Find out what to do if you screw up and get a sunburn.
I'm sorry, I chortled when I saw this stuck in the article right after a really emotional point in the reading.
Find out what to do if you screw up and get a sunburn.
Spray tan.
You can also try gradual tanning lotions.
This. So much this.My friends look at me like I'm crazy for putting on sunscreen when we're out in the sun for a while.
No, morons, I'm protecting myself from the sun.
Even if you aren't a tanning bed person I implore you to watch that video at the end and heed the message. Find a trusted friend, your significant other, a family member, or even just a mirror if you have to. Then strip down and check your body for any skin abnormalities.
A lot of skin stuff is easily handled and treatable if you just take the time every few months to just look and make sure you catch stuff early! A few mins say before or after you get out of the shower to check your body could end up being a life saver!
Maybe bad tans do but a good tan makes you look healthier and active whereas being pale makes you look like you stay in your house and sickly.
Guess who.
This must be why a lot of older women here look like leather handbags.
Never understood people who go weekly to tan. Actually, I don't understand the appeal of tanning to begin with... you're just killing yourself quicker.
I don't think the evidence supports that statement.People with dark skin, up to and including people of African origin do also get sunburn and skin cancer. This notion of "I don't need sunscreen" or "Black don't crack" is actually why a larger proportion of people with dark skin end up with melanoma later on in life than people with lighter skin.
I don't know. My Vitamin D levels were in the toilet. Vitamin D isn't actually a vitamin and it plays a ton of vital roles in the human body (and is naturally gotten from UV light). I'm convinced we've gone the opposite direction on this. Human beings need some sun. Even if you're fair skinned, if you lie out a couple times a week for 20 -30 minutes, you can not only build up a decent tan, but you won't burn. And it's the nasty burns that will get you skin cancer. IMO it goes against human evolution to shun the sun. And we've gone there. I live in Florida and it's shocking to see so many kids walking around looking like vampires.
In fact, now that my Vit D levels are good, the sun no longer feels so good. It used to feel like a full body orgasm to lie in the sun (which I'm fairly certain was the body's way of saying "stay the fuck out here. I need this.")
As always, moderation in everything. If you're not someone who works outside, or a kid who's constantly playing outside, the occasional sun tan is a good thing.
I like being pale. Also my parents made me tan at the beach when I was a kid in order to hopefully stop being sick so often, which only resulted in moles (luckily not malign) and nosebleeds (which finally convinced them to stop doing this shit).
Being tan (without overdoing it) makes people look way hotter.
Well worth dying earlier than you would being ugly and pale.
My only experience with this is seeing a clip for the Jersey Shore where an orange guy goes, "I wana do the max. Twice."
I don't understand the fake tanning fad. I think it looks ugly, but now I'm kinda glad that it's also weeding people out.
I used to pick my nose at the beach too.
Seriously though. Vitamin D. Look into it.
Being tan (without overdoing it) makes people look way hotter.
Well worth dying earlier than you would being ugly and pale.
Interesting, I have a link regarding and another study on my PC. I'll try to remember and post it when I can.I don't think the evidence supports that statement.
African Americans have a 20% decreased survival rate from skin cancer compared to Caucasians, but they're far less likely to get melanoma. In fact, problems associated with vitamin D deficiency are suspected to be a much bigger issue in the African American community.
I think some people tan because it makes them look more toned. Which is why body builders go crazy with the fake tan.
Guess who.
Thanks to jakehk for showing me what I'd look like if the Jersey Shore kidnapped me.
Have you considered creating your own OT?
If you are ugly, you are ugly. A tan won't change anything.
Opinions are fun.People always look better tan. If you're ugly and get a tan, it's at least a step in the right direction.
It's art.Is it me or is there a naked ass on this page?
lol, yes there is.Is it me or is there a naked ass on this page?
I don't think the evidence supports that statement.
African Americans have a 20% decreased survival rate from skin cancer compared to Caucasians, but they're far less likely to get melanoma. In fact, problems associated with vitamin D deficiency are suspected to be a much bigger issue in the African American community.
I think some people tan because it makes them look more toned. Which is why body builders go crazy with the fake tan.
They're actually quite a bit worse, because they emit mostly UVA rays, which penetrate deeply and damage the DNA in melanocyte cells. This can lead to melanoma.meh. she could have got just as fucked by regular sunlight. Everyone has known for years that tanning beds are the equivalent of lying in the sun for that many hours. Not sure how this is shocking or interesting.
High five dark skinned brother!You're right. Who am I kidding? Being brown is fucking AWESOME.
Never knew it was more common in males than females. Kind of makes sense, since males are more prone to work outside?I don't think the evidence supports that statement.
African Americans have a 20% decreased survival rate from skin cancer compared to Caucasians, but they're far less likely to get melanoma. In fact, problems associated with vitamin D deficiency are suspected to be a much bigger issue in the African American community.
I think some people tan because it makes them look more toned. Which is why body builders go crazy with the fake tan.
High five dark skinned brother!
Never knew it was more common in males than females. Kind of makes sense, since males are more prone to work outside?
Interesting, I have a link regarding and another study on my PC. I'll try to remember and post it when I can.
Also interesting about this buff business. Might be why people think that black people develop muscle faster and denser. I wonder if there's any truth to it at all.
Maybe bad tans do but a good tan makes you look healthier and active whereas being pale makes you look like you stay in your house and sickly.
No, tanning in general is gross and unhealthy since you cooked your skin.
Pale skin is hot as hell.