None of those tweaks should interfere with your savesYasae said:Hmm. I tried all those tweaks and basically it made my saves not load at all. Not sure which exact tweak is doing it, though.
Thankfully I did have backups of the config. Be careful....
TenshiOni said:I just beat it and I absolutely fucking LOVED it. Looking back at my Top 10 from last year, it definitely would have charted had I beat it in time.
Mind you all, I did go the supposedly cheesy stealth-pistol route, but I had absolutely no problem with any aspect of the game. I liked the characters, enjoyed the writing, loved the dialogue system, and had a hell of a fun time playing it. And despite all the infamy surrounding the boss fights in the game, I never died more than once on any of them (and didn't even die at all on some of them).
Gotta echo some of the sentiments in here and say this is probably the most criminally underrated game of this generation off the top of my head.
Good shit, Obsidian.
*shrugs* Yet I put back the original files and things started working. I'll have to go through one by one.Gvaz said:None of those tweaks should interfere with your saves![]()
It could be you accidentally changed something you shouldn't have, or mistyped something.Yasae said:*shrugs* Yet I put back the original files and things started working. I'll have to go through one by one.
ussjme said:a sequel would be the game of the forever for me. just imagine more open world aspects, more complex characters, dialogue and consequences....
Snuggler said:For some reason when I dream of a sequel, I think of how cool it would be if they went all out with customizing Thorton. The beard + aviators is amazing, but just imagine if they took a cue for Saints Row 2 and let us put him in a fat suit or toddler's clothes (overalls, holding a teddy bear etc).
Man, a sequel could be so good, though. What a shame.
It's UseBackgroundLevelStreaming=False. That crashes my game when trying to load saves.Gvaz said:It could be you accidentally changed something you shouldn't have, or mistyped something.
That's the only thing that I can think of.
DigitalDevil said:not sure if serious
Yeah like I noted, you may not need this if you're using the latest patch.Yasae said:It's UseBackgroundLevelStreaming=False. That crashes my game when trying to load saves.
The rest of those are golden, especially the APGame tweaks.
Snuggler said:For some reason when I dream of a sequel, I think of how cool it would be if they went all out with customizing Thorton. The beard + aviators is amazing, but just imagine if they took a cue for Saints Row 2 and let us put him in a fat suit or toddler's clothes (overalls, holding a teddy bear etc).
Man, a sequel could be so good, though. What a shame.
Do you have Brilliance yet? That'll make things even more broken. I think it's technical level 6 or something.Ferrio said:So, only have Moscow left now.
Just finished romeI saved the woman, but i didn't like her at all (nor did she like me) so she jetted off all pissed that I saved her.... bitch.
Anyways, I'm at the highest level stealth now... and I think i've broken the game. Pure invisibility was neat at when it lasted like 5 seconds... now I get like 30 seconds walking around snapping necks... and the game is now easy mode. It wasn't very difficult to begin with, but now it's a joke. Even if somehow I get spotted... my jump kicks and melee take people down really really quick.
Rarely had to use my pistol (tranqs when i do), and I have only used a single emp grenade. I hoping there's somewhat a difficulty ramp after moscow...
XiaNaphryz said:Do you have Brilliance yet? That'll make things even more broken. I think it's technical level 6 or something.
amdnv said:I completely disagree. The stealth abilities in this game turn your character into a magician. You can make yourself invisible, and you can enter bullet time mode to shoot six people in a row before they even know what's going on. This sort of wizardry is not satisfying to me at all.
I played the game with focus on assault rifles and loved it. Played Recruit/Hard, which makes the enemies deadly enough to keep me on the edge.
You're going to have to make a choice in a later Moscow mission, but if you have Brilliance (or are playing through as a veteran) you can opt to do both choices. If you plan on playing through more than once, it's not a big deal though.Ferrio said:Only been going Melee, Stealth, and Whatever the HP one is.
XiaNaphryz said:You're going to have to make a choice in a later Moscow mission, but if you have Brilliance (or are playing through as a veteran) you can opt to do both choices. If you plan on playing through more than once, it's not a big deal though.
Ferrio said:How woudl resetting cooldowns affect a choice?
Wait, there's another way to play stealth games?Snuggler said:I tried to add my own level of challenge later in the game by reloading whenever I set off an alarm.
Yeah, it's called remove the stealth aspect, add QTEs and then call it "faithful to the franchise" and blame "stealth gameplay is always a frustrating, unnecessary experience" or something that everyone does all these days.jim-jam bongs said:Wait, there's another way to play stealth games?
First few missions are frustrating but once you get used to the game controls and you get a fee upgrades the game becomes alot smootherMidnightCowboy said:Trying really hard to like this game, but it's possibly one of the clunkiest games I've ever played, and I'm usually lenient when it comes to that stuff. Combat is disgusting and so far it's impossible to play stealthy because the guards always know where I am. To top it all off, I just got stuck in a wall. Going to play some more tomorrow, because I do like the dialogue system and the spy theme, but god, it's so bad to play.
buhdeh said:What's great about the combat? I literally melee'd every single enemy in the game (including the bosses) because it was far more effective than actually shooting them.
MidnightCowboy said:A couple hours later and what do you know, game is awesome. I was a fool to doubt Obsidian.
MidnightCowboy said:A couple hours later and what do you know, game is awesome. I was a fool to doubt Obsidian.
I never found this the case at all. Of course, it helps a lot to get that stealth skill leveled up enough that the enemy indicators stayed on screen at all times.Hypatia said:Huh, really?
I wanted to love Alpha Protocol but the fact that enemies were prescient
Mifune said:Too easy? I could have sworn I saw reviewers complain that this game was too hard.
Anyway, I picked this up at Best Buy as part of their B2G1 sale going on right now (maybe that deserves its own thread?). 360 version. I love espionage. Can't wait to take the plunge.
Play a harder difficulty. I watched some videos on normal difficulty where the player just ran straight up to the enemies and started punching them. When I tried the same thing in the same spot on hard I died before I even reached them.buhdeh said:What's great about the combat? I literally melee'd every single enemy in the game (including the bosses) because it was far more effective than actually shooting them.
MechaX said:I just picked this game up today and... huh.
I definitely appreciate what they are trying to do with the stealth element, and the dialog sections are pretty well-handled without magic blue or red text options to fix everyone's problems.
But God Damn, I feel like this game wants me to play it like a chest-high wall cover shooter than anything actually stealth-related. I've never seen an AI that is so absolutely dumb, but still possesses something similar to clairvoyance to suddenly hit the alarm just because they saw something resembling a black pants leg down a 20 foot corridor (which happened to be mine). It's like the game is telling me "Stealth? Fuck that, glue yourself to this crate and start shooting away! Oh yeah, this guard who possess the psychic abilities to spot you just because you happened to tip-toe too close to him will further show his prowess by running at you in a straight line."
Edit: ... And after getting through a pretty long no-alert streak in one of the Saudi Arabia levels, I made the mistake of touching a ladder and making a sound, which promptly triggered two guards from the next room to suddenly bust in and kill me with a flood of SMG bullets. Fuck this game, I'm done for the night.
MechaX said:I just picked this game up today and... huh.
I definitely appreciate what they are trying to do with the stealth element, and the dialog sections are pretty well-handled without magic blue or red text options to fix everyone's problems.
But God Damn, I feel like this game wants me to play it like a chest-high wall cover shooter than anything actually stealth-related. I've never seen an AI that is so absolutely dumb, but still possesses something similar to clairvoyance to suddenly hit the alarm just because they saw something resembling a black pants leg down a 20 foot corridor (which happened to be mine). It's like the game is telling me "Stealth? Fuck that, glue yourself to this crate and start shooting away! Oh yeah, this guard who possess the psychic abilities to spot you just because you happened to tip-toe too close to him will further show his prowess by running at you in a straight line."
Edit: ... And after getting through a pretty long no-alert streak in one of the Saudi Arabia levels, I made the mistake of touching a ladder and making a sound, which promptly triggered two guards from the next room to suddenly bust in and kill me with a flood of SMG bullets. Fuck this game, I'm done for the night.
Labadal said:You do know sound matters in this game right? I tried one of the Taipei missions with and without sound damperers and there was a difference in enemies ability to spot you.
Yaska said:Spoiler for Saudi-ArabiaImagine my face when playing the Nasir stage and there's a missile controls. I went to them thinking that in the long run I would sabotage teros. Instead Thorton freaking shoots the missiles INDOORS. Even the handler goes WTF
Also seems my game broke. I get oneshotted by all enemies, lock-picking time is 3 seconds, hacking time is 0.1 seconds. So I really think something broke.