to spend, would there be a huge upgrade in quality? Still chiefly after noise cancellation.
Cheers again for your help! You know your stuff.
Those Hifimans sure look pretty. Just won a bit of money - if I was to add, say, £50 to the amount I'm looking to spend, would there be a huge upgrade in quality? Still chiefly after noise cancellation.
Cheers again for your help! You know your stuff.
Holy shit I'm so fucking jealous. TFW when somebody just grabs your dream headphones out of nowhere. Kind of salty forreal, lol.
my X1, BoomPro and Astro Mixamp Pro 2013 finally arrived.
some thoughts
(1) Philip Fidelio X1 is FANTASTIC!love the new details I'm hearing! tried it both on my PS4 and my PC (via the Audinst HUD-MX1) - sounds really good
(2) for all the Audio Mix settings in-game in PS4 (e.g. inFamous SS, First Light, and The Last of Us) do we choose Home Theater or Headphones?
(3) Mixamp Pro 2013 is a disappointment - I don't know what's wrong with it but I can't seem to set up my BoomPro properly with it.
(i) With the X1 and BoomPro plugged into the Mixamp, I'm getting electric shocks from the Boompro mic itself when it brushes my cheek (I tried the Boompro on my Note3, no such issue!)
(ii) I can't seem to get the PS4 to recognise my voice commands (e.g. "PlayStation") - When the PS4 catches the command, it can't understand as it is too loud. I turn down the Microphone level, the PS4 can't catch the command at all. I tried testing the mic via PS4 Twitch stream, it is way too loud as well.
any suggestions on how to exactly configure my Mixamp? I updated it to the latest firmware as well
no one else with any thoughts?
I'm inclined to think it's the Mixamp Pro's issue. but some are saying it's the BoomPro ><
It's not normal to get shocks from your Mixamp or mic. Mine doesn't do that lol. I don't really understand the volume issue with the mic either, I can use voice commands just fine with my Mixamp and whatever mic I use. My suggestion would be to borrow a mic from someone and see if that also has the issue. That'd let you know what is causing the problem pretty quickly I imagine.
As for in-game settings it depends on the game but you want to select a surround sound setting. In this case it sounds like it'd be the Home Theater setting.
I'm thinking about grabbing these-
I'd primarily use them for gaming. Is it a good deal?
Today is a sad day.
3 1/2 years. Several thousands of hours of use. Mostly while I was at work, but they also travelled when I travelled. Not the best set of cans I've ever used, but the ones I used the most thanks to their comfort and how great they sounded even without any amplification.
Worst part is that I was thinking about buying another set to replace these, but it's too soon. I'm not sure what I'll do. I might hold out with the Carbo Tenores I recently got. Or I might attempt a ghetto duct tape fix for a while until my budget can handle a great new set of cans.
Either way, this is a sad day.
I'm actually considering buying a Bose product. I can get their new SoundTrue In-ear buds for about $50 from my work, what I like about them is how they fit into the ear. I hate it when earbuds fall out or wire gets snagged on something and yanks it out.
If you want a similar pair I think the Sony MDRMA900 sound very akin to a pair of 598s, but they're just a bit airier, and are just as comfortable IMO.
As mediocre as Bose's offerings are from a sound quality standpoint, there is no denying that most of them sport world class comfort.
Yea, I went with the Superlux's just cuz there was a bit more info on them out there.That's super spot on, I usually recommend the Samson SR850 instead because I think the padding is a bit better.
Plan to go to NYC metro HF meet on November 15. HiFiMan, Mrspeakers, beyerdynamic, & ZMF headphones will be there. Looking forward to auditioning HE-400i, Alpha Dogs, DT800/T1, & ZMF Vibro.
You can't go wrong with either, I also really like the Soundmagic HP150 and the ADL H118 are receiving a lot of hype so check those out as well.I've wanted some over the ear cans for a while. I already own the M80s, and I'd love to support VModa more, so the M100s are an option. I'm also thinking about the BW P7's, which are obviously going to be more, but I can spare the difference. I'm not limited to those two, basically anything that can be purchased from Best Buy. Any recommendations?
Try to find if anybody has those new closed LLF Paradox, I forgot their actual name.
OK, will do...
Are you referring to the "Slant" headphones listed as coming soon on their site?
Love my Takstar Hi 2050s. I think they sound pretty great, but the biggest surprise is just how comfortable they are. My last pair of headphones would give my ears blisters, so this is a great change. They also look very sturdy which is nice given how cheap they were.
I never would have bought them without reading this thread, big thank you to everyone.
I tried out the Zeroaudio Carbo Tenores at the store and was disappointed in the treble. It was a bit too harsh for me. I tried the Bassos again and loved the sound, though the bass is a little much. I listened to all the other IEMs in the price range but I didn't like any of them as much as the Carbos, so I ended up getting the Bassos. I heard on Head Fi that the Tenores I tried were most likely defective and probably wouldn't be representative of what they'd sound like if I bought them. Oh well. I'm totally digging the Bassos since I dropped the bass by 4.5db. Natural sounds like male and female voices and acoustic instruments like piano and guitar just sound so good. I started up a game on my 3DS that had birds chirping in the beginning (never noticed before), and I swear I thought somehow a bird got into my apartment. So I'm happy with them. If I run into the Tenores again at another store I'll give them a shot to compare.
But what would you call this sound signature? I used to think flat was best but the Carbos just sound so much more real to me. I have a pair of Sennheiser 280 Pros but their sound is downright boring. Are there any full sized cans that have a similar sound signature to the Carbos? How about the Lindy Premium Hi-Fi 100/FA-003/Brainwavz HM5?
HM5's are close, but aren't as warm as the Basso's. Maybe something like the Creative Aurvana Live 2 or an amped M-Audio Q40.
Cool, thanks. I'll give them a shot if I can find them at the store.
Are you the guy in Japan, if so look for the JVC S680, which are utilize the carbon technology...They're going to be a bit bassy, but still retain an absurd amount of detail for ridiculous the bass is.
I've got the senheiser amperiors and I love them for comfort and their great mids. Guitars and drums sound amazing on these things, but their highs are often drowned out and a little muddy. I notice it most in Classical music and bands that have vocalists with high voices. Was wondering if there was something in a similar price range that had some great highs.
Honestly the Amperior are mildly sibilant to most listeners and sport pretty extended treble. I think you might be a treble head. I can't think of many closed headphones in its range with better treble extension. Maybe some Shure SRH840/940 or maybe some AKG K545
Alright I like to think I'm an adult audiophile because I've got a mid tier(?) set of headphones, but I'm still just a baby. What does it mean that I'm a treble head? And what's treble extension?
Haha, thanks.
Alright I like to think I'm an adult audiophile because I've got a mid tier(?) set of headphones, but I'm still just a baby. What does it mean that I'm a treble head? And what's treble extension?
Haha, thanks.
Having a hard time finding some Noise Canceling headphones for air travel. I really do like the Bose, they are the best but my discount sucks on them and they are still about $225. I can get these AKGs for $126 but I hear they break easily and are on top of ear, but I hear good things. I can get these Sony MDR10RNC for $108 and I hear good things about them but not wild about the design. And finally I can get these PSB for $210 but thats a tad out of my price range right now.
Maybe someone here has some suggestions, thanks.