Thank you for all the numbers kswiston.
Honestly most of the numbers are terrible, and some even went backwards or didn't even move. I'd be a little worried if I was a Japanese publisher. It probably costs next to nothing to put the game up on Steam, so there's not that much risk, but if you're a decent game on the Vita you could do better numbers than this. Xanadu Next would do way more than 8k on the Vita.
I get the feeling the Japanese game novelty is wearing off. Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada 2k? Atelier Firis only 10k. I think gamers are getting saturated with Japanese games on the PC, and not picking them all up. I remember picking up Valkyria Chronicles up blind full price, but I don't think I'd do that anymore.
The other thing is PC gamers are notoriously picky, and many of these have port issues, not only that, they hardly stretch most gaming PCs in the west.
People sure are more picky about Japanese games. But it's also that some games are just too niche. Spirit of Sanada is a spin off of a spin off of a niche serie that is DW. And we get one each month. Firis released like a month after Atelier Sophie.
As for doing more on the Vita, that remains to be seen. We dont have a Steamspy for Vita. And I dont think that Ys Origin for exemple sold as much as 8k for exemple.