Don't expect much from season 5 but the only way from here is up.
You thought I just had one?
This thread is a mess. This thread is a waste.
Get your shit together, ArrowGAF.
Was it on Arrow Dolph Lundgren would guest star on or was it The Flash?
Im honestly surprised to see that S4 is considered so terrible compared to S3 which had way more attempts at good premises and just fell flat.
I liked first and last thirds of previous seasons. Don't fuck up the middle this time and I will be happy.
And bring back Constantine! For Christ's sake!
Was it on Arrow Dolph Lundgren would guest star on or was it The Flash?
Arrow. Russia flashbacks.
Like Zero said, Ivan Drago is on Arrow this season. Draco Malfoy is on The Flash.
With how much they're promoting Constantine on CW Seed I would be very surprised if he doesn't show up on Arrow or Legends.
Oh ffs, he's playing a russian?
Come on..why not a smart swede instead.
Yep, can't help but feel that last year's reaction was two years of pent-up anger for the show rather than an evaluation of the season.
yeah seriously, season 3 and 4 were barely watchable the first time
Watch an entire season of this show more than once?
Ain't nobody got time for all that, I got socks to darn.
This show is my one night stand, we shag... Ollie is out before I get up and he leaves me with a hot pot of coffee and warm slippers.
Perfect relationship.
See, I really don't notice those broad strokes of the seasons sucking. I definitely see areas where the writing took major dips (season 4 midseason finale) but otherwise I would say a lot of it was in line with how the show has always been. The flashbacks being less interesting bring down things a little but they've also minimized how much time they take up.
All these CW comic shows sorta occupy this same space of writing where they lack any type of subtly with their messages or what they want you to know. Nobody is analyzing scenes looking for subtext in any of these programs. We always know what a person wants to do, and if they do have a hidden motive, we'll get a shifty side glance before it cuts to commercial.
The only time my brain starts telling me "This really sucks" is when the villain (who is usually the driving force of the season) is lackluster or they retread over something that has been done before. Flash Season 2 did both. Arrow Season 4 did the latter with the Felicity walking out on Oliver. I could never binge the show though, 40 minutes a week spreads out the stupid aspects of these shows for me. If I watched them back to back I'd notice how there is always a warehouse showdown on Arrow. Or how Flash always has his first encounter with the villain, gets knocked back, and then they escape [Cut to commercial as Barry looks bewildered]
I just rewatch so I can really get down the themeing of each season and how they connect. And you are right, the show is....consistent despite some of the dips the show takes.
A season without Felicity.
If Arrow is the worst show you've been watching these last two years you live a pretty privileged life.
You spend a lot of time watching bad shows? What an utterly strange statement.
You never start a show to discover it is bad?You spend a lot of time watching bad shows? What an utterly strange statement.
New Trailer from the man himself:
New Trailer from the man himself:
You never start a show to discover it is bad?
So you are an hypocrite."Been watching" as in continuously. If I start a show and it sucks, I stop. Unfortunately for Arrow, it was good once upon a time, so I hate watch it in hopes that it can return to when it was good.
So you are an hypocrite.
how spoilery?
New Trailer from the man himself:
That was actually a good trailer
Wild dog: will be dead by mid-season.Do you guys think the new sidekicks are going to last? Or is Oliver going to burn through them fat because none of them are as good as the old sidekicks?
New Trailer from the man himself:
New Trailer from the man himself:
After sleeping with Oliver.Artemis: will grow disillusioned and join this season's big bad.
"Be honest Kara, who do you like better. Me or Barry?"