Unconfirmed Member
You probably did it when he was too close. If you get him from far enough he'll back off. I was able to do it twice in the part where you must go into the vents.Wait, really? Every time I've blasted him with it, he just ignores it and instakills me instead. How?
I am well aware of how the save system works (or in this case, does not work) in this game. I said it would be better if it wasn't for the lack of a checkpoint system, which is a system that we both agree doesn't actually exist in this game. Implementing only a manual save system is, to put it bluntly, a shitty idea. It doesn't impact the scares or the tension of the game, it only serves to annoy the player when or if they are killed because they have to then re-do the progress between their last manual save and where they died. If anything, it dulls the tension because you are more often than not just going to rush or move faster to recover that lost progress.
It's really just a waste of time, made even worse if you happen to miss a save point.
What's weird is that people are often saying they die with most of their deaths being very cheap ones that happen often. It's definitely good to see people experience it otherwise in this thread.
does the Last Survivor DLC come with all versions of the game (if pre-ordered)?
i thought Crew Expendable was the only DLC that came with the game. gotta get that OP finished!
Complete opposite to everything else I have read on GAFThe only thing that disappoints me about that game is that it's just not that scary. Experienced the first real encounter with the Alien and although I was a bit tense at first, it quickly dissipated.
My God the framerate during the cutscenes on PS4 are horrible.
Who here got this game via AMD rewards? my code is still not release!
i cant believe they got the whole cast back for the DLC! i thought a few weren't doing it, but i was just looking it up and it looks like they are all there.
Yeah I first noticed this on the 360 version and just put it done to the ageing system but the XB1 version has the exact same issues, it's very weird isn't its sort of jerky like and just look bad I wonder what the reSon behind it is.
Has anyone else noticed that the lip sync is way out too??
1979 man.
Complete opposite to everything else I have read on GAF![]()
I got mine. Never got an email, though. Had to go straight to the site.Who here got this game via AMD rewards? my code is still not release!
I'm kinda curious to know what type of settings people are playing in. I got my living room as dark as possible and threw on some beyerdynamic cans while I was playing and it definitely got my heart rate up.
Will do the same. I am scared of the thought already.
I'm not sure but I believe The Last Survivor is a pre order bonus from certain retailers (like gamestop US and game UK).
If you pre order the game directly from Steam, PSN or Live you will only get the Crew Expendable DLC, but if you pre ordered from one of those retailers you will get both.
CA said that they will make both DLCs available later (at a price).
i cant believe they got the whole cast back for the DLC! i thought a few weren't doing it, but i was just looking it up and it looks like they are all there.
Complete opposite to everything else I have read on GAF![]()
I think coming right off of Silent Hill 3 prepared me for it. Feels natural.I guess people have gotten too comfortable with their video game doing everything for them, like checkpoints and constant automatic saving.
Yes. I got snatched real fast.Wait, the Xeno can actually get you on the firsttram?
Crisis over people, I finally got 1 of my 2 Alien Isolation Steam Keys.
Must be just pushing out to people over time I guess. Still waiting on 1 key.
Guy's I'm a serious pussy when it comes to this sort of shit, I just jumped during gameplay when the Alien came out of the vent and my missus just sat there like nothing happened.
This game may take me 5 years to finish, that's if I don't totally bitch out about it.
The only thing that disappoints me about that game is that it's just not that scary. Experienced the first real encounter with the Alien and although I was a bit tense at first, it quickly dissipated.
Me too. I've never finished Dead Space for exampleGuy's I'm a serious pussy when it comes to this sort of shit, I just jumped during gameplay when the Alien came out of the vent and my missus just sat there like nothing happened.
This game may take me 5 years to finish, that's if I don't totally bitch out about it.
People are complaining that it's not scary? What?
Do you guys have a good speaker system or pair of headphones? Rocking my Sennheiser 598 with an amp, just the sound alone makes me freak out.
Absolutely, it reminds me of Dead Space 1's sound design which was quite good too.The sound design is so good. It's such a joy to listen to and lose yourself in.
Still in intro territory. I like it so far, but they went the wrong fucking direction with the narrative already, in my opinion. The entire thing should be first person, greater emphasis on logs, less cheaply animated plastic people, and worst of all the Xeno first properly introduced via. I get they want to tell a story but so far it's really not very interesting and the cutscenes are jarring when the game thrives from immersing you in a first person perspective.a pre-rendered cutscene
Still in intro territory. I like it so far, but they went the wrong fucking direction with the narrative already, in my opinion. The entire thing should be first person, greater emphasis on logs, less cheaply animated plastic people, and worst of all the Xeno first properly introduced via. I get they want to tell a story but so far it's really not very interesting and the cutscenes are jarring when the game thrives from immersing you in a first person perspective.a pre-rendered cutscene
EDIT: is hittont guys from behind ever a feasible option? Already stuck on the first real stealth room.
You are downloading fast, lol
I was stuck there for several deaths. Here's what I did to avoid further dying:
- Go in and after the woman shoots at you and runs away, don't pick up the hacking device. Once you pick it up it'll trigger the gang to return.
- Check your surroundings and pick any items. Get an idea of the area.
- pick up the hacking device, run upstairs (I went left, they come from right)
- Sneak up on people from behind
- Hit twice with wrench
- *repeat*