you know what? I'm going to try and beat this on hard without theflamethrower.
I'm already dead aren't I?
I see that being pretty much impossible for two parts of the game.
Good luck!
you know what? I'm going to try and beat this on hard without theflamethrower.
I'm already dead aren't I?
Gearbox must feel pretty bad after this company just comes in and blows everyone away.
Gearbox must feel pretty bad after this company just comes in and blows everyone away.
music is really effective in this. Im still very early on, but right after yousee the alien for the first time (the actual alien, not when Axel dies) and after that you have to go to the tram, when you get there the tram takes like 30 seconds (or 5 hours which is what it felt like) and the music was so fucking tense I really thought the alien was going to show up, I was screaming internally "COME ON YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT TRAM, OPEN THE DOORS FASTER!"
I seriosly felt an urge to just take my headphones off, because i couldnt bear the music rising up, but i thought "Then i wont hear it coming". Tense moment.
I bet (and this isnt even a knock on the game btw)the Alien cant even show up during that, I bet if you just stick around when the doors open nothing happensI wasnt going to find out tho lol
I bet (and this isnt even a knock on the game btw)the Alien cant even show up during that, I bet if you just stick around when the doors open nothing happensI wasnt going to find out tho lol
Goddam tram, takes forever to get there.The Xeno showed up and killed me
Yes it can. If you take too long getting on the tram and pushing the button to proceed, it will kill you. Saw a few people get surprised killed this way and it was hilarious.
Yes it can. If you take too long getting on the tram and pushing the button to proceed, it will kill you. Saw a few people get surprised killed this way and it was hilarious.
I bet (and this isnt even a knock on the game btw)the Alien cant even show up during that, I bet if you just stick around when the doors open nothing happensI wasnt going to find out tho lol
Someone posted about that part the other day, they were taking their time with pushing the tram button just to find the Alien leap onto them a few seconds later, right inside the wagon
In a perverted kind of way I kinda wish they'd do an Aliens game next. Just flat out tons of Xenomorphs and more focus on the kind of action/horror blend that the movie was. Show Gearbox how it's done.
Yes it can. If you take too long getting on the tram and pushing the button to proceed, it will kill you. Saw a few people get surprised killed this way and it was hilarious.
In a perverted kind of way I kinda wish they'd do an Aliens game next. Just flat out tons of Xenomorphs and more focus on the kind of action/horror blend that the movie was. Show Gearbox how it's done.
The game can be rage inducing but I love it and can't imagine how you could keep the experience and lose the elements of frustration.I think I am about 2/3 way through now. I can understand the low scores this game got. Some of it is very frustrating due to the aliens AI patterns.
Im still really enjoying it though. But I have a pretty high tolerance for frustration.
I'm about 5-7 hours in, and i'm already a bit underwhelmed by the game. Don't get me wrong, the game is pretty good (especially in relevant terms to other alien games), but i feel that i don't actually fear the alien so much. Instead, i fear dying before the next save game and having to replay 30 minutes of gameplay - which has happened several times already. IMO, the game should have a check pointing system.
Each time i am expected to replay 30 minutes or more of gameplay just because the alien was hiding in a vent above me and not moving, i end up turning the game off out of frustration and coming back after several hours.
Amnesia did a much better job of making me afraid of the monsters, and not the gameplay mechanics.
Now that I'm reaching the end, I'd love a mod that made the enemy AI look at Ripley like a Working Joe so I could just walk around the station and explore everything.
Hell, take out all the enemies and just let me play this as a space engineer sim.
It's hard to imagine a sequel to this game. They really wrung everything they could have out of the Alien stalking you concept. It'll be interesting to see where they go with it. Their world design and scenario design are out. of. control.
Also, I love love love the interconnected world feeling. They ate their cake and had it to: you revisit areas, making the game feel like more than a series of corridors, but the way you'd criss-cross through new areas felt completely natural. It seemed effortless, but that can't be easy.
Super impressive stuff all round.
Oh two other things also...
1) Is Compund B SUPER rare or is it just my bad luck? I have full slots of pretty much every other material but it all bottlenecks with this damn Compund B.
2) Does anyone else get a random bug where it starts to play "spacesuit" sounds when you're walking around? Like you look left and right and there's a clunking sound,. It goes away usually when I take out the motion detector or load, but in Mission 9 when you're in the heavy suit
About 2/3 of the way done. What is impressing me more about the game than the Alien AI are the Working Joes. I don't know if there has been an enemy where you never know when it's a friend or foe and can scare the living daylights out of you by being creepy.
It's so impressive how they can feel like subordinate androids and then become terribly aggressive the next. You could be hiding from one thinking it's going to attack, and then it just looks at you and asks, "Are You Lost?" Probably my favorite new addition to the series.
The game is great, and it is very enjoyable, a true survival game.
Note that I do not mention "horror" in that sentence.
And that is true for me. The game is tense, but it is not scary. At least after a certain point, which honestly is not very far from the moment you meet it the first time.
The game has IMHO a problem. And that problem is that it throws the Alien card waaaay too often. The first moments with the Alien are truly masterful and actually terrifying indeed. You are legitimately scared of it in the early parts. But then it sticks around way too often. After a while, you kind of get used to it being there. Living with it, coping with it.
And then soon, it stops being terrifying, it stops being scary. And it becomes a hastle. An obstacle towards your next save point, or objective. And because the game has a great save system that makes survival worthwhile, the game -fortunately- still remains very tense.
Not because you are scared of the Alien, but because you might lose a lot of progress.
The Alien will kill you a lot. But you get used to that as well.
I think devs should have toned down the Alien encounters. They shouldnt be so frequent so as to retain the terrifying effect of the first moments you had with it.
It is still a very enjoyable experience because it is legitimately tense due to the "holly shit I need a fucking save point!" and the awesome atmosphere. But I think it could be much more.
It can follow you in and if you make noise inside the vents it will creep in and get you.
The game is great, and it is very enjoyable, a true survival game.
Note that I do not mention "horror" in that sentence.
And that is true for me. The game is tense, but it is not scary. At least after a certain point, which honestly is not very far from the moment you meet it the first time.
The game has IMHO a problem. And that problem is that it throws the Alien card waaaay too often. The first moments with the Alien are truly masterful and actually terrifying indeed. You are legitimately scared of it in the early parts. But then it sticks around way too often. After a while, you kind of get used to it being there. Living with it, coping with it.
And then soon, it stops being terrifying, it stops being scary. And it becomes a hastle. An obstacle towards your next save point, or objective. And because the game has a great save system that makes survival worthwhile, the game -fortunately- still remains very tense.
Not because you are scared of the Alien, but because you might lose a lot of progress.
The Alien will kill you a lot. But you get used to that as well.
I think devs should have toned down the Alien encounters. They shouldnt be so frequent so as to retain the terrifying effect of the first moments you had with it.
It is still a very enjoyable experience because it is legitimately tense due to the "holly shit I need a fucking save point!" and the awesome atmosphere. But I think it could be much more.
im a bit further, and i cant think of a single area of the game that would require 30 mins of re-doing if you didnt save. 5 - 10 mins maybe. i think the saving system is fine
I'm having a surprisingly difficult time finding the answer online - anyone know what's included in the Nostromo edition of the game?
This image alone screams how wrong you are about that.the only time I've had to do anything more than 15-20 minutes of retracing my steps has absolutely come due to my lack of attention to the map/my surroundings. It's usually my own damn fault.
Same thing with dying at least 10 times trying to get to a specific objective before remembering there's a vent/grate nearby that helps me bypass the obstacle course of xeno-death/gun murder I was trying to navigate.
And again - I think trying to ape ALIENS is pointless in 2014. That's essentially all any sci-fi based shooter in the last 25 years has been trying to do. I think adding some RPG elements to this game is the way to go. Again - pattern the sequel after Alien 3: Put the player on a prison. Make it more like Mass Effect, have our lead recruit prisoners, keep them loyal, lose them to a rebel faction, etc. etc. Build booby traps as well as weapons. Way more interesting way to up the stakes on this game as opposed to just unleashing a bunch of dumb bugs on a squad of space marines.