Are you planning on buying GTA VI?

Are you planning on buying GTA VI? (Choose closest)

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As you get older, the idea of "innovative" or "new" starts to get so played out and old lol I just want a solid game and that randomness of GTA is fucking timeless.

According to you, innovation is a bad thing???.......

Can you elaborate on this "randomness" that you like so much?


Neo Member
Just for the experience. I mean GTA is a cultural phenomenon that shouldn't be missed or so I was told. I just can't remember the last time I played a great Rockstar game. Max Payne possibly. Maybe they can bring the shooting mechanics over from 3.


Writes a lot, says very little
According to you, innovation is a bad thing???.......

Can you elaborate on this "randomness" that you like so much?

Never said it was bad, merely that it gets old.

Most "new" things even seeking this innovation seem to break more then fix or correct and rarely add anything interesting to the game, its almost as if they want to have something new for the sake of it vs actually designing a new concept

So...yea, I don't care. Its gotten so gimmicky, that most companies trying to brag about a new feature, I could care less until I actually play it myself to see if it really does dynamically add something more the the experience. So maybe developers should focus more on making a solid, quality experience, then this desperate need for bullet points of "new". I've rarely seen that executed well to care at this point.

I enjoy the random encounters, random killing, random robbing and the overall open world nature of GTA as a fun sandbox to play in.

Thats all I ask of GTA now days.

That is good enough for a day 1 for me.
What about proper open "get the job done your way missions!", surely you can deny that'd make the game alot better!? say you just want a sandbox (you don't care for the story) to run amuck in, well why not call for a game centred around that, instead of one that gives it 2nd priority after the stupid story!?

(A fully destructabe environment would certainly make that alot better! As would a really nice/varied procedurally generated map system! And the Riders Republic stuff! And a cartoony Where's Waldo chaotic style!)


Have 1000 hrs logged on 5. Most likely will pick this up, but they've lost most of their senior leadership (Benzies, One of the Housers). If I get any whiff that it's lost their usual level of excellence I'll hold off initially.

Naked Lunch

I think I learned my lesson by now - hopefully.
Rockstar makes shit gameplay with complete crap controls - and their games aren't for me.
But I always end up buying them just to see the spectacle, scale, and graphics of it all.
Maybe when its 10bux.
That stupid emjoi is not a proper reply EDMIX!

Do you want a story in these kind of games?

Or do you simply want a Sandbox to run a muck in? (a better version of a game like Goat Simulator)


Writes a lot, says very little
That stupid emjoi is not a proper reply EDMIX!

Do you want a story in these kind of games?

Or do you simply want a Sandbox to run a muck in? (a better version of a game like Goat Simulator)

lol i mean, you are not replying btw, you are posting, we do not know who its addressed to or if you are making a general statement.

I'm ok with the story in the GTA games, I'm ok with the randomness of doing the wild sandbox I buy it for both tbh
lol i mean, you are not replying btw, you are posting, we do not know who its addressed to or if you are making a general statement.

I'm ok with the story in the GTA games, I'm ok with the randomness of doing the wild sandbox I buy it for both tbh
"Im ok with" doesn't sound like you're particularly enthusiastic about either aspect of the game!

Which is natural the natural way to feel, because these 2 things are at odds with each other!

A game focused on a linear story = No environmental destruction! (as if you could blow everything up it'd mess the story up!)

A game focused on sandbox chaos = No story! (even if developers exclude the environmental destruction and instead include a story, it's just a joke when you spend half your time just messing around!) what do you want!?


Either way you'd surely have to agree that this is better than the all the twerking!



Writes a lot, says very little
"Im ok with" doesn't sound like you're particularly enthusiastic about either aspect of the game!

Which is natural the natural way to feel, because these 2 things are at odds with each other!

A game focused on a linear story = No environmental destruction! (as if you could blow everything up it'd mess the story up!)

A game focused on sandbox chaos = No story! (even if developers exclude the environmental destruction and instead include a story, it's just a joke when you spend half your time just messing around!) what do you want!?


Either way you'd surely have to agree that this is better than the all the twerking!

great story..


edit: and NOTHING is better then twerking lol

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Seriously bro, can't you stop being such a douche bag and just answer the question?

Would you prefer a serious game with a serious linear story?

Or a playful game about just causing havoc and doing stunts everywhere?

.....cause they're obviously not the same thing!

And while they can be combined together, like GTA is doing, the result is just whack!

Not properly serious, not properly playful, just goofy!

Don't you agree?
Have you guys seen this?

It's an (atleast semi) open world driving game, which is fully destructabe!

(it does have a linear story too... I'm not sure how they're combing that with all the destruction..?)


The leaks actually brought back my interest. The Bonnie and Clyde thing is an interesting idea and hopefully they can make it work in this gender war era.
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