Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
That justintv feed looks pretty nice. I'm still intrigued and very tempted to purchase.
Stallion Free said:That justintv feed looks pretty nice. I'm still intrigued and very tempted to purchase.
Sullen said:One random person posts impressions and people want to cancel pre-orders, really? :lol It always amazes me how much the average gamer wants someone else to form their opinion for them.
Darklord said:Wait this is out now? What the fuck I had no idea.:lol
Cep said:Am I the only one already prepping the way I am going to play solely around what looks stupid/broken?
So far, stealth is out and so is dual wielding.
marathonfool said:Awful animation is about par for the Unreal Engine. I didn't expect the A.I. to be this awful though. :lol
I'm still gonna stealth/gadget my way through the game.
TheVisualizer said:that is true, all I'm saying is don't put a whole lot of stock in a 1 sentence review of an RPG from a junior with a Dipset avatar. Maybe if our friend with the great taste in music could expand on his review I would be more inclined to take him seriously.
Kagari said:Doing stealth looks rather hilarious based on the feed.
marathonfool said:Awful animation is about par for the Unreal Engine.
Basileus777 said:It's not out yet. It's just been leaked onto the internet.
WrikaWrek said:Really? Unreal Engine.
I guess it has nothing to do with the animators.
EviLore said:WTF guys, I was really looking forward to Planescape: Torment, but I just played it for a few hours and...OMG. You can't even die, it's like Prince of Persia 2008 all over again. The combat's terrible, you don't even get any armor for your character and just end up spamming healing items until you win. I could've dealt with all that, but the plot is all in mounds and mounds of text paired with low res 2d graphics. No immersion at all.
Biggest gaming disappointment of all time.
White Man said:I'm surprised, Evilore. As a PC gamer, you should be preparing yourself for the worst. Obsidian makes promising, but flawed games. Heck, I'm half-prepared to not put faith in New Vegas. They're like Troika 2.
jonjon26113: this guy must have a pretty kickass chiropractor...
White Man said:I'm surprised, Evilore. As a PC gamer, you should be preparing yourself for the worst. Obsidian makes promising, but flawed games. Heck, I'm half-prepared to not put faith in New Vegas. They're like Troika 2.
Out in some places - Walmart here put it out in the morning and then pulled it at some point in the afternoon.Basileus777 said:It's not out yet. It's just been leaked onto the internet.
Ducarmel said:I'm still getting the game but I'm confused started watching the stream during gameplay he has a beard but during cut scenes no beard!
edit: now he has a beard again during a cut scene, is it a fake beard?
Kagari said:Doing stealth looks rather hilarious based on the feed.
JustHadToJoin said:shit, accidentally watched the last mission up to the ending credits on the stream :/
this doesnt look like a buy
BanShunsaku said:Thought I would post a few more extended impressions from my experiences with this game so far...
First of all, it has to be said that a lot of people will be immediately turned off by some aspects of this game. As has already been discussed, the graphics are dated and the animations are anything but stellar. The controls take a little getting used to, especially (for me) using the directional pad to choose gadgets/weapons/abilities. The frame rate seems ok in general although during conversations there is a fair amount of tearing/weird frame rate stuff going on.
This game definitely has its flaws.
Having said that, I am seriously enjoying this game so far (I have completed about 4 missions, and reached level 4.)
I have had some trouble when taking the stealth approach, although to be honest when I started using my abilities more wisely I had a lot more success. All missions have resulted in firefights for my character, however since putting points into my various skills these shootouts have become more enjoyable. The game doesn't punish you for doing things "your way" ie just shooting everyone, and I can see the potential to approach future missions more strategically by using my stealth skills better.
I was about halfway through my most recent mission when the game just "clicked" for me. I leveled up and put some more points into my martial arts and pistol skills, and immediately started to feel that sense of RPG character building satisfaction. My Michael Thorton can do some serious damage wielding a pistol or an assault rifle, and can kung fu the shit out of anyone should they get close enough.
I am at work now, and can't stop thinking about getting home and doing the next mission.
Its far from perfect, and I can see why many people may not enjoy it, but I really think this game is a flawed gem that a lot of people will enjoy should they put the time into it.
Having said all this, I am only really just at the start of the game, and therefore can't really judge on its overall quality. But so far, so good. In my opinion anyway, I'm sure plenty will disagree with me.
EviLore said:And, seriously, Troika 2? Bugs aside, that's a hell of a compliment as far as I'm concerned.
11 hours... seems short.JustHadToJoin said:in the comments the guy said it took him 11 hours. if the choice is as reactive as they say then hopefully that wont be as bad as it sounds.
JustHadToJoin said:in the comments the guy said it took him 11 hours. if the choice is as reactive as they say then hopefully that wont be as bad as it sounds.
mujun said:Is there an overworld? How do you choose missions and navigate between bases and that kind of stuff?
Thanks in advance.
How much time do people have to play games?Kagari said:11 hours... seems short.
_Bro said:How much time do people have to play games?
Well, if it's a multi-path/branching story then that's actually pretty long. It's not a JRPG for jebes sake!Kagari said:Short for a RPG.
_Bro said:Well, if it's a multi-path/branching story then that's actually pretty long. It's not a JRPG for jebes sake!
Then again, I haven't played The Witcher so I don't know what the Quality WRPG standard is at. I have played Oblivion and Fallout, though! So I guess I have an idea of things being stretched.
Either way, 11 hours sounds long enough for me.
White Man said:They're like Troika 2.
I have had some trouble when taking the stealth approach, although to be honest when I started using my abilities more wisely I had a lot more success. All missions have resulted in firefights for my character, however since putting points into my various skills these shootouts have become more enjoyable. The game doesn't punish you for doing things "your way" ie just shooting everyone, and I can see the potential to approach future missions more strategically by using my stealth skills better.
_Bro said:Well, if it's a multi-path/branching story then that's actually pretty long. It's not a JRPG for jebes sake!
Then again, I haven't played The Witcher so I don't know what the Quality WRPG standard is at. I have played Oblivion and Fallout, though! So I guess I have an idea of things being stretched.
Either way, 11 hours sounds long enough for me.
_Bro said:Well, if it's a multi-path/branching story then that's actually pretty long. It's not a JRPG for jebes sake!
Then again, I haven't played The Witcher so I don't know what the Quality WRPG standard is at. I have played Oblivion and Fallout, though! So I guess I have an idea of things being stretched.
Either way, 11 hours sounds long enough for me.