Are you planning on buying GTA VI?

Are you planning on buying GTA VI? (Choose closest)

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I'm gonna wait until it's going free on epic games store.



I will probably get it as soon as it lands on PC, but to be clear I'm not exactly DYING to play it.
I like the series enough to find it mildly entertaining to play an entry every few years, but it's not really the type of game I spend my days anticipating with great excitement.


Considering the amount of time I will probably be putting into it, it will probably be the first new release game I buy digitally for the Pro. I usually buy new release games physical and only buy digital games on sale. This one is probably the exception.
I'm one of the rare humans on the planet to not buy GTA5 because of how awful and a downgrade GTA4 was compared to previous entries. I bought RDR2 when it released but didn't care for it at all and just think I'm over rockstar as a developer.

Idk, I maybe might try 5 again before 6 releases, as I could probably get it for real cheap and see if it clicks, but I doubt it.


Gold Member
Yup day 1. Bought a PS5 just for it. I’m not waiting for it to come to PC. When PC releases I’ll buy it again and ditch my PS5.


No Way Reaction GIF

Not even at launch. Not my cup of tea.

I'm way moore hyped for the new Mafia game. I want a serious and interesting story, and beatiful and unique locations, not the same old Murican's stuff.


I'm gonna have to buy a console to play it on day one, get rid of the console as soon as I finish the game, then wait for the PC release to buy it again.


Maybe if I get it cheap. And if it’s good on PC. Haven’t played GTAV yet, only played an hour or two of GTAIV, never played any earlier GTAs, so definitely won’t be there day 1 for this one.


Gold Member
I imagine I’ll at least give it a shot at some point. Maybe when it’s on PS+ on the Ps6 or something.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I never play GTA games for more than a couple weeks after they launch, but those few weeks are always such a damn blast. I’m absolutely a day one purchase. I might even take the day off.


Day one, it will be the game of the decade.
Yep. Given that GTAV sold over 210m units since it came it out in 2014, it's highly likely GTA6 will be game of the decade.

When you consider GTAV was a game that came out on PS3 & 360, it's fucking incredible that it still sells well over a million copies each month.


I'm the happy person, who played GTA SA, 4 and 5,
and doesn't give a shit about 6.
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Not unless they split GTA VI and GTAO into two different skus and remove the launcher/account and DRM demand for it.
Maybe. I’ll have to see more gameplay. I enjoy Rockstar’s games for a while, but never finish them. Always get stuck on some dumb mission.


I doubt my laptop is going to handle this and I will wait for the PC version and a new PC for GTA6.
So..2027 I guess.
I can't ( or rather don't) play games at this scale anymore. I haven't even played RDR 2, though I've been tempted a few times.

I've also only played 3 and Vice City, so I'm not some huge GTA fan in general.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Hard to say when we haven't seen any gameplay.

In any case I'm in no rush.


Heavily debating getting a PS5 pro for it if the PC release is arbitrarily staggered, which we all know they will do because they want everyone to double dip. And we all know damn fine most of us here will double dip.


Sure, but not for €100. Probably wait for the PC as well, as the controls are fucking garbage in the previous games. Hopefully they do something about that this time.


Nah I'm gonna hold off for GTA VII. Can't justify them pumping out these decadey releases. Worse then Activision they are.
As gta has evolved it’s kinda lost that early days or at least to vice city magic and take on the world

Not saying it’s worse, more just different the bigger and more like a real world it becomes

I’m sure it will be a game that stands alone when it comes out and after a few patches. I just can’t see it missing. It’s gta after all.

Will be day 1 I guess, but possibly a little later if there any major performance issues, or word is down about it (this I can’t see)


Yeah, eventually, i know it will come out later on PC and i'm only interested in the singleplayer side of the game, so i'm not in any rush, i'll see what's it like first then get GTA 6 at some point.


PROBABLY....day1 on pc. But I wanna see the game first and I am only interested in the sp part. So yeah...lets wait and see. ;)


Day one and then again on PC. No question. Its Rockstar, and one of the few big games I'm heavily anticipating. Games has GOAT written all over it.
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