donkey show said:Also... Meltran bootie!!!
Should get my game any day now, but I just had to say HELL YEAH! to giant space women! haha
donkey show said:Also... Meltran bootie!!!
That's everyone's problem except for the Macross units. Why the rate of fire is so gimped is beyond me.Bebpo said:And Destiny's main plasma rifle gun is SO BAD. You can only fire like 1 pea-shooter shot every 10 seconds. So it comes down to rushing up and meleeing everything with your sword. Blehhhhhhh
donkey show said:That's everyone's problem except for the Macross units. Why the rate of fire is so gimped is beyond me.
So true. It's really weird comparing it from ACE3 in that regards. As for the tension, definitely level up your tension rate and see your bar fill up dramatically in comparison to when you start out. The crappy thing about this game is that it gimps you pretty bad in the beginning leaving you with a bad taste, but it does get better once you progress and you start actually enjoying it, lol.Bebpo said:ughhhhh, why turn ACE into a melee game. Makes no sense. Honestly like 90% of the gameplay changes from ACE3 make no sense. It's like a completely different person made this one.
In Armored Core your main gun has a normal rate of fire. What were they thinking >_<
Bebpo said:I really want to find a credit roll for this and see if it was actually made by the same From Software guys who made ACE1-3, because at this point I don't believe.
There's like one. :lolBebpo said:Is there even launch sequences? I thought after you got the Arc Alpha you'd get them, but I haven't gotten any.
donkey show said:There's like one. :lol
EDIT: Thanks for finding that glitch. Makes the game much more enjoyable on repeat plays instead of having to grind it out! :lol
Bebpo said:Also there's a super easy glitch to get 9999999999999999999 ACE points and max every unit off the start :lol
I'm staying away from it at least for first playthrough or if I get "I'm gonna throw this disc into the wall" frustrated at a boss.
Basically you go to the upgrade unit screen:
1. move your cursor to the slot above the one you can afford, try to buy it and it'll say (you can't afford this - press O)
2. move one back and try to buy and it'll bring the buy (O) or cancel (X) message. Hit X
3. press right+O at the same time and it'll give you the buy/cancel message on the slot you can't afford which results in negative ace points. Hit buy
4. back out of the menu, you now have 999999999999999999999 Ace points
That has to be intentionally put in.
A lot of attacks require you to hold down your button for awhile before you can use it. The problem with this is that most enemy attacks, and even your own movements (if you hold down X for more than a split second, you lose your charge) will reset your charge. So even if you did want to use some of the supers with startup, it's so hard to do because of the charging thing. Between charging, trying to turn around, and dashing to dodge things, I feel like I might as well get tongue-tied, but with my fingers instead.
Kirashi said:Pre-Ordering @ - Explanation and Apology - A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R
Recently, with the release of A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R, some flaws in our pre-order management have been exposed. Please read through this letter and please rest assured that we take all the necessary steps to not have this matter repeated again in the future.
What went wrong
Cause A
Many of you are placing pre-orders to ensure smooth and earliest delivery. Pre-ordering also helps us to gauge customer interest in a product and to use this as a forecast of how big our purchase orders need to be. But placing purchase orders can be a nerve-wrecking business for our purchasers because they can never get right. Buy too many and we sit on stock that is selling slowly or not at all, buy too little and we can't ship out to you and you are angry with us with every right of being so. Plus purchasers need to place their orders many months in advance. Our purchases where, although barely enough under perfect circumstances, on the low side.
Cause B
A simple way to decide in which priority orders are shipped is by having the order with smaller order number shipped first. This is a very simple thing to do and we have followed this for many years. However, around a year ago, we changed our tactics slightly and did not only use the order number for priority evaluation, but a mix of order number and order modification log. As many of you know, an order at can be changed before it is being shipped. Say, a customer who pre-orders Item #1 very early on, but not Item #2, will be early in the pre-order list, regardless of which items they may add to the order at a later stage. If they then choose to change the order to include Item #2 they would get it shipped before others although they didn't order Item #2 until very late. We felt this was unfair to those who order their items early on and this is why this change has been made.
Cause C
Our main shipment was unfortunately delayed in Japan and thus only additional, smaller shipments arrived.
As an update on the shipping situation of said game, all pre-orders clear today and we receive further stock on Tuesday which will cover the pending orders and we forecast to ship new orders from stock on Wednesday, August 25th.
duckroll said:Armored Core 5 better have a solid showing at TGS...
0405 said:I played ACE2 a long time ago, and I didn't play it for more than an hour or so, but I liked it for what it was once I realized it wasn't the style of game I thought it was going to be. I sort of forgot about ACE3 and figured ACER would be my chance to get back into the series, but I found the game underwhelming at best. From what I've read, people seem to have a pretty high opinion of ACE3. To people who've played both: would it be worth it to give ACE3 a shot?
Blargh, it makes me want to play ACE3 again. Also, ACE:R totally didn't have the artbooks like the previous ones. =( It's really confusing why they decided to change the gameplay setup versus 3. It worked fine without any hassle at all.Bebpo said:Yeah, ACE3 is great and much better than this. I was kind of letdown when it came out because it felt like more of an arcade game than an armored core type game (and Turn A Gundam / First Gundam / SEED didn't actually have any story). It was kind of short, skipped around story-wise (greatest hits of all the shows involved besides those 3), and everything controlled really well and was fun. The game was ~30 missions long, so ~15 hours. The structure was an X with two branches that meet in the middle and then split again. So two playthroughs is enough to do everything. The series are great and there's over 50 playable units. Also the music is awesome. It's also nice that since every stage is from an anime, the radio chatter is the characters from that show re-inacting scenes the whole mission.
Since you just finished R, just compare it to this and you'll see how different they seem
You can pick in the beginning and switch mid-game. Good stuff.Bebpo said:Can you switch forms mid-mission like Getter in ACE3? Or do you have to pick a form before heading out?
Nah, Aquarion is by far the best and most well rounded unit there. It's full on killer. If you wanna see it how it plays, check out my stream. Aquarion Luna and Mars make the game so much more satisfying as it has the best balance of long range and melee.TruePrime said:Hmm I was going to pick this up for Hi-Nu, Crossbone and Aquarion but after reading some of these impressions I ain't so sure.
I know some didn't like the story structure but I thought that ACE III played freaking great, easily my favorite out of the first three and to see so many things changed (for the worse?) doesn't sound to appealing to me.
I do like the sound of increased melee presence sine there are so many units that are Melee focused like Destiny and Aquarion this time but it sounds like they gimped the ranged far to much.
That and I really really hate escort missions.
So I think I am going to just skip this one overall, or at least wait till a price collapse if there is one.
donkey show said:Nah, Aquarion is by far the best and most well rounded unit there. It's full on killer. If you wanna see it how it plays, check out my stream. Aquarion Luna and Mars make the game so much more satisfying as it has the best balance of long range and melee.
TruePrime said:Hmm I was going to pick this up for Hi-Nu, Crossbone and Aquarion but after reading some of these impressions I ain't so sure.
I know some didn't like the story structure but I thought that ACE III played freaking great, easily my favorite out of the first three and to see so many things changed (for the worse?) doesn't sound to appealing to me.
I do like the sound of increased melee presence sine there are so many units that are Melee focused like Destiny and Aquarion this time but it sounds like they gimped the ranged far to much.
That and I really really hate escort missions.
So I think I am going to just skip this one overall, or at least wait till a price collapse if there is one.
Sol is your overkill when you want to just beast bosses. Its mugen punch is unblockable and it has a good balance in long range/melee between Luna and Mars, but since you can switch mid-battle, you might as well just switch since they're that much better than Sol in those categories.TruePrime said:I already am, I saw you posted the link right before I did so I clicked on it. Luna seems cool, reminds me alot of Wing Zero's Rolling TBC spam after Limiter unlock in ACE III.
How is Solar? Solar/Apollo where my favorites in the anime, and I loved using him in SRW Z (though sadly I was in Luna most of the game as her Lunar Rain was over powered there to.) so I was hoping he would have a good balance given his Mugen Punch and Cross, am I out of luck?
Yeah I saw your post about that. It I could handle the a medicore game as long as I had a some good units, hell I liked ACE III the best and a bunch of people I know think that was far worse then II.Bebpo said:I wouldn't buy the game for any of the secret units since there's a good chance you will over the game before you even get them.
donkey show said:Sol is your overkill when you want to just beast bosses. Its mugen punch is unblockable and it has a good balance in long range/melee between Luna and Mars, but since you can switch mid-battle, you might as well just switch since they're that much better than Sol in those categories.
No problem, man!TruePrime said:Cool thanks donkey show for the info.
Awesome Mugen Punch spam on that last level, but I can see why you switch to stay in Luna, shit takes way to long.
donkey show said:No problem, man!
Cool thing is you can skip all battle animations, but you can't fucking skip Ranka's stupid face. =/ And Mugen Punch spam is always fun!
ACE:R team has Ranka hard ons.TruePrime said:Unless I misunderstood something, I can't believe they let you skip some cutscenes but not the ones with this boring ass shit in it.
donkey show said:ACE:R team has Ranka hard ons.
TruePrime said:Something, that little Anime pop up that had her looking like she was doing something rather different then singing.
Did they really just have the whole cast salute them singers?
What the hell is up with this game.
I suddenly find myself missing Macross Plus alot more. At least they had the dome AI that took over machines instead of whatever is in that image you just posted.donkey show said: