@derfeef: downloaded it from the link and the voiceovers are english if you set your console to english!
Always on vertical sync is pretty taxing, the game can really slow down with it. I think I'll stick to smart. Still, thanks for making it an option, Remedy. <3
Always on vertical sync is pretty taxing, the game can really slow down with it. I think I'll stick to smart. Still, thanks for making it an option, Remedy. <3
How are you guys downloading?
I've been checking the marketplace non-stop and nothing. In Australia by the way, but it's usually up n Wednesday nights.
I've played the first hour and I would agree with this.some impressions from the first 5 minutes:
-looks sharper than alan wake 1.
-alan runs much longer before getting "tired"
-game looks stunning
I've played the first hour and I would agree with this.
It's been a while since I played the original, but you couldn't turn the HUD off could you? In this you can leave it on, or you can set it to fade out or turn it off altogether. The graphics definitely look sharper and with the V sync set to "smart" there's virtually no tearing. With it set to "always" there's none, although it does affect the frame rate when there's a lot going on. Graphically, the only criticism I have is the lip syncing when characters are talking. It still looks terrible, outside of the cut scenes which look great.
It does seem rather easy though. There's plenty of ammo and weapons lying around. There's still that creepy atmosphere, but up to now when I've been attacked I haven't really felt that taxed cos I've had plenty of batteries and ammunition. You'll find various guns in the first few minutes of the game. There are also guns that are in cases that can only be unlocked when you have X amount of manuscript pages, so there's an incentive to go looking around. The new enemy types I've encountered so far are cool.
Other than it seeming a little easy so far, I'd give this 2 thumbs up. If you liked the original game, definitely give this a go. It's one of those XBLA titles where you feel like you're playing a full retail game.
I've played the first hour and I would agree with this.
It's been a while since I played the original, but you couldn't turn the HUD off could you? In this you can leave it on, or you can set it to fade out or turn it off altogether.
What does fading do? Put it out on enemy encounters or specific button presses?
turns out aw:an is 1024x576 -_-
oh well, will be buying this when i get home
The engine has been revised and improved since the original Alan Wake. We have managed to get a lot of optimisations in and among other things the internal rendering resolution has been increased, as well as FXAA anti-aliasing has been added. Alan Wake himself has been completely remodelled in higher detail, and enemies use a completely new animation system. We also have lots of new details like a much cooler (well, in our opinion anyway) Taken effect.
turns out aw:an is 1024x576 -_-
oh well, will be buying this when i get home
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
Is it good?
You forgot to include your Mr. Scratch gif!
I'm strangely excited about this game even though the first one wore out its welcome with me about half way through. Bring it on!