Never understood people who go weekly to tan. Actually, I don't understand the appeal of tanning to begin with... you're just killing yourself quicker.
Could you explain what you mean about misdiagnoses being inevitable from your first paragraph? I've heard a few stories about this happening but it often seems more of an issue at certain labs and not's pretty bad that the first lab missed that diagnosis, and definitely justifies some kind of settlement. from a pathology point of view, melanoma can be a really sneaky cancer to diagnose. rare under-diagnoses are an inevitability in the current state of affairs of pathology labs and medicine in general. unfortunately this one shortened or maybe even cost the patient her life.
the problem with melanoma though is that it behaves in sometimes mystifying ways, re-appearing 10 years later as a metastasis after an excision of a low stage tumor. i've seen it myself in residency as a pathologist and seen young people die of it a couple times in medical school. even with a low stage melanoma that was excised with a negative sentinel lymph node, there are still plenty of reports of people with metastases and death from melanoma. in her case she probably at least warranted a wide excision and lymph node biopsy after her original excision though.
even if your accuracy rate is 99.999% there are still going to be 0.001% misdiagnoses. ideally they will be inconsequential but eventually there will be some that are serious like in this case.Could you explain what you mean about misdiagnoses being inevitable from your first paragraph? I've heard a few stories about this happening but it often seems more of an issue at certain labs and not others.
*Watches video*
Shit, I've had 1 major sunburn before I was 18. I was out in the sun in Florida for 1 hour without any suncreen. On the flight home my skin was super sensitive and I was sick to my stomach.
You don't have to lie to them to make them feel better.As a brown man, I do not understand the white obsession with tanning. Seriously guys, being brown ain't all it's cracked up to being.
You don't have to lie to them to make them feel better.
Sad, man.
Cancer is a bastard. Still, had she done some basic things (like wearing SPF30), and if her melanoma hadn't been misdiagnosed as a 16 year-old, there is no thread and no sad story here.
The premise that tanning as a whole is a bad thing is silly. Your body needs sunshine; it's just that too much with out protection can be dangerous. So get a tan, but wear appropriate levels of sun screen and watch the amount of time you're exposed. Don't use this as your excuse to be ghostly.
Don't go bleaching your skin.As a brown man, I do not understand the white obsession with tanning. Seriously guys, being brown ain't all it's cracked up to being.
There's a social perception that white skin is something that needs to be fixed. To be darkened. This belief is probably partially racist in nature.
Stop tanning. White is beautiful.
Asia disagrees with you.anyway, light people want to be dark, dark people want to be light, that's how it is
wow"Up until then, Glenna had never accepted that she might not get well," says Colleen. "Hearing about this other person blew her out of the water. She came home that night, crawled into bed with us, and sobbed."
Find out what to do if you screw up and get a sunburn.
There's a social perception that white skin is something that needs to be fixed. To be darkened. This belief is probably partially racist in nature.
Stop tanning. White is beautiful.
*Watches video*
Shit, I've had 1 major sunburn before I was 18. I was out in the sun in Florida for 1 hour without any suncreen. On the flight home my skin was super sensitive and I was sick to my stomach.
This video has me in a panic. I had some bad sunburns as a kid and have quite a few moles today.
Tans look fucking stupid anyway, on girls at least.
Having white skin is neither being 'pale' nor 'sickly.'Maybe bad tans do but a good tan makes you look healthier and active whereas being pale makes you look like you stay in your house and sickly.
Maybe bad tans do but a good tan makes you look healthier and active whereas being pale makes you look like you stay in your house and sickly.
Everyone gets sun burned. If you have moles just take note if they ever change or get bigger. 99% of moles are fine.
There's a social perception that white skin is something that needs to be fixed. To be darkened. This belief is probably partially racist in nature.
Stop tanning. White is beautiful.
Your body needs sunlight but the point at which you're tanning your skin is too much. You're putting yourself at risk.
Sucks being pale as shit.
even if your accuracy rate is 99.999% there are still going to be 0.001% misdiagnoses. ideally they will be inconsequential but eventually there will be some that are serious like in this case.
in all practices and industries it's not that accidents can happen, it's that they will happen, and people need to have the proper systems set up to correct them and limit them as much as possible. a busier lab practice is likely to have more mistakes simply because there is a greater volume of material to go through. dermatopathology labs are among the busiest specialist labs because of the volume of biopsies that dermatologists take.
Most general practitioners can biopsy a lesion, but dermatologists can look at every lesion you have and probably are more experienced in knowing which ones to biopsy and which ones can be left alone. I'm not sure if you need a referral to see a dermatologist anyways.I don't think any of them have ever changed, but I'm still pretty freaked. There's one on my leg that is slightly raised and I'm most concerned about that one. I'm definitely mentioning this to my doctor.
Does anybody know if general family care doctors usually know anything about this kind of stuff, or should I just go ahead and look for a dermatologist?
I don't think any of them have ever changed, but I'm still pretty freaked. There's one on my leg that is slightly raised and I'm most concerned about that one. I'm definitely mentioning this to my doctor.
Does anybody know if general family care doctors usually know anything about this kind of stuff, or should I just go ahead and look for a dermatologist?
There's a social perception that white skin is something that needs to be fixed. To be darkened. This belief is probably partially racist in nature.
Stop tanning. White is beautiful.
Not at you directly. But why would that be a problem? Is someone not allowed to be proud of their skin colour? There is a clear distinction between let's say...a super pale man who says he loves his skin and is married to a black woman and someone saying that they're proud of their skin and that it's superior. There is nothing wrong with what he said. It's only when it crosses over into the realm of "I'm better" that commentary like that should be trampled on. There is obviously some historical context to all of this though, but I think a slow movement away from analyzing every word someone says would be for the betterment of all humanity. Should no caucasian ever say that they are proud of the contributions of other caucasians or the cultures that they originated from? If we're to say that only minorities can be "proud" whatever that means, society will not move forward at all. Yes, LGBT, womens, disability and minority groups do get a special mention. Because their *are* minorities and their interests must never be put to the majority(Specifically here as caucasian males) but to say that a caucasian male should or could never be proud of who he is simply because of the actions of others is...unfair?say that in public
anyway, light people want to be dark, dark people want to be light, that's how it is
At my university, when the pool at the fitness center opens, there are a ton of people around it. The water is as calm as glass, but the entire pool area is full of people getting tans.
As someone who has a skin condition where I hide it all the time out of embarrassment, it makes me upset and sad that people my age and under would abuse their skin in the way they do...
I had a suspicious mole removed last year but they ran a check on it and it was okay. Now I have an ugly scar instead.
There's a girl at work who is around 25. I don't know her original skin color but she's VERY tanned. Can't be healthy. She'd be a lot prettier if pale too.
Having white skin is neither being 'pale' nor 'sickly.'
Spray tan.Is there any way to get tanned without UV rays? Or is any form of tanning = risk for skin cancer? I've always wondered.
Maybe bad tans do but a good tan makes you look healthier and active whereas being pale makes you look like you stay in your house and sickly.