Did this game bomb on pc only 7k playing?
Is my ps4 fucked or do the cutscenes run at REALLY low frame rates? Like... 15-20ish?
Anyone go to a midnight release?
I had gotten so wrapped up in Destiny I had totally forgotten that this game was out so soon.
I desperately hope it's good. I've always, always preferred the Alien style of things over Aliens (though I like them both). This is the Alien franchise game I've been waiting for. If Isolation is scary, unpredictable and has a remotely good story I'll be very happy.
Middle of the day with a lot of us at work/school still.
I posted yesterday that I know of at least two Gamestops here that had midnight releases, so either pre-orders were strong for Alien or the NBA release (or a combo of both).
Anyone go to a midnight release?
After everyone saying that the first Alien encounter in the main story was a slow burn, I decided to wait until tonight to tackle the story and just play a little bit of Crew Expendable last night.
I didn't get far at all but opening the door to MU-TH-UR 6000 hearing those beeping noises made me giddy like a little boy on Christmas morning.
Don't have a next gen system. PS3 version good enough?
I've been watching a few twich streams and I can safely say this is the Alien game I've been waiting for. I was a big big fan of ZombiU and I like that I'm seeing many of those same elements in Isolation. I would get it on the PS3 but I'm going to black friday a PS4 so I can get a better experience. This game is my wet dream.
I'd like to know this as well. I'd hate to wait. If the PS3 version is pretty close I may just get that.
After everyone saying that the first Alien encounter in the main story was a slow burn, I decided to wait until tonight to tackle the story and just play a little bit of Crew Expendable last night.
I didn't get far at all but opening the door to MU-TH-UR 6000 hearing those beeping noises made me giddy like a little boy on Christmas morning.
I had a question. Why cant you kill the alien with a gun or flamethrower? They did it a ton in Aliens.
man, I felt like a scrub during theI died around nine times.first stealth section
So far I've had two cutscenes and both of them have had it :/I think people were saying it was just the first cutscenes that did that.
how are the original voice actors? I bet they sound a bit different.
how are the original voice actors? I bet they sound a bit different.
Has anyone played the Nostromo content yet?
How is Crew Expendable DLC?
AI on normal I feel is a bit easy. Switching to hard.
Would playing on easy limit trial & error while maintaining the sense of immersion? I'm thinking about picking this up later tonight, and it'd go a long way to seeling my decision.
Not too far in but wow they naked the atmosphere. The presentation is spot on.
Yes. The voice acting is superb.
Not too far in but wow they naked the atmosphere. The presentation is spot on.
I was hesitant to turn on head tracking but its amazing. Tracks really well, even from 10 feet away and with me leaning to one side. Very cool.
Wait, what now?
Pre Alien Isolation hype got me in to Alien & Predator movies marathon and here is my list
1-Aliens (One of the best movies of all time)
2-Predator (You cannot go wrong with the cast)
3-Alien (Birth of Survival Horror)
4-Alien vs Predator (Blade's mother rocks and cheered for the Predators)
5-Predator 2 (Much better Predator designs than the first one)
6-Predators (It should have been much better)
7-Alien: Resurrection (Christie's Assassins Creed style double pistols)
8-Alien 3 (The first time I've watched it)
9-AVP Requiem (It was bad at cinema and even worse on Blu-Ray as it is all dark)