I'm now playing with the music off. The score is very well done, but I prefer all the tension to come from the game environment itself. So far I'm not regretting it.
That was good. I'm glad I didn't play Colonial Marines.Ha! CAD did a pretty good one today:
How's the sound in this game? Good?
Specifically headphones and surround sound speaker setups. (positional audio)
It can!Yep. All of that in spades.The first time I got onto the transport, I didn't know what to press to get moving. So I lingered for a few seconds, then turned around to see it coming in the door at speed. No no no no no no no dead. So good.
So for the people who've played the game and who are already familiar with the history of Alien video games, this is pretty much the definitive Alien video game, wouldn't you say?
Is the framerate different for cutscenes (PS4)? There was something about the presentation bothering me when I started it last night, but only in that first cutscene. Gameplay was fine.
That was good. I'm glad I didn't play Colonial Marines.
I got to the alien reveal last night and freaked out while waiting for the. Got to the save point and just could not continue.slow as hell tram
That was good. I'm glad I didn't play Colonial Marines.
need some advice.
ISOLATION or SHADOW OF MORDOR? only have the $$ for one :/
No way! This whole time I wasn't too afraid because I spoiled the first appearance of the alien for myself and didn't think I'd be in danger until then. I wonder where else it can kill you.
need some advice.
ISOLATION or SHADOW OF MORDOR? only have the $$ for one :/
need some advice.
ISOLATION or SHADOW OF MORDOR? only have the $$ for one :/
Guys the atmosphere in this game is intense. I'm not going to pretend like I'm a horror aficionado by any means but this game so far feels Dead Space 1 kind of intense/constantly-on-edge. I'm not far into the game yet butI'm past Axel's death and I got to the first full on reveal of the Alien. Can the Alien actually come out and kill you when you're waiting for the tram after Axel dies? I could hear it off in the distance and I just hid and stood still because I was fucking terrified.
Yes it can. Pretty much the alien can show up whenever it wants after you get past its initial reveal.
Yes it can. Pretty much the alien can show up whenever it wants after you get past its initial reveal.
Reading this actually gave me goosebumps becauseafter the Axel death there were a couple of instances where I swore I heard a distant hiss or something and thought it was scripted noise just trying to mess with me
Oh god, shit just got real.
How the hell am I suppose to finish the game now.![]()
Might have misunderstood where you were talking about so just to be clearare you talking about after Axel gets pulled into the vent or after it is revealed a bit later with the cutscene and "Pefect Organism" achievement spot? It can only start showing up after that full on reveal in the cutscene.
Might have misunderstood where you were talking about so just to be clearare you talking about after Axel gets pulled into the vent or after it is revealed a bit later with the cutscene and "Pefect Organism" achievement spot? It can only start showing up after that full on reveal in the cutscene where ripley hides under the desk.
Is it okay to play the Nostromo DLC before the main game or do you guys recommend me playing it after I finished it?
Play the main campaign first. Nostromo throws you right into the thick of it and you will have no idea what you are doing when it comes to encounters with the Alien.
Damn this game is good!! GOTY for me so far.
I am getting the same feels I got the first time I played System Shock2.
Are there more scripted events where the Xeno comes out other than the first two?
A'ight! Thanks!
Now, I can't seem to find where to play the Nostromo DLC. Activated my code on steam, booted the game up but I haven't seen the option to play that DLC.
I don't remember the menu structure but after you press start and go to play game you should get the option for Alien Isolation / Crew Expendable
You're going to miss a TON of callbacks, especially to the first movie.If I've never seen an alien movie will I still enjoy the game?
I actually thought that they take about as much punishment asAnyone else think the synthetics are a bit to strong compared to what we've seen of them in the movies?, i know its a game, but i really think they can take far to much punishment - when hitting them with the hammer, it feels like I'm attacking with mallet's mallet and not a big metal thing.
Played some more yesterday on my PC.
It's official -- this game has the best lighting of any game to date. The volume lighting is simply amazing! Game also has some of the best SSS shaders I've seen on in-game characters (not just cut scenes). Only Shadow of Mordor can match but even then, the Orcs don't have SSS when you are just walking around and fighting. Maybe that's why the game is only 30FPS on the consoles.
"Goddamn it Alien, I just want to search for candy bars in toilets! Geez."Yes, it's all there for you to explore, if you dare![]()
I used to do that, now I just wait. crouch walking doesn't stop the Alien from magically knowing where you are and following you through the ducts, so I stopped bothering. I do still crouch walk around hostile humans and androids though.Crouch walking. The game.
Not that I mind it though. Game oozes atmosphere out of its pores.
"Goddamn it Alien, I just want to search for candy bars in toilets! Geez."
yes, the framerates off a little in cutscenes on x1 and ps4 unfortunately.
I'm constantly on the move and I've been pretty sucessful. I guess all those years of playing Splinter Cell and such has made me an aggressive stealth gamer.I used to do that, now I just wait. crouch walking doesn't stop the Alien from magically knowing where you are and following you through the ducts, so I stopped bothering. I do still crouch walk around hostile humans and androids though.
Oh yeah, definitely. My issue is that at close distances the Alien is so unpredictable that I'd rather not stay out in the open in case he decided to turn around or whatever, and from safer distances he can't hear me walking, so I just walk.I'm constantly on the move and I've been pretty sucessful. I guess all those years of playing Splinter Cell and such has made me an aggressive stealth gamer.