Maybe it's a great analogy, just the opposite of what he meant

Horses aren't used anymore for efficiency because we have more efficient tools at disposal. They are still used for a multiplicity of reasons, but most of all because human beings do stuff because they want to, sometimes just for the hell of it.
very aptly noted that AI art "provide no fulfillment for effort and no introspection" which are things he finds in his practice of drawing. Because that's what art brings to him. He's not a consumer who only cares about the finished product to consume and move on to the next. I realize i was harsh in my precedent post, and i'm sure that a lot of programmers find fullfiment into the effort they make to write code.
That is why both artists and programmers ten years from now will change, but keep existing. People who find coding fun will keep doing it, just not in a professionnal setting. I can see conventions and expos as a way to make money in the coding community going forward, not being paid to write code. People will do stuff that provides them fullfilment. The end result of art being more evident than a well coded program, imo artists will still find ways to earn doing commissions.