Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, they don't sound midi-ish anymore
Pureauthor said:Wonder when they'll release the OST. Maybe a Z2-2 two parter.
HaRyu said:For anyone who's finished the game, and could actually read the ending...
During the "preview", anyone have idea who the "no portrait" characters are, and/or what they're talking about?
Also, how many have finished the game already?
Bebpo said:Also, I just want to add to the record that this is a cheating SRW. Sometimes SRW games feel like they cheat on the hit %s and this is one of them. I get hit by 10-20% chance attacks from enemies ALL THE TIME. When my Mac F unit gets hit by a 9% chance from a big dumb super and then immediately after gets hit by a 18% chance on the next attack from another big dumb super and dies, it's a bit annoying. I can't remember the last srw where I keep getting hit by <40% chances and yet my party loves to miss a 79%-84% hit chance. I don't even attempt anything under 70% because it's just not going to hit. The game isn't particularly hard, and honestly I think even on hard mode going for all SR points it's closer to W/K/@3 SRW difficulty than actually challenging SRW games like OGG (though a couple of the SR points in the 20-30 range before your team gets overpowered can be, like stage 20), but man does it cheat >_<
xero273 said:At least I'm not the only one that thinks ai cheats. Screw you game how can you hit me at 20% while I have trouble hitting at 70%. So many times I go into battle and go like I don't need to heal. Enemy only has like 20% hit rate then bam I'm dead![]()
Bebpo said:Eh, I don't think it's "bad planning" to put a real with high dodge and concentrate activated out on the front lines where a couple of enemies will attack it with 0-20% accuracy. Realistically the chances of you getting hit should be pretty low. But in this game you tend to get hit a lot more than you should doing that.
Bebpo said:I mean playing @3 for 50+ hours I can't even remember a real getting hit by a <30% chance and dying in 1 hit even once. Whereas I've lost a handful of reals in Z2-1 from that.
I guess I only find it annoying because I hate losing even a single unit in a map. Even if it's a junk unit. So I reset and it takes a few mins to redo the entire turn again.
Bebpo said:Once I had maxed Chiriko get hit by a boss who had about 3% hit chance and it one hit killed him. wtff
TimeKillr said:I'm almost done with my 1st playthrough (taking a while since I only play on my off-times)...
I farmed the HELL out of stage 39 (). I'd get about 101k cash in one run of that stage, so I did it 10 times in a row to get over a million and do two full upgrades on units after the stage.I think - the one with the Godmars objective where you need to use the boss on the stage - if you kill the boss, you get a game over
I'm at 41 or 42 nowand it's still going pretty strong. No particularly tough stages right now.the Dai-Guard stage
It's funny because Crowe is my boss killer - Spigot VX self support into Spigot VX from his last seishin does a shit ton of damageI wonder if I should give him Ignore Size Penalty - the last skill I gave him was the 170 morale one, but I still wonder if I would do more damage with the other skill...
Shouta said:Huh? Pretty sure the Valks have an S for Air in Fighter mode. The packs give them S in Space as well as I recall.
HaRyu said:Okay, someone clear something up for me...
End of Z1, where the hell was Setsuko in relation to the rest of the ZEUTH crew? I was under the impression that she was separated from everyone (like completely different dimension separate), but based on how they talk about her in Z2.1, its like they were at least communicating w/ her during the one year gap.
Katbot said:On the final mission. It's kicking my ass. I don't think I did enough to get my units leveled.
Bebpo said:It's definitely tough. Are you having trouble with the first wave or the 2nd wave (final boss) of the map? I blew all my SP to speed through the first wave and so the final boss gave me a lot of trouble with his map attack and incredibly high evasion/def.
Ken said:I played up until this one map where there the initial enemy forces was one boss-like character I think. Had a ridiculous amount of HP. Decided to take a break there. ]:
How do I use it as a resupplier? Also, how do I set him up to defend effectively because my Dai-Guard isn't defending well at all.squall23 said:Dai-Guard's a resupplier that can defend itself very effectively and the fact that most of it's attacks bypass barriers is pretty good early on. Akagi is also the only super robot pilot that gets Soul instead of Hotblood.
Ken said:How do I use it as a resupplier? Also, how do I set him up to defend effectively because my Dai-Guard isn't defending well at all.