As someone who loved Alien, Aliens and Prometheus, but hasn't really played any alien games, how likely am I to love this game?
Trying to hold off buying it until I finish Shadow of Mordor and Metro, but not sure that I can.
Bravo Creative Assembly, Bravo.
Well, you've done what many thought impossible. You've created an instalment in the franchise that stands as arguably better than any of the film sequels. I mean sure, Aliens was great, but it wasn't exactly a tonal masterpiece, rather a solid popcorn action flick with an interesting expansion on the Xenomorph life cycle. Everything about Alien: Isolation (so far - been playing it for 2 day but still haven't finished it yet) is just perfect. The alien is convincing and terrifying, the game mechanics are all extremely fine tuned, and it's mind boggling that it has taken an art style heavily rooted in the late seventies to show just what the new gen of consoles are capable of visually. The music and sound design are utterly breathtaking. In summary: Thank you, Creative Assembly, for finally giving a film masterpiece the game that it deserves. If you don't rack up the awards for this then there is just no justice in the world.
It's the best Alien-related product in a good long while.As someone who loved Alien, Aliens and Prometheus, but hasn't really played any alien games, how likely am I to love this game?
Trying to hold off buying it until I finish Shadow of Mordor and Metro, but not sure that I can.
As someone who loved Alien, Aliens and Prometheus, but hasn't really played any alien games, how likely am I to love this game?
Trying to hold off buying it until I finish Shadow of Mordor and Metro, but not sure that I can.
whoever started seeding this idea around the community is out of their god damn minds
It's you suffocating. To leave that, you have to let go of both rmb and s. When it's safe ofcourse.
first and got annoyed with it, and the hideous facial animation and stuttering cut scenes at the beginning of the main game kinda put me off. Until I listened to GAF, rewatched Alien and wore some headphones.
As soon as I put my headphones on, everything changed. The sound design and audio in this game is second to none, and so important to being a survivor. Being able to hear every little sound and footstep just enhances the experience tenfold, and feels essential. You even can hear your shoes squeak as you pivot, hear the pipes rattle and vents blast out air. Every desolate noise on Sevestapol serves a purpose. When it came to escaping a group of human NPCs, it was made much more realistic and intense just listening to them talk to each other as a I hid.
Exploring the ship is tense, interesting and intriguing. The aesthetics are lovingly crafted and really capture the vibe of the film. The beginning of the game really eases you into the mechanics and I'm now nearing the infamous medical bay section. Overall, for anyone on the fence, I'd say jump in because you really do have a great experience waiting for you.
GAF, despite the imperfections, I think this shit might just be one of the boldest games I've played in a long, long time. I'm so glad that this game exists, and it may just be the best Alien game ever.
Isn't the DLC just the movie ending but in playable form?
DAMMMMMIITT! It got the jump on me from a damn vent.
and I feel the Joes ruin the game a little bit. Why must they be hostile.
I really want to enjoy this game, but I'm literally at the first point in the game where there are roaming enemies and I find it needlessly, pointlessly frustrating. I've died about five times on the first room (where you pick up the Security Tuner) and I'm really rapidly losing interest in progressing.
It gets much, much better and far less rigid when the alien shows up. Those early segments are indeed frustrating, though.
It gets much, much better and far less rigid when the alien shows up. Those early segments are indeed frustrating, though.
I am rapidly beginning to see why reviewers complained about the AI.
I don't know how this idea seeped into the discussion surrounding this game, but please save yourself the anguish and let the actual game teach you how to play properly
I really want to enjoy this game, but I'm literally at the first point in the game where there are roaming enemies and I find it needlessly, pointlessly frustrating. I've died about five times on the first room (where you pick up the Security Tuner) and I'm really rapidly losing interest in progressing.
I mean they can see you from across the entire room (and it's a big room) and kill you with pinpoint accuracy in two or three shots. I tried distracting them with flares and stuff but it still didn't work.
I am rapidly beginning to see why reviewers complained about the AI.
I don't know how this idea seeped into the discussion surrounding this game, but please save yourself the anguish and let the actual game teach you how to play properly
I had a similar issue. Just bump it down to normal. I didn't feel like spending 3 hours figuring out how to lure every one of the humans out of the room just right. Maybe if I went back now and tried it again I'd handle it better, but yeah. I had more trouble with that first human encounter than anything else in the game so far and I'm probably more than halfway through.
I guess I'm supposed to just lead them all out of the room one by one and butcher them with the wrench?
I'm not sure how this made it past the very first ever design meeting to be honest.
Worst bit of the game for me because whenever I tried to do it "right" there was a guy right by the exit that was always facing the way I was going.
The way I did it:Trigger he fleeing. Explore area, get ID tag behind desk, get items and such. Grab the hacker to trigger the group. get your ass up the stairs on the side the come from. Hide behind the box that they walk past. Wait for all three to go past. Move a little bit/peek so you can seer the guy that stays by the door. Wait for him to turn his back and go up tot he room. Sneak past to the stairwell.
Very easy to do it that way as I had so many failed attempts trying to be smart and use the bypass things to set off speakers and cause distractions (none worked) and I kept getting caught or not seeing an opening to get to the stairwell either route (walkway or by the room).
I turned the difficulty down after maybe the third time I got killed.
I think I made a mistake by leaving the room down the steps I came in from. I have to go back up into the room and as soon as I enter it I get spotted and shot by one of the guys on the balcony and shot again.
I guess I'm supposed to just lead them all out of the room one by one and butcher them with the wrench?
I'm not sure how this made it past the very first ever design meeting to be honest.
This one scenario has spawned at least 3 possible solutions in this thread alone, and you're coming up with a potential (yet super-challenging) 4th.
I don't know if that necessarily makes it a bad thing.
godelsmetric, call for the alien and use it to kill the human opponents. I admit, I did that on two occasions - I'm a terrible person![]()
Some flying around with a controller and input disabled + some effects like color tint and DoF.
Good lord. Hattiwatti, the author of the BF4 Cinematic Tools, is creating something for Alien Isolation.
The true Alien Isolation begins there. Or at least I felt like it was, more so then the security tuner part.Oh great, aMedical Area
Nothing will surely go wrong here. But man does this area look good.
This will do for tonight. Will move forward tomorrow.
Yes.Does the Rewire thing all? Seems utterly pointless so far.
Does the Rewire thing all? Seems utterly pointless so far.
Yeah, you can get an area smokey, turn off nearby camera, create noises as a distraction.
Well I'm definitely in a better position this time than I was last time. At least for the next seventeen attempts I know that I have to go upstairs.
[edit] I got killed again.
Once you have the hack tool just go up the stairs they come down (before they come down) hide behind the box and right against the wall so they go past you then just sneak past the last guy at the far end of the walk way (by the objective door). Wait a bit and he'll turn around and go into the loungy room that is up the little steps. It's a straight shot to the door. Just be sure to crouch and not walk or run.
(I was playing on medium when I did this)
Well I'm definitely in a better position this time than I was last time. At least for the next seventeen attempts I know that I have to go upstairs.
[edit] I got killed again.
Does the Rewire thing all? Seems utterly pointless so far.
Well I'm definitely in a better position this time than I was last time. At least for the next seventeen attempts I know that I have to go upstairs.
[edit] I got killed again.
Basically what I did was trigger her and went back down the stairs until she runs off. Loot everything in the room, pick up the hacker, and go up the stairs to your left if you're facing the hacking tool. I basically just crouch walked along the balcony as quickly as possible, got to the room, sneaked behind the guy that patrols there, and through the door. Speed is important because I tried it after they had been in the room and it did not work as easily.
One of my favorite moments came when one of my friends was playing. He was walking around and saw some drool coming from a ceiling vent. He hadn't encountered the alien yet at that point, so he walked close to the drool to inspect it. He looked up, and the alien was sprawled out in the vent, hissing, and the jaws opened and he got his faced gouged out.
Everyone always says they'd be smarter than the people who die those kinds of deaths in movies, but this guy executed the cliche move death to perfection
part of the reason we got stuck for an hour and a half at that segment is we went back and saved after triggering the group. Sneaking into the room and up the stairs when they're patroling is infuriatingly difficult. You pretty much have to do it all in one swoop.