People often talk about PC saving money, but honestly, the only reason I haven't jumped on the PC gaming wagon is because for me, it would much more expensive.
GameFly is $12/month for 2 games out. Until I can get all $60 PC games for $6 or less it's way more expensive than console gaming, even if you throw in PS+ or XBL. $150/year to play every physical game at launch is a value PC gaming can't touch.
So yeah, PC gaming isn't always this heaven of money saving some people make it out to be.
Depends on the games you play. By that i mean that if you aren't too picky it is much cheaper to buy on PC. You have every month a humble month 12$ which normally brings 1 "AAA title" +4 great indie titles; there are several bundles every month in which you could get great games for 1$.
A few years ago you could waste 1$ and get Dead Space 3, Dead Space, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Medal of Honor, and Mirror's Edge for origin (this is one of the bundles i'm talking about). A few weeks ago you could get for 1$ Steam keys for Strider, Umbrella Corps and DmC: Devil May Cry. for 6$ you would get Umbrella Corps: Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil HD Remaster, and Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster. There is nothing on console that offers that value.
Also on PC you have strategy games like total war warhammer and europa universalis which after release get FREE content. Crusader kings 2 has been getting DLC and free content for over 5 years, hero siege has been going for 3 years and prison architect still gets some updates. Above all of this you also have mods which for many games will give more content to your favorite games. On console you,normally, buy a game and that is it.
PS+ and XBOX live gold are actually really bad value when compared to PC because of the bundles i mentioned above. They also are needed to play online, on which the PC is free.
Objectively consoles are more expensive than PC unless you play a few select games like call of duty, battlefield, exclusives, etc. If you only play those mainstream AAA games then yes console is better but if you enjoy exploring the medium of the video game industry; the PC gives more games for less money and allows you to interact more with the games you like.