Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Dascu said:Because it's EA.
But they gave us Dead Space and a new Alice, why can't we have more of that and less Mass Effect and Battlefield? *cry*
Dascu said:Because it's EA.
Combichristoffersen said:Oh dammit EA, plz plz plz plz plz hire Spicy Horse to make this. If Visceral could make a.. um.. re-imagintion of Dante's Inferno, please let Spicy Horse make Little Red Riding Hood (or at least Alice 3). Why won't you give us more nice things, EA?![]()
But they gave us Dead Space and a new Alice,
border said:I finished this game and then bought the DLC, that is supposed to include new weapons upgrades and dresses -- but I started a New Game+ and I don't see anything. Does anyone know what gives?
Totobeni said:They didn't even gave us Alice 2 that easily, it was EA IP that got the green light by making it under EA Partners Program ( which is not supposed to be for EA IPs iirc) so I think McGee tried hard to take all the funding on himself/studio to even let EA give Alice that 2nd chance.
And now since Spicy Horse is on a contract with Popcap (doing iOS/Web Browser games for two years or so), Little Red Riding Hood/Alice 3 will depend if EA want to break McGee original contract with Popcap and then hire the studio again for another obscure title, so yeah that will not happen.ever.
I really wish Spicy Horse get some good publisher (Take 2/WB/Bethesda hell even Sony or Microsoft) that give McGee money to do whatever he and his team want.
Totobeni said:
Totobeni said:
EchosMyron1 said:If one of their web browser games were more of the Alice 2D platforming levels from chapter 3, I could at least be okay with that. Though they should really make Alice 3, me and my friends still debate about the end of Madness Returns. One of my favorite games this year, easily.
Though they should really make Alice 3
McGee's flickr account December 30 said:![]()
Something Ken Wong and I have been working on for years - a concept built on "Little Red Riding Hood". This image was done by Spicy Horse concept artist Luis Melo.
Still no home for this project - but I continue discussing the idea with publishers. One of these days...
.[/QUOTE]McGee's flickr account March 2 said:![]()
Concept image created by awesome Spicy Horse artists Sonny and Luis - depicts a scene from a game concept I'll be pitching at this year's GDC. If we're lucky an interested publisher will help us move it into production. It's an idea that Ken Wong and I have been toying with for years.
McGee's flickr account January 27 said:![]()
Another "stab" at character concept artwork for "Akaneiro" (our version of the classic Red Riding Hood tale). Set in Japan, featuring a Red who's closer to dead than living. We're working up concept and design around this - as we've been doing for years. Maybe one of these days we'll actually get around to making this concept a reality. Wolves beware.
This image was done by Spicy Horse concept artist SunGuoLiang.
Forsaken82 said:Was that for a Little Red Riding Hood game or for the Grimm shorts they were making?
Anticitizen One said:Any word on how well it sold? Is an Alice 3 still a possibility? I really want a 3rd game so that they can bring back boss fights and use more of the lore in creative ways.
Totobeni said:Yeah, but I think Popcap don't want that sort of games.
Yes that ending was crazy and we really need Alice 3, but McGee was really into making a full Little Red Riding project even before and after Akaneiro and during Madness Return development.
I just reached Wonderland (so I'm barely 10 minutes into the game) and I must say that I love the art direction. The faintly ominous music box-esque ambient music is a great touch, too.
How's the PhysX implementation in this game? I set it to "High", but I have a feeling it's primarily used for the hair physics and little else.
GuiltybyAssociation said:It's pretty, but can be taxing, particularly with the pepper grinder. Best use of it is with her hair and clothes imo.
EchosMyron1 said:It's used for a lot of things. The hair actually works with it off/ on low. A lot of people found it to noticeably reduce the frame-rate, but I dunno, everything worked fine for me on my 570SC.
GuiltybyAssociation said:It's pretty, but can be taxing, particularly with the pepper grinder. Best use of it is with her hair and clothes imo.
Combichristoffersen said:Everytime I see a shitty brown military shooter get glowing reviews and insane sales, while Alice 2 sits alone and forgotten in the corner, my heart weeps
jim-jam bongs said:Beware, friend. Down this path lies bitterness and disappointment, as well as all of your loved ones abandoning you, because you've become one of "those guys" who always complains that the current popular thing not being as good as some obscure thing barely anyone has ever heard of.
I'm already there, feels good man. Damn Dirty Apes can keep their cawadoody.jim-jam bongs said:Beware, friend. Down this path lies bitterness and disappointment, as well as all of your loved ones abandoning you, because you've become one of "those guys" who always complains that the current popular thing not being as good as some obscure thing barely anyone has ever heard of.
Gvaz said:I'm already there, feels good man. Damn Dirty Apes can keep their cawadoody.
Anyways, how long is this game? I saw a bit of it (up to the vorpal blade) and it looks nice and seems like a pretty competent if not overly linear adventure/platformer. Is that accurate?
Gvaz said:I'm already there, feels good man. Damn Dirty Apes can keep their cawadoody.
Anyways, how long is this game? I saw a bit of it (up to the vorpal blade) and it looks nice and seems like a pretty competent if not overly linear adventure/platformer. Is that accurate?
Combichristoffersen said:It's overall very good. My only real complaints are that chapter 3 is by far too long, chapter 5 could've been a tad shorter, and that doll head minigame is infuriating shit. The lack of bosses (besides the final boss) is also a valid complaint, but it didn't really bother me all that much.
It's a linear game, but it does encourage exploring the levels in order to find bonus stuff. I'd definitely recommend you to get it.
no you aren't. it's way better than the minigame in chapter 2. way way better.EchosMyron1 said:I must be the only one who actually loved the rolling doll head mini game. My second favorite after thein chapter 3.2D platforming sections
plagiarize said:no you aren't. it's way better than the minigame in chapter 2. way way better.
fifteen hours was about what i put in.
Combichristoffersen said:Are you thinking of the minigame with the ship? That was the only minigame I liked, and it wasn't even all that great :lol
Snuggler said:I think he's referring to the awful Guitar Hero-QTE minigame, but maybe we're thinking of the same thing. I hated it, but at least it was skipable.
Shrinking just reveals invisible platforms. They are there even when you're normal.Gvaz said:So this game seems pretty decent. I went into the settings and cranked what I could and it looks pretty good. Also changed the config to max at 60 not 30, cause fuck that.
Any way to turn off Physx? I have an AMD system so it's causing some decent fps drops once in a while. Otherwise it's buttery at 60 with vsync drops to 30 at times.
Gameplay seems sound, jumping stuff feels a little shallow but interesting.
Do I have to shrink in order to jump on invisible platforms? Cause Jump ->hit shrink as fast as you can is what I was doing and I kind of hate it, to the point I don't bother with them unless I have to. If I could just shrink to reveal and check my path that would be cooler.
Gvaz said:Do I have to shrink in order to jump on invisible platforms? Cause Jump ->hit shrink as fast as you can is what I was doing and I kind of hate it, to the point I don't bother with them unless I have to. If I could just shrink to reveal and check my path that would be cooler.
Combichristoffersen said:I'm already there, my good man![]()
It only goes to LOWSnuggler said:you should be able to disable Phsyx in the options
Nope, there's still goo but it doesn't really move when you walk on it, a couple butterflies here and there, smoke here and there but doesn't stay long at all.TheExodu5 said:Low is effectively off. Removes all the volumetric smoke and butterflies and goo, IIRC.
Use D3DOverrider and force triple buffering to minimize fps drops.
Heavy said:OMG this game! What a refreshing experience... I just started and have been wandering around in the first time to Wonderland and am in awe at the art style, the atmosphere, the gorgeous colors and environment, and the gameplay seems very solid to boot. Also loved the whole intro and the comic bookish cut scenes. I read the "Past Matters" info in the Extra Content menu to get a little back story and am now fully immersed lol.
I really think I'm done with military shooters. I was so hyped for Battlefield 3 and then the beta came along and I started playing it and was just so bored and underwhelmed. Played like 2 or 3 rounds total before uninstalling it. It's a well-made game of course but it's the same thing we've been playing for so many years now. I felt lost and insignificant in that enormous 64-player Caspian Border map. I was thinking the whole time like... "What's the point of this? What's the end goal here? Why is this not fun for me anymore?"
Anyway, I'm so happy I bought Alice. Got it for about 20 bucks after using a 40% off coupon and I feel bad for not buying it earlier.
Look at this character and how awesome she is. One of the coolest looking video game characters I've seen in a while and it's just the beginning of this game...
[img ][/img]
[img ][/img]
I'll have to read the book! I definitely want to now. I probably did when I was younger but it was so long ago.Vulcano's assistant said:Is always good to see that they make homage to the original John Tenniel's artstyle in the book.
Heavy said:I'll have to read the book! I definitely want to now. I probably did when I was younger but it was so long ago.
Man, I'm still in Chapter 1 and put about 2 hours into it so far and am really loving it. How could anyone give this game a bad score? We're flooded with military shooters and yearly sequels of the same stuff and you give this game a 6/10? The gameplay and presentation are great so I'm not saying that just due to the awesome art style and setting - the core game is good.
Totobeni said:Glad to see more Gaffers liking the game, it warms my heart.
And just wait till you hit the other chapters..and the amazing Chapter 5 and chapter 4 and that first section of it.
..oh DAT section.
Also keep your eyes looking for the Easter Eggs.
Why would you do that? said:So I decided I will finally get this game, thanks to Toys R Us's sale.
I know I've asked before, but that was a while back... Should I get the PS3 or PC version? For me, PS3 = big TV, comfy couch, and controller, but from what I understand, no cool physics. Is the PC version significantly better in any way?
Why would you do that? said:Well I don't care too much about graphics, but it is something I'll consider. It turns out Toys R Us only has the PC version anyway, so I might be forced to get that anyway. lol
RadioHeadAche said:I thought chapter five dragged on a bit towards the end. Chapter four, on the other hand was fantastic.