Playing this now and I love it, but fuck the lock picking on this game with a controller. I have to switch back to KB&M to pick lock in this game. But that is my only gripe with the game at all.
I actually find the lock picking to be kinda of fun with the controller.Xeno_Flux2113 said:Playing this now and I love it, but fuck the lock picking on this game with a controller. I have to switch back to KB&M to pick lock in this game. But that is my only gripe with the game at all.
It might be that I am using Motionjoy and my DS3 but the sensitivity is way off only during lock picking. Gently squeezing L2 sends sends it shooting up and releasing drops it down full speed no middle ground.dragonlife said:I actually find the lock picking to be kinda of fun with the controller.
Found a solution to this. If you're using Motionjoy, upgrade to the latest version (6.0004 or whatever) and then go to options and change the threshold of whatever buttons you've got set to for LT/RT to zero (default is at 64 which means a considerable deadzone).
MaddenNFL64 said:Why? WTF.
Also, yes. This is by far the best conversation system around. They should try making another of these contemporary spy thrillers, if we can't have AP2.
So is this worth picking up? I've already seen the god awful reviews but some people seem to think highly of the game. Although going back and reading a few posts make this game out to be utter trash.
Depends. Do you want an full on RPG with RPG systems running the combat? Then Alpha Protocol is for you.
Do you want it to play like a faux shooter ala Mass Effect? Then you'll hate it.
Even excluding the combat, what about the rest of the game?
Even excluding the combat, what about the rest of the game?
So is this worth picking up? I've already seen the god awful reviews but some people seem to think highly of the game. Although going back and reading a few posts make this game out to be utter trash.
Even excluding the combat, what about the rest of the game?
If you like games with C&C, you'll not want to miss an opportunity to play Alpha Protocol.
What's C&C?
Game is awesome- there's a few bugs here and there but nothing gamebreaking.
I'd say just about everything "negative" I've heard about the game comes from a few things:
1.) The combat is definitely grounded in RPG principles. Even if you *think* you've got someone dead to rights, if your skill with a particular weapon isn't high, you're going to miss a good percentage of the time anyway. As someone else said, it's not mass effect. Don't go in charging with shotguns or uzis if all your points are in pistols and vice versa.
2.) The game does not hold your hand. outside of the tutorial stage, there's no opportunity to reallocate your points. You're expected to be highly specialized (and the game doesn't really tell you this,) but if you somehow make the mistake of trying to be a jack of all trades you will screw yourself into making the game very, very difficult. (see point #1)
3.) The game is more non-linear than it looks. You're expected to do a stage or two then fly around the world to another country, and repeat. If you try to clear an entire country at once before moving on, you can and will run into some ludicrously difficult stages and not know why.
4.) mastering stealth is essentially easy-mode. you'll cruise through even the hardest sections if you do this early enough. For some people this is a bad thing.
Other than that- the game is a refreshing change of pace everyone should play. The narrative is good enough to make mass effect and it's ilk look like amateur hour.
Just picked up the game. Any general suggestions before I start? Is this game pretty hard? I'm tempted to play on easy unless I hear that's a bad idea.
I can't remember when it was exactly that I purchased this, but I got it for $2, and I feel like I cheated the devs big time.
This game is really, really fun. I honestly didn't expect to enjoy it as much, since the novelty of stealth games had seemed to wear on me, after playing MGS4. I figured I was likely done with the genre or something. This game proved me oh so wrong.
The stealth stuff actually feels great because of how many ways you can approach any of the scenarios. I still haven't finished Deus Ex (I know, I'm a terrible person), but this feels more like what I wanted from the game. The various ways you can approach each room/scenario and the way my choices really feel weighted (take note, Bioware) is really satisfying. I think one of the strongest impressions so far have been the dialogue trees. I love how it's broken down into your reaction's tone rather than GOOD, NEUTRAL, and BAD options. Keeps me more on my toes and consider more who I'm engaging.
I'm done with my first real mission and in the midst ofI think I have two missions to wrap up there before I finish it.Taipei's assassination stuff.
This is my: "I'm a spy!" face.
I'm rolling as a full on spy, as I figured I would. I wanted to avoid doing soldiery stuff, as it felt like the game was going to be better suited towards spy stuff. I was really cautious and held off on putting all of my points into slots at the start, and I've almost got my stealth stat maxed. I think I'm only three slots away from being max, and that's only stopped because of level cap or whatever keeps you locked out.
Feels great sneaking around, taking people out, and just tranquilizing a few people here and there. So far, I only have three real kills, as I didn't know how to switch ammo for a little while, but I'm going for an all stealth/no kills approach. Well, only two of those were from me shooting them. The third guy got blown up by his ally, but I still got blamed for collateral! WHAT THE HECK, haha.
My only real complaint at this point is, playing it on the pc, the camera has a nasty tendency to jump somewhere else really quickly when in tight quarters. It can be a pain when things are getting tense and suddenly I've lost my sense of direction.
Also, sometimes the AI seems to unfairly notice me, but sometimes they can't see an inch in front of their faces. I was expecting it to be a little hit or miss, but sometimes it's just ridiculous.
Really liking this game, though, and I'm sad I didn't play this sooner.
edit: Just watched the GT review on this, for the heck of it. I'm having a VERY different experience than they did, apparently. I haven't really had an issue with combat (which seemed to be the biggest thing they complained about throughout the entire video) because I'm not going in all crazy. Sneaking has been way more fun than just running around killing looked in that video.
OK pistols and stealth sounds good. I guess I'll try on normal. I guess you can't change once you start right? I guess I was most concerned about boss fights, I seem to remember hearing there were some tough ones but I could be mistaken.
Just picked up the game. Any general suggestions before I start? Is this game pretty hard? I'm tempted to play on easy unless I hear that's a bad idea.
What boss would that be? Spoiler tag for me. I don't remember having any issues my first time.
So the best way to play is melee and stealth?
Actually, I'm not sure there's any reason to have both stealth and melee, since stealth takedowns don't use your melee skill.
Oh, I didn't realize you could jump around. I figured it was simply "okay, here's three options, pick whichever order you want to go in."You should really consider jumping around from location to location instead of focusing on finishing one completely first. I found it much more enjoyable that way, and having connections with certain NPCs in other areas can score you some unexpected dialogue or intel options.
If you do Melee you can take down bosses easy. If you build for it, anyway. You can take a lot of abuse with the right armor and endurance stats.So stealth and pistols should be ok for the boss fights?
What's happening? Enemies alerted and they shoot you to death?This game is kicking my ass, I guess I'm just really bad at it.
Pistols are enough really. Boss fights are incredibly easy if you abuse chain shot. Combine that with the skill that instantly recharges your skills make them laughable.So stealth and pistols should be ok for the boss fights?
If you do Melee you can take down bosses easy. If you build for it, anyway. You can take a lot of abuse with the right armor and endurance stats.
What's happening? Enemies alerted and they shoot you to death?
Unless you started as recruit, you should have all you need by the end of Saudi Arabia, or you can sorta respec by the end of it while specializing.Yeah pretty much. I'm not great at stealth games.
Unless you started as recruit, you should have all you need by the end of Saudi Arabia, or you can sorta respec by the end of it while specializing.
-Points in stealth to get passive Awareness - this is basically radar and you will never screw up or be surprised by someone. Anything after that is mostly for stealth builds
-Points in pistol for chain shot to obliterate bosses or clear rooms. Otherwise the passives like faster critical acquisition or being able to make a critical shot while hiding in cover (without poking out) is important and good too
-Brilliance is the ability that resets your cooldowns. I think it's in the technical aptitude tree (I might be wrong) - pretty sure the tree starts out with adding ammo to your guns and such.
Also if you are stuck, try jumping to another hub and doing some earlier missions. You have to be super lucky or have a proper build to get it right doing a hub straight from start to end without switching out (I somehow pulled it off my first playthrough but not during my recruit one). Plus you get interesting conversation points and stuff if you swap around rather than sticking to one hub.
do i pull the trigger finally?!
i can get this for 2.34 on the 360 (i own it on the pc but can't actually play it)
do i pull the trigger finally?!
Is there something that increases the hacking/lockpicking times? Currently in europe, hoping it ain't an all talk hub.