Goldenthal's score is maybe the most frightening of the three in the trilogy. Even moreso than Goldsmith's, really.
Yea, its a bug then. Its not letting me craft anything except a medkit.On PC you just left-click on the item in question in the radial menu and it takes you to the crafting screen.
The only time the Alien ever rushed me while it was stalking was when
(a) it had a direct line of sight with me (with fairly forgiving periphery vision); and
(b) there were no other humans in the room
Like, later in the game, I was literally able to sprint through a lengthy areas with humans shooting at me and the alien constantly dropping down and dispatching them for me.
But I think I "got" the rules fairly quickly, you could reasonably complain that the rules aren't communicated clearly enough or aren't all that much fun, I suppose.
I also never had an instance of the Alien randomly pulling me out of a hiding place. When he did, it was always because
(a) he plausibly saw me get it
(b) heard my motion detector because I used it while he was a few feet away; or
(c)I forgot to lean back and hold my breathe in locker.
What difficulty were you playing on? Because on hard, if you do anything than crouch walk at an incredibly slow pace, the Alien will hear you and search for you. I'm not ashamed to admit I knocked the difficulty down during the medbay section and the next mission.
Well, the save system wouldn't be a problem if the alien didn't consistently slingshot back to the player, slowing your progression to a crawl. It happens frequently, and thanks to major pacing problems early on, a lot of people are going to find the initial encounters with the alien frustrating for all the wrong reasons. The medical bay is a nightmare because you have to repeat the same section again and again, unless you're a savant.
The alien seems to be able to jump to wherever the player is. The only safe way forward is to sneak into a room and wait in a closet or under a gurney until it leaves, then proceed to the next room on the way to your objective and repeat the process. If you walk under a vent with saliva dripping down, you'll get insta-killed, but if sneak past it, the alien teleports ahead. If it actually traveled there through the environment I wouldn't mind but it cheats.
The rules aren't consistent. The alien doesn't react to human npcs with the same intensity. There will be like 3 of them yelling about a trespasser in the area and the alien won't make a peep, but when Ripley silently sneaks down a hallway using cover, shelter and darkness it will rush to you as if you were making a racket. I've even seen the alien run away from their gunfire. It's never done that with me! Any item that can be used as a distraction just puts it on alert, punishing the player and increasing the likelihood of being discovered.
Such a shame, too. The production values are first-rate and it's probably the best looking game environment I've ever experienced. Sega and Creative Assembly deserve major props for taking risks with Isolation.
Playing this game makes me want more Alien games...
so I put Colonial Marines on my Steam Wishlist
On 360. Mostly fine, looks good considering the hardware. Atmosphere is intact for me. You install disc 1 and play off 2. You can even copy disc 2 to hdd for no drive noise
Not every game need to appeal everyone. And no, the rules are clear and fair: use your eyes and your ears, and above all, use the tools at your disposal. The medical area is a tough area, but at the end is not so tough, most of the time you can come back to the save terminal in just two minutes.
The only area I felt was truly bullshit was that first human room in chapter three.![]()
To the people who are having "teleport" kills, are you wearing headphones? I have a great set of headphones and I can tell where the Alien is without using the tracker. I'm on the last mission (finally) and haven't experienced any cheap kills so I'm just curious if it's the audio cues people are missing.
The only area I felt was truly bullshit was that first human room in chapter three.![]()
Yea, its a bug then. Its not letting me craft anything except a medkit.
EDIT: Ah snap, I just figured it out. I think downsampling is messing up the UI, as I'm finding the 'click spot' for the icons in weird spots on the screen.
Ok ok, I think I can live with that.
Shit, i forgot all about that damn button. There were a few moments I'd have loved to review.I was under a gurny like object in the medical section but maybe it was a bad angle or too brightly lit because the alien saw me. He rushed over to me and kept looking down at me.
I was sure death was immenent. But nothing happened! Maybe I was too far back where he could see but not reach me? Anyway he started just pacing back and forth occasionally ducking to check me out.
I thought I was just going to have to load a save game or just come out so he could kill me. But the out of pure luck, an idiot human wanders into the very same room and start shooting! Alien bolts off after him. And I use that as my chance to run like hell out of there. Managed to run far enough away and into a locker. And I managed to survived that freak incident.
I used the share button to save the video. Gonna have to watch it again later.
The only area I felt was truly bullshit was that first human room in chapter three.
The first stalking encounter with the Alien is brutal and actually sets a precedent that isn't followed throughout the rest of the game (the Alien never jumps back in the vents like he does throughout the rest of the game), which is questionable, but forcing the player to emotionally understand that perpetually hiding is a bad idea... that's a tough one.
Playing this game makes me want more Alien games...
so I put Colonial Marines on my Steam Wishlist
Fucking loved this moment. I haven't followed the link, but I know what it must be.
edit: Your screenshot doesn't do it justice. From the angle you see the first time the lights flick looks like there are two and the head shape is even more distinct.
(Major spoilers. Mission 14 complete. discussing this mission)
Holy shit a hive! I guess I should have expected it what with this being an alien game but holy shit. Multiple Aliens at a time! Creepiest and most tense part of the game for me so far. I did manage to get through it without dying though and got the achievement. Had a few danger saves too but luckily didn't need them.
I recon for the second game Alien Infestation sounds pretty good, the 2nd word relates to the situation just like the 1st game.Alien: Isolation
Aliens: Intimidation
Alien: Incarceration
There. A Creative Assembly Alien Trilogy.
There's already an Aliens game called Infestation on the DS I believe.I recon for the second game Alien Infestation sounds pretty good, the 2nd word relates to the situation just like the 1st game.
Alien Isolation - Ripley against 1 alien whilst isolated and alone.
Alien Infestation - an outbreak (infestation) of Aliens that Ripley has to survive/take out.
I recon for the second game Alien Infestation sounds pretty good, the 2nd word relates to the situation just like the 1st game.
Alien Isolation - Ripley against 1 alien whilst isolated and alone.
Alien Infestation - an outbreak (infestation) of Aliens that Ripley has to survive/take out.
Mission 7
Well shit,you actually ask a Joe for help...
So I go make a run to Chipotle, and when I get back, my building's elevator is on the 4th floor. I suddenly get tense as it slowly makes it's way down to the first floor.
Alien Isolation.
Someone started stomping around upstairs, and my first reaction was... interesting.
Just finished it.
My feelings haven't changed since I got to about chapter 10 or so. It's definitely a game filled with trial and error, literally dozens upon dozens of cheap deaths, janky logic leaps in the Alien's ability to move around, and quite a bit or repetition since most obstacles typically amount to figuring out which order switches/levers/breakers need to be activated.
But that doesn't matter, because what we have here is absolutely the most convincing, immersive, authentic, and pure fucking terrifying recreation of being in an Alien movie ever attempted in gaming. The modeling and lighting is dementedly accurate to Scott/Gieger/Cobb's aesthetic, and the sound likewise either literally borrowed from Fox's archives or suitably mimicking '70s spaceship computer pings and burbles. You're there, in that universe. It's unnerving and brilliant.
And the gameplay does come up trumps when it works. The intersecting geography and multiple ways of circumventing foes and obstacles, coupled with the manual save system, often feels like playing a '90s PC game. It's worth putting up with the game's few and far between shortcomings solely for the good stuff, and there's a lot of good stuff.
Despite often feeling frustrated and at a loss as to how I died or how it could be prevented, I always wanted to keep playing, to see what came next. And I did learn tricks to help prevent some of those deaths, if not prevent them reliably. Being a fan of the series helps too, but the game is satisfying enough to recommend to anyone, I think. Best Alien franchise game yet. Bring on the sequel.
Ending was shit though.
And then you open your front door, toss a crock pot full of silverware down the hallway, and then peer out of the view-hole waiting to see it pass.
Yes. Good game.There's already an Aliens game called Infestation on the DS I believe.
Just have to say that I've enjoyed your posts in this thread. You made some pretty damn good points about some of the more "negative" aspects of this game without coming across like some sort of troll.
I can also tell that you're a big fan of the Alien universe too, so cheers!