I don't have the vitriol I expected to have towards Destiny at this stage of the game. I was wrong about D2 in some ways....I expected less content. Some of the QoL changes have been nice (although the vault re-ordering itself after depositing / withdrawing is crazy incompetent on Bungie's part). I am not angry I bought and pre-ordered the game.
HOWEVER....Slayerage is also right. The endgame and PvP is a dumpster fire.
The raid itself is cursed in two ways. The loot is garbage and the raid itself doesn't really have a lot of replayability. I joked with buddies that I bought a shooter game to shoot things and the raid really minimizes that. Once you're in a group that knows the gimmicks...and yes, they're gimmicks / arbitrary restrictions, you're pretty much good to go. And some of the small changes, like rez a teammate within 30 seconds or wipe? Infuriating and doesn't make the raid more fun for me.
I honestly think Crota was a better raid at this point.
PvP is in a bad spot for reasons I find interesting. Bungie is really big on consistency. They want guns / weapons / abilities to behave similarly or the same across game modes because they find it jarring for the player. That argument makes sense. One can disagree with it (why not 60 fps for PvP? etc), but it has merit on its own....
And then they go and change PvP by a huge amount between D1 and D2.
In D1, you could be a lone wolf. 6 vs 6 was chaotic and more importantly, abilities and movement was a lot faster. You could escape bad situations, engage quicker, and generally carry a lot better. Oh sure, if the game became lopsided, 4 vs 6, 3 vs 6, you'd still be teamshot into oblivion....but the speed + power allowed lone wolves. For better or worse, all the guys I play with fit this mold for the most part.
D2 is a jarring change, by comparison. 4 vs 4, we move slower, we can't escape as easily, and the slower speeds + MIDA EVERYWHERE = radar that people use to easily see people coming. Lone wolfing is, objectively, the wrong way to play. If you're not sticking with your team you're doing it wrong.
It doesn't make D2 PvP worse than D1....but if you liked D1 PvP, it's a jarring change, and a lot of people hate change.
As for loot? There either needs to be a LOT more loot or randomized perks. Hating on randomized perks because you hate grinding is fine. Having no randomized perks and such a low amount of viable top tier gear is a vicious double whammy that really does make it easy to go "Well....no reason to log in anymore."