I couldn't fucking believe that we end up going to a hive! And it looks even better than the one from Aliens visually, and so far it's interesting because there doesn't seem to be a queen which implies Egg Morphing ala Alien

C unless the queen shows up at the end. Fun thing to point out is how the design of the eggs and the facehuggers themselves are movie accurate, right down to the creepy triple split rape tentacles, and not Aliens accurate but Accurate to the ones you'd see from the Derelict or expect from the original Alien. And yes, there are subtle differences in the designs between the various Facehuggers and Eggs used through the series. Alien had the best overall design for both the creature and the parasite, also holy shit fuck those facehuggers in the hive! They caught me unawares several times, even though I managed to burn them and even shot one before it almost got me and it splattered me with acid. Although once I died to the Alien, I reloaded just to see what would happen if you got facehugged, kind of a ritualistic thing I do with these games. It's gross and the noises they make are horrible, as are the noises the hive walls seem to make... it's like walking inside of a vagina or something if that makes sense. Graphically, I've never seen an Alien game look or play this good...ever.