Sniper McBlaze
Yup! Her mom was an a big actress in her time, too.
Inglis when she was young:
Haha, stop the bs.
Yup! Her mom was an a big actress in her time, too.
Inglis when she was young:
Not even close. Trophies go up to chapter 17 if i'm not mistakenI just finished mission 4 which is...halfway through I think?
Damn cheapest death ever in chapter 4.Got past the working joes on ly way to the train. Running as i was spotted, so i didnt bother saving beforz the elevator. (Too fucking stressed out). I was in the clear when out of nowhere the alien grabs me from a vent. No warning at all. Frustrating as hell
Not even close. Trophies go up to chapter 17 if i'm not mistaken
If games would petfectly mimic real life, where would the fun be? It was a sequence that could've used a introduction. Wouldn't have minded it happening if it was later on when it was pzrfectly clear the alien us always a factor. In chapter 4, the darn thing hasn't really been introduced jet.Well, if that happened in real life you wouldn't get a warning, Aliens are the perfect killing machine, silet and deadly.
This is Inglis:
So, invest in a pair of headphones if I get this?
Lol this was just asked word for word,Anyone know her name? For science?
This is scarier than the game what the hell is wrong with her body?
Anyone know her name? For science?
Not trying to be a dick but you can google images you know
Wait, the motion tracker comes through the Dual Shock 4 speaker?! PS4 purchase confirmed. I eat that kind of extra immersion stuff up.
Synthetics scare the living crap out of me, they make me so uncomfortable it's hard to articulate. Their composure unsettles me greatly, the station is falling apart and they are repeating their lines, when they attack you they're so cold. I simply coudn't complete some tasks while they were around, I HAD to take them down (especially in the. No way I could focus on anything knowing they could spot me.reactor core room
In comparison the Necromorph isn't that frightening and is even pretty dumb (playing at medium setting). It's easy to send him check another area with the noise maker, sometimes he couldn't even spot me while I was standing 5-6 feet away from it.
It becomes even less intimadating when you acquire the flamethrower, in retrospect this weapon destroys the tension and should not have been there. It makes it way too easy to avoid the alien for a little while.
I finished the game after 22 hours and 39 achievements. I can honestly say this is one of the very best games I've ever played. I'm not well versed in the survival genre so I will refrain from comparing it to the pantheon but I found it to be superior to the three Dead Space games (which needless to say I've played to completion).
Alien always seems to find me. Even if I'm out of sight, it always seems to be in my area and eventually find me under a table. May need to go to normal instead of hard. Feels cheap, honestly.
Synthetics scare the living crap out of me, they make me so uncomfortable it's hard to articulate. Their composure unsettles me greatly, the station is falling apart and they are repeating their lines as if the situation was not unusual, when they attack you they're so cold. I simply coudn't complete some tasks while they were around, I HAD to take them down (especially in the. No way I could focus on anything knowing they could spot me.reactor core room
In comparison the Necromorph isn't that frightening and is even pretty dumb (playing at medium setting). It's easy to send him check another area with the noise maker, sometimes he couldn't even spot me while I was standing 5-6 feet away from it.
It becomes even less intimadating when you acquire the flamethrower, in retrospect this weapon destroys the tension and should not have been there. It makes it way too easy to avoid the alien for a little while.
I finished the game after 22 hours and 39 achievements. I can honestly say this is one of the very best games I've ever played. I'm not well versed in the survival genre so I will refrain from comparing it to the pantheon but I found it to be superior to the three Dead Space games (which needless to say I've played to completion).
lol someone took a photo of a photo from a weird top-down angle.
tried to fix it a bit:
I feel uncomfortable talking about the ending, I won't even tempt you with spoiler tags. Just know that this is a satisfying ending which does not ruin everything the player has the ending satisfying or does it set up for another game?
You can PM me of you dont feel like posting it.
For the record I highly regard Dead Space 1 and 2. They're very polished experiences but in my opinion Alien Isolation is even superior because of its fantastic pacing and nearly unrivaled attention to detail (IMO only Batman Arkham Asylum, Bioshock/Infinite and Deus Ex Human Revolution come close).Damnit..... If you think it's better than dead space 2. Now I need to get it. I'm so on the fence but this now pushed me over.
The waypoint is the little green bar around the border of the motion tracker display that acts like a compass if you stand in one place and start spinning around in circles. (Try not to do this while the Xeno is chasing you.)Keep dying from the Alien in chapter 5....I hate when they show the objective on the map but its a place you didnt go yet,so on top of avoiding the Alien you have to find the correct route,,,and I am still not 100% sure what the tracker is showing me...there's a big 1/4 bar that moves around the radar when you turn and theres also the small line thats mostly on the to part that moves also...which one is the waypoint...?
Alien always seems to find me. Even if I'm out of sight, it always seems to be in my area and eventually find me under a table. May need to go to normal instead of hard. Feels cheap, honestly.
At times it also seems to be teleporting around and yeah it likes to patrol the area you to need to traverse. =/
So far I've not been detected under tables and in lockers, how long are you hiding there?
This is scarier than the game what the hell is wrong with her body?
Keep dying from the Alien in chapter 5....I hate when they show the objective on the map but its a place you didnt go yet,so on top of avoiding the Alien you have to find the correct route,,,and I am still not 100% sure what the tracker is showing me...there's a big 1/4 bar that moves around the radar when you turn and theres also the small line thats mostly on the to part that moves also...which one is the waypoint...?
Yep I've been playing on normal and it feels just right. The alien seems really smart and sensitive to noise, but not frustratingly so. Only died a few times in 6 hours. Hard sounds way to unforgiving.
The flamethrower
You can't kill the Alien with it, but god damnit, I feel fearless now. I once hit the fucker with it and he went away running. Next time he showed up in front of me he stayed put looking at my flamethrower and walked slowly towards me, but I still fired and he still ran.
Superb really. This game is a masterpiece
Man this is my GOTY so far. Nothing else has immersed me so much. It has its faults but in willing to deal with them cause I love the game so much.
Is anyone else struggling with whether to wait and get a PS4 with Alien or just bite the bullet and get the inferior PS3 version? I'm on the edge of getting the PS3 one but I recognize that if I just get a PS4 then I'll also be set for Evil Within and Outlast (something I've been dying to play).