Man, this game is heaven for streamers, plenty of good reactions.
This one made me lol hard, no spoilers: (wait for it)
Edit: just noticed the streamer´s name, holy shit.
I tried not to, but I think there are some scripted appearances where you are pretty much forced into blasting him. Just use it sparingly or it takes more and more fuel to get him to leave.
Are new games or first runs packed with Nostormo or was it pre order only?
Does the Alien attack droids?
how many hours are left after chapter 10? I'm trying to understand the "overstaying it's wellcome" comments but after finishing chapter 10 I'm far from being burnt out on this game...
Not in medium difficulty. He completely ignores them.
Chapter 14 spoilers:
Jesus fucking Christ, there are noises all around me. My motion tracker is useless. There's more than alien. Facehuggers. I hate this place.
I am digging the atmosphere, visuals, and sound design. The stealth so far has been frustrating. I haven't reached the alien properly.
Medium feels good. And,er, I didn't give up at the first encounter? I'm pretty far along actually so maybe you were quoting someone else?Guys go for hard, you can always switch back to normal. And don't give up at the very first encounter with human enemies
Sorry if anyone here already did a comparison but the game is just too damn good to not to do one.
Alien: Nostromo:
Alien Isolation: Sevestapol:
Curiosity: in this game, is there a pistol? And does it make the same noise as the pistol from Aliens and Indiana Jones? It's a really classic sound.
That's not the Nostromo.
The Nostromo is just the bit that lands on the planet. It's a towing vehicle, it's towing that big 4 tower refinery thing full of ore.
For this reason, Sevestapol being a space station that happens to look just like one of those makes zero fucking sense to me.
Maybe I'm off about something.
There is a pistol but the sound doesn't ring any bells for me.
That's not the Nostromo.
The Nostromo is just the bit that lands on the planet. It's a towing vehicle, it's towing that big 4 tower refinery thing full of ore.
For this reason, Sevestapol being a space station that happens to look just like one of those makes zero fucking sense to me.
Maybe I'm off about something.
Maybe I'm off about something.
That's not the Nostromo.
The Nostromo is just the bit that lands on the planet. It's a towing vehicle, it's towing that big 4 tower refinery thing full of ore.
For this reason, Sevestapol being a space station that happens to look just like one of those makes zero fucking sense to me.
Maybe I'm off about something.
thanks for the info man
Nice Chrome grill.
part of the reason we got stuck for an hour and a half at that segment is we went back and saved after triggering the group. Sneaking into the room and up the stairs when they're patroling is infuriatingly difficult. You pretty much have to do it all in one swoop.
Do we know if the soundtrack will be available? Because I want it.
Those androids are pretty glitchy (what Irony). I heard the music que up and decided to hide in a locker, I hid for a good 2 minutes with music still going, checked the tracker and nothing was on it. The instant I get out an Android grabs me, I empty 11 bullets into its head and it didn't go down, instead it stood there away from me and stared at a wall.
I made it to the Seegsun Communications room but the crappy part is I'm completely out of Revolver ammo. But I have an EMP Mine, 1 flashbang, and 2 noise makers. Not to mention plenty of Flares and Medkits.
Man, this game is heaven for streamers, plenty of good reactions.
This one made me lol hard, no spoilers: (wait for it)
Edit: just noticed the streamer´s name, holy shit.
So how long have your playthroughs taken?
For this reason, Sevestapol being a space station that happens to look just like one of those makes zero fucking sense to me.
Maybe I'm off about something.
Seriously, whenever I hear the aliens big ass footsteps I freak out, like for real.
There something really disturbing about it.
Fuck that medical area. I had to pause the game for a while.
Preorder only I believe. It will be released as DLC later on. Or now possibly, I'm not sure if it's available.
Just had my first "immersion-breaking" experience in regards to the AI. On my way to an elevator to progress and I come across a group of Humans. They are hotile but willing to let me leave (they point the gun at me and tell me to go). I go back but I need to go that way so I throw a noise maker to distract them. It works but also attracts the Alien. The Alien has a nice meal of two of them but one of them runs away to the cover I'm behind, crouches down with me, then stands up, turns to me and shoots me.
Like, no. No one would do that in that situation. The Alien obviously heard it, ran over and killed her giving me time to get to the elevator.
Think it's because they're pre-recorded. The main game on Ps4 has some small stuttering too when loading up new areas.Seriously, the stuttering the cutscenes. What is up with that?
Just had my first "immersion-breaking" experience in regards to the AI. On my way to an elevator to progress and I come across a group of Humans. They are hotile but willing to let me leave (they point the gun at me and tell me to go). I go back but I need to go that way so I throw a noise maker to distract them. It works but also attracts the Alien. The Alien has a nice meal of two of them but one of them runs away to the cover I'm behind, crouches down with me, then stands up, turns to me and shoots me.
Like, no. No one would do that in that situation. The Alien obviously heard it, ran over and killed her giving me time to get to the elevator.