JKTrix said:Apparently not (thanks for links)
distantmantra said:Live streams:
I haven't seen the Trophy List yet or it mentioned by those who have the game already. Strangely enough, Gundam 0081's trophy list was entirely in English if your system had that as the default language. I wonder if ACE R will do the same thing?
JKTrix said:Lookin at the stream archive, the install doubles as a playable tutorial. Pretty nice.
English menus!
People always get the game early.matmanx1 said:Thought the release was on the 19th? Anyway, thanks for the Live Stream link. Games looks really, really good. Hopefully won't take too long to arrive!
>Each route gets one for beating it.
>Standard shoot down 100,500,1000,etc. enemies
>Beat 50,100, etc. missions.
>Travel 4000 km
>Some units like the VF-0A apparently have specific trophies.
>There's even one for Installing the game.
distantmantra said:The older ACE titles had English menus, as does Gundam 0081 on PS3, so nothing too surprising.
I was with you up until the bold.distantmantra said:The Macross series is tied up in massive legal red tape outside of Asia primarily due to Harmony Gold, the company behind Robotech. This is the same reason why very few of the Macross anime shows have been released here. I'd love for Do You Remember Love?, Macross Zero and Macross F to get released, but I just don't see it happening.
That's the biggest reason. These games aren't made for us, the developers don't care about a bunch of nerdy dudes from across the ocean who like their games. We're a total non-factor when it comes to Japan-only mecha titles, and understandably so.
Playing through one route takes 12 hours
Dead Man said:I was with you up until the bold.
All one of them? Mechwarrior sold pretty well, Ace Combat sells pretty well. Armoured Core not so much, but enough to bother releasing. Those seem to be about the only games to compare with this, from a gameplay standpoint.onken said:Why would you NOT be a non-factor? I don't have any numbers but I'm guessing mech-combat games sell like shit in the west.
Bebpo said:Even though I hate the mecha, I really want to do GEASS because the characters are just total lolz and it should be entertaining as hell.
donkey show said:![]()
All day.
TruePrime said:How do people act like this, Overman King Gainer, and Gurren Lag are the second coming of mech shows?
Bebpo said:Gurren and Gainer are good fun. 2nd coming or not, nothing wrong with enjoying them. Geass otoh is just so horribly trainwreck that it's entertaining fun, but an amazingly terrible show nonetheless.
Shadow780 said:Game shipped from PA, woot woot!
I heard this game's got custom soundtrack support too!
How playable are the games without knowing any Japanese?distantmantra said:The older ACE titles had English menus, as does Gundam 0081 on PS3, so nothing too surprising.
2San said:How playable are the games without knowing any Japanese?
I heard these games never get released over here due to licensing problems rather than too small of a market.
I had recently watched the Gurren Lagann movies and wow... they really impressed with the movie ending over the series ending.BudokaiMR2 said:Well Gurren is :O
Shouta said:Got my copy, I wonder if I can use the download code on my JP account and have it show up when I play on my US one...
KTallguy said:I'm really wondering if I should finish ACE3 first...
Bebpo said:Why not. It only takes a couple of days.
KTallguy said:Yea, too many games, not enough time.
Do you think ACE3 is more or less repetitive than ACE R?
Palette Swap said:I've never cared for the ACE series but I read somewhere that there's a trophy for getting lost/wandering aimlessly with Masaki. That's pretty awesome. :lol
Shouta said:Got my copy, I wonder if I can use the download code on my JP account and have it show up when I play on my US one...
distantmantra said:Yep. Hokuto Musou and Gundam 0081's DLC codes both worked just like that.