Combovers don't work when there is no hair
aerts1js said:This thread has convinced me to purchase the game.
Good, another faithful joins the fold
aerts1js said:This thread has convinced me to purchase the game.
Totobeni said:This, I can't believe McGee signed with Popcap, and after playing Madness Return, I don't want to see Spicy Horse wasting their talents and time with Browser games or iphone crap, I just Hope this game sells well and McGee and his studio get another chance and money to do another console game.
Krauser Kat said:Really he signed with POPCAP. Fucking Awesome. They have an almost impeccable record with tons of money. Make it accessible, make it fun.
Square Triangle said:Someone said in the Shadows of the Damned thread that Kmart will have this for $35 next week.
Totobeni said:This, I can't believe McGee signed with Popcap, and after playing Madness Return, I don't want to see Spicy Horse wasting their talents and time with Browser games or iphone crap, I just Hope this game sells well and McGee and his studio get another chance and money to do another console game.
As a companion for the framerate fix, I'll go ahead and dump some UE3-specific tweaks. I'm assuming you have a decent computer. Find/change these in AliceEngine.ini file:
Set Min to 1.0-5.0, 16.0 is good for Ideal, and anything higher than 55.0 will be fine (I wouldn't go past 70.0 though). Nicer relief effect follows
Go ahead and change this to 64 or 96. You can go to 128 if you have an X-fi card lol
Look for [TextureStreaming], change everything below to the following:
LOD stuff. Every texture is hi-res, no matter the distance
Find [SystemSettings], first off, here are some postprocessing things that you may or may not like:
If you hate motion blur (I do), go ahead and set these to false
I don't like the DOF effect either, because whenever I stare at something, everything else doesn't get all blurry and out of focus, so change at your preference
Quality stuff:
Make sure AmbientOcclusion is set to true (it usually defaults to true if it detects a good video card). If you want to get a huge speed boost, set it to false
Set DropParticleDistortion to true
AllowD3D10 causes the game to kill itself upon startup, so leave it at false
Put SkeletalMeshLODBias and ParticleLODBias at -2.5
ShadowFilterQualityBias at 20. Why the fuck did you set it to 2147483647 McGee
MaxAnisotropy at 16
MaxMultisamples can be set at 1 to disable AA, or 2, 4, 8, 16 for that many AA samples. If you plan on forcing some crazy edge-detect AA through your video card, leave it at 1
Play around with MinShadowResolution and MaxShadowResolution. Use multiples of 2 (64, 128, 256, etc.) for both, generally something small for Min, large for Max. I'm using 128/1024 on my config
bEnableVSMShadows, bEnableBranchingPCFShadows, bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering, bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing, set all to true
Put ShadowFilterRadius at 1.500000, and ShadowDepthBias at 0.952000
And because it can't hurt, find [SystemSettingsSplitScreen2], and set bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows to true
If you're using a mouse/keyboard, go to AliceInput.ini, set bEnableMouseSmoothing to false. No one uses ball mice anymore, stop defaulting to true Unreal
While you're there, if the camera is too close for your tastes, go to the bottom of [Engine.PlayerInput] and add these
Bindings=(Name="F9",Command="FOV 95",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="FOV 100",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="F12",Command="FOV 105",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Press F9/10/12 for a bigger FOV, see which one is nicest
it should be bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing, there are two of them in the ini so just enable both of them
also set these to true along the way, they give the shadows a softer filter
aerts1js said:This thread has convinced me to purchase the game.
momolicious said:but then again, it doesnt matter how much it sells as spicy horse moved on before the game shipped lol its like american mcgee expected it to not sell good before it shipped
Ceebs said:Maybe it's the area I am in atm but those tweaks did not seem to make much difference. I'll check again when I get to a a more visually interesting area.
Doing this definitely smoothens the gameplay helps reduce Alice Madness Returns crash problems.
disappeared said:I can't say I blame Spicy Horse or McGee. In this industry, a game like Alice is almost unheard of. It took a lot of balls on their behalf (and also EA's) to get this game to shelves.
But good god did it pay off.
Joe Molotov said:Considering how little (read: none) promotion EA did for this game, coupled with the lousy reviews, I can't imagine it's selling that great.
ROBOKITTYZILLA said:Considering the lack of marketing by EA, it's doing pretty good I think. It was #1 on Steam for a while and has been in the top 3 since release. It's in the top 20 PS3 games on and #33 on Xbox 360. Hopefully word of mouth will give this game long legs and not let it die a horrible death like Okami.![]()
Papercuts said:I'm pretty much about to impulse buy this. Don't fail me GAF! Never played the first Alice either.
Joe Molotov said:Considering how little (read: none) promotion EA did for this game, coupled with the lousy reviews, I can't imagine it's selling that great.
I suspect a lot of the lower scores come from comparisons to other modern games. This game was designed like an early to mid 2000 game. Today games are all about instant gratification and stimulation. People need to feel like they're doing something amazingly awesome every 5 minutes. That's probably why platformers in general aren't really made anymore.wwm0nkey said:Ok I have 1 question, how in the fuck did anyone rate this a 6? Game is seriously amazing.
frequency said:I suspect a lot of the lower scores come from comparisons to other modern games. This game was designed like an early to mid 2000 game. Today games are all about instant gratification and stimulation. People need to feel like they're doing something amazingly awesome every 5 minutes. That's probably why platformers in general aren't really made anymore.
The fast paced games of today are too much for me to handle. When there's numbers popping up everywhere and the game insists on telling me how awesome I am doing every 30 seconds while loud and heavy music is blasting in the background, I tend to get overwhelmed. So while this slower-paced, more laid back style of gaming is perfect for me (and many others in this thread it seems), the rest of the gaming populace (and the media) has moved on to Vegas-style in-your-face gaming. I think the reviews reflect that.
frequency said:I suspect a lot of the lower scores come from comparisons to other modern games. This game was designed like an early to mid 2000 game. Today games are all about instant gratification and stimulation. People need to feel like they're doing something amazingly awesome every 5 minutes. That's probably why platformers in general aren't really made anymore.
The fast paced games of today are too much for me to handle. When there's numbers popping up everywhere and the game insists on telling me how awesome I am doing every 30 seconds while loud and heavy music is blasting in the background, I tend to get overwhelmed. So while this slower-paced, more laid back style of gaming is perfect for me (and many others in this thread it seems), the rest of the gaming populace (and the media) has moved on to Vegas-style in-your-face gaming. I think the reviews reflect that.
EDIT: I use the words "game" and "gaming" too much. This post sounds (reads?) silly, but I'm too lazy to fix it.
Risk Breaker said:Can you turn off post-processing in the console versions? I don't like it on the PC :/
disappeared said:I can't say I blame Spicy Horse or McGee. In this industry, a game like Alice is almost unheard of. It took a lot of balls on their behalf (and also EA's) to get this game to shelves.
But good god did it pay off.
FateBreaker said:How did it pay off?
Grisby said:Gonna buy the DLC. I love outfits.
1. Go to where you installed AMR.
2. Enter the "Alice Madness Returns" folder, then "Game", then "Alice2", then "AliceGame", and then finally the "Config" folder.
3. Open the DefaultEngine. ini file in notepad or textpad or whatever means you use to open such files (I simply did right-click -> Edit on Win7).
4. Scroll down to the very bottom and you'll see this:
[AliceGame. AliceGameEngine]
Alice1Path=. . \. . \. . \Alice1\bin
5. Change "FALSE" to "TRUE"
6. Save the newly editted . ini and load Alice. You'll see the option to play AMA (but it won't work, it'll just force-close the game) and, when you go to the [equip] menu, you can select the DLC dresses and weapons (I had to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to switch dresses and weapons, but maybe I just wasn't clicking those arrows correctly and therefore I fail).
BackwardsSuggestions said:On Chapter 4 now. It looks beautiful but it's starting to drag a bit now.
It's not buying the DLC dresses, but Yurt's post a post before yours has details on how to get them for free on the PC.Nishastra said:Is it even possible to buy the DLC dresses on PC now that the "complete collection" is gone?
I looked for a way when I got the game, but didn't find one.
Yes, I know. That's my pointKen said:It's not buying the DLC dresses, but Yurt's post a post before yours has details on how to get them for free on the PC.
jaekwon15 said:Sorry Gaf, but I think you may have hyped this game a bit more than it deserves. It really does play like a game from 2003, and for all the wrong reasons. The complete lack of turn around animation for Alice, lots of pop ups, many invisible walls, and simple gameplay make this a game thats is carried by its art style and not it's refined game play.