Played through 4 chapters split screen co-op and so far I think it is much better than the first and so far its very fun. Anyone who enjoys co-op games should give this a try.
bigGIRLSblouse said:Played through 4 chapters split screen co-op and so far I think it is much better than the first and so far its very fun. Anyone who enjoys co-op games should give this a try.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Agree so far and on chapter 3. The zoo level is awesome!![]()
Ballistictiger said:Does this game improves on Army of Two 1? I've only played the demo and have the game sitting near the TV. I'm waiting to play with a friend or my brother.
I don't judge a game much from a demo. I know it's not the full experience or the best part of the game. Most likely it's the most lackluster part of the game that is put into the demo.
AgentOtaku said:Did they fix the issue from the first one where when you ordered your teammate AI to move forward, they always moved on a predetermined path?
Basically you couldn't place them where you wanted them was completely bullshit.
Haunted said:I hated the demo, will pass.
Just wanted to encourage the thread starter - OP's solid.
shuri said:The lack of interest in this official thread worries me.
RedStep said:Also played the first two chapters in splitscreen on Contractor. Shit's so much better than the first it's not even funny.
My biggest issue from the first, the shitty aiming, is fixed. In AoT, it felt like the LMGs had an effective range of about 30 feet. In this one I'm popping people from building to building with a G36.
Weenerz said:The GT review makes the game look very average.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Enjoying this game like some sorta crazy Die Hard movie.
dslgunstar said:Id wager its worthless if you dont have any friends who plan on buying it though, cause I cant imagine playing through with a random off XBL. But thats just me.
Amneisac said:Okay, not to go back in time here, and I don't like to hate on a game in its official thread, but since it came up earlier in the thread already but wasn't properly addressed here goes:
The aiming is terrible (IN THE XBOX 360 DEMO) and here's why:
There is a horrible delay with the movements of the right thumbstick. If you don't believe me just flick the thumbstick and watch.
The 'slow' or 'light' analog movements move too fast but then the 'fast' or 'heavy' analog movements are too slow. Compare it to most other shooters and you'll see what I mean, there's a better range of motion for the analog aiming. This all has nothing to do with the sensitivity setting.
I love co-op shooters, and I have tried so hard to like these games, but I can't play a game where the greatest challenge is just putting the reticle on the enemy.
Totally offtopic, but where is your avatar from? Wow...dslgunstar said:You know, I am really enjoying the hell out of this game. I liked the first one well enough, had its problems, but was a good time with a buddy for this most part.
This game is so much better in every way, from presentation, to set-piece and boss battle design, to integration of co-op mechanics. Im having an absolute blast with it.
Id wager its worthless if you dont have any friends who plan on buying it though, cause I cant imagine playing through with a random off XBL. But thats just me.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Anyone complete this game yet? I have a question about the levels.
Silicon Knight said:Totally offtopic, but where is your avatar from? Wow...
RS4- said:What do you want to know?
If it's about cats, I didn't find a single one; I didn't bother looking for them either.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Naw just that I rather enjoyed the first three chapters, since i felt they had some unique set peices, though chapter 4 was fine just rather typical. Does Chapter 5 and 6 have some cooler moments in it like the earlier ones?
RS4- said:I just finished the game last night and I don't even remember what happened. But yeah, it goes downhill after that. Nothing new or exciting, I think you already come across all the "bosses" by Chapter 4.
Actually, one chapter is a change of pace, but that's about it. Don't get your hopes up.
user_nat said:Also any estimated length?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Well as long as there is explosions and some cool moments I'm fine. From a gameplay perspective I'm sure I've seen it all but for instance. So far there has only been one back to back segment and I'm hoping for another one. Really if it just stays as is I'll still enjoy it. Though I was just curious.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Played on normal last night co-op from 7:30 to midnight so 4.5 hours and still two more chapters to go so I'd say your looking at a 6-8 hour game at max for campaign. Though if you want to go through it again to pick different choices, thats there. Plus this time there is a multiplayer option. Though I have yet to dable in that much.
MidnightRider said:Not many people in this thread
I never played the first one.................... is this one better or worse?
AltogetherAndrews said:I think Army of Two could benefit from dropping the traditional campaign and instead be all about short ops. There was one section in the second chapter that felt very R6V, and I would have liked more of that. So a "contract" pack would have been better, but probably difficult to market.
Chrange said:I'd love to see a co-op game that had no single-player campaign, but you had 30 different 10-15 minute (or longer) missions to run through either alone with a bot or with a friend in split-screen or online. That would let you set up as much variety as you wanted - go from a jungle mission to an encounter in the Arctic, whatever order you want to do them in. Put in leaderboards for total kills, completion times, etc...
I just don't think it would be popular enough to work though.
Silent Death said:Did anyone buy this on the PS3? I've been sitting for an hour for someone to join my game. They should have implemented a system like RE5 that allows people to drop in at the next check point.