Activision is becoming DEI heaven

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Gold Member
"Hip hop in COD creates inclusiveness"
PFFF with a popular music genre that appeals to a large group of people in the US?

I'll believe you when you announce the next COD with Andean music

Now that's unrepresented music from an unrepresented group of people

Game creation process in the worst timeline thus far:

1. Filter your potential hires through a DEI panel of recruiting and HR predicated on immutable characteristics and sexual preference instead of actual experience

Then go on youtube and claim western games are full of this shit because the teams making them are just naturally "diverse" and nothing is being forced



This is happening in every single public company, and it's all about money. It may sound like conspiracy, but it's actually pretty basic. Nearly all retirement fund allocation is done by Blackrock, Vanguard, or State Street. All three of these are heavily involved in pushing an agenda created by the The Human Rights Campaign. This is why they started changing allocation of funds based on scoring factors they determined through "ESG" lens rather than pure performance. If you want to score well in these factors you need to do a whole shitload of this kind of posturing, and then you can get more funding, or have greater allocations, both which drive up your stock price. Another part of this is public companies can rank higher in these scores if they source from companies which fit the agenda, so suppliers or vendors also dress themselves up in this performative shit so that their "virtue" can be used by companies to up their scores. Altogether it leads to one big circlejerk where every company is trying to do as much performative shit to help the "oppressed" as possible, all while not really doing anything valuable at all.

I used to work for a private utility company that was public. While many of the office staff and administration were progressive (As well as a lot of customers, since it is based in a super progressive liberal city), 80% of the employees in the company were blue collar workers (linemen, power plant operators, etc...). The company had to be really careful to tow the line. They did all of the bullshit you see in these slides. Had a chief diversity officer, celebrated transgender employees, etc.... But they were super careful to not "advertise" among employees much because so many people hated that shit.
Some force wants to destroy the US. David Icke had some rounds about it. Tho 90% of what the guy says is complete ridiculous bs, some of it has merit.


*Professional mens sports are largely unaffected

A lot of men lately identifying as woman and playing their sport though
Yeah for now..

..,but the science is finally coming in, and every other country in the world is pulling back on that bullshit.

In a few years America will reverse that shit where boys can identify as women and beat girls at their own game - And soon we can get back to boys competing against boys and females competing against females


Every day that goes by, I'm more and more convinced that we're about to witness a second crash in the videogames industry...and this time they can't blame off the alien. Well, at least not that kind of bizarre being.

(We're starting the first signs that this might happen.)
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79% player are men
61% are white

So why are they catering to those who don't play games nor care? I can see building up those other % but seems like overkill.
It’s because the people these companies employ are part of those weirdos. Look at some of them and that will answer your question. So they are employed in the industry and have a platform to push their DEI garbage on everyone. That is why you’re seeing it literally everywhere. The companies hiring them are the ones at fault. They are empowering these lunatics to push their agenda thru the very games they create and these moronic companies are fine with that. They are basically allowing them to gamble with their brand all for the sake of diversity and inclusion. Because better to not be called racist, transphobic or homophobic than to make sure your product is actually being bought and enjoyed by devoted customers who have always supported your brand.
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I feel like I've never personally gotten an answer, so I'll just ask - minority members of Neogaf, how do you feel about groups like these? (Sweet baby inc, etc)
They’re just the product of games becoming highly industrialised entertainment media with high budgets with high ROI. These companies help with making games global without room for “offending” anyone. If anything they make games boring and lame. Just like Marvel cinema. They’re for everyone and not for anyone in particular. The auteurs lose a little bit of their voice in exchange of reaching maximum audience.

It’s a business and they’ve been good at selling the services by suggesting companies that their titles might face backlash for being inappropriate. Companies don’t want the risk. So they hire the services.

Personally, I hate it because I believe in the auteur vision, and that the less cooks in the kitchen the better.

But, at the end of the game they’re just business. Not different from “intimacy coordinators”.
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Every day that goes by, I'm more and more convinced that we're about to witness a second crash in the videogames industry...and this time they can't blame off the alien. Well, at least not that kind of bizarre being.

(We're starting to see some signs that this might happen.)
They'd blame it on the BASED and NOTICERS among us not lapping up their slop
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