RedSwirl said:I guess I don't use the crossbow enough for fear that it'll break the game.
In my experience smoke bombs usually immediately result in detection after they dissipate (which means mission failure).
Play until you unlock your assassin posse and all sidequests will be more enjoyable.bobs99 ... said:Hey im not far into the game, but I have a quick question. I know im like 1 mission away from triggering the notoriety mechanic, and I was wondering if its worth doing all the side missions now before that kicks in?
In Assassins Creed 2 in the endgame you got a cape that let you basically turn that mechanic off, is there anything similar in this game?
Is it actually more fun doing some of the side missions later on in the game, when I have more stuff unlocked?
Also - is there a way to replay side mission memories later on? Can I redo Borgia towers etc?
bobs99 ... said:Hey im not far into the game, but I have a quick question. I know im like 1 mission away from triggering the notoriety mechanic, and I was wondering if its worth doing all the side missions now before that kicks in?
In Assassins Creed 2 in the endgame you got a cape that let you basically turn that mechanic off, is there anything similar in this game?
LiK said:Play until you unlock your assassin posse and all sidequests will be more enjoyable.
bobs99 ... said:Awesome thanks! Ill do that.
Out of curiosity, am I able to replay borgia towers and other side memories like assassination contracts? I get the feeling that theres a lot of fun to be had trying to kill the captain in different ways.
Rickard said:Borgia Towers: No
Asssassin Contrasts: Yes
That's okay, clearing up some of them will make the story missions easier. Do them if you feel like it. But not all Borgia towers are reachable until later sequences. You get walled off from them.bobs99 ... said:Thanks! Thats annoying, Borgia Towers look like the kind of things that would be awesome to do in the late game with all your cool gadgets and stuff. Im kinda just doing them now to see the viewpoints and open up the map, maybe I need to slow down on that.
Rickard said:I just realized I can buy a map of flag locations.
This is the best AC yet.
Rickard said:I just realized I can buy a map of flag locations.
This is the best AC yet.
LiK said:That's okay, clearing up some of them will make the story missions easier. Do them if you feel like it. But not all Borgia towers are reachable until later sequences. You get walled off from them.
Ledsen said:Unfortunately the millions of collectibles in this game and the maps for them means that the game basically turns into Pac-Man if you want to collect 100%. It sucks, and after finishing it and returning to Red Dead Revolver (and realizing how much better the optional stuff is in that game) I really wish Ubisoft would just cut all the stupid filler and meaningless collectibles and put in some good side missions instead. Get rid of the treasure chests, the flags, the feathers, the buying of stores... all of it. They add nothing at all to the game, it's just an artificial way to make you spend more time climbing around.
You can also do it in the main hideout.bobs99 ... said:is there any way to like micro manage that from the main menu?
As soon as one slot is open an icon will appear on the map.bobs99 ... said:I know if my assassins die I have to recruit new ones - so I assume I wont eventually run out of citizens to recruit?
Whatever is missing in the area. Or whatever preference you have for those groups.bobs99 ... said:Another quick thing, im seeing a bunch of empty buildings that I can turn into Guild buildings, So whats usually best to build?
bandresen said:you don't need to spoiler-tag that in the game Assassin's Creed Brotherhood you can build a Brotherhood by recruiting citizens.
You can also do it in the main hideout.
As soon as one slot is open an icon will appear on the map.
Whatever is missing in the area. Or whatever preference you have for those groups.
1stStrike said:Oh, and for you guys playing multi, what are some of the most unique kills you've done / seen? I've been trying for a bench kill, but nobody ever comes near me when I'm on a bench :lol
I've managed a kill or two from a haystack, but it was mostly luck. At higher levels, you really do have to stay on the move when hunting your target.1stStrike said:Oh, and for you guys playing multi, what are some of the most unique kills you've done / seen? I've been trying for a bench kill, but nobody ever comes near me when I'm on a bench :lol
rataven said:I've managed a kill or two from a haystack, but it was mostly luck. At higher levels, you really do have to stay on the move when hunting your target.
I did have a fun kill that I'll definitely remember though. I was blended into a stationary group avoiding my pursuer, but I also knew from my indicator that my target was nearby as well. There I was, stealthy blended, and I see my target running directly towards me and my group of harmless, chatting NPCs in an attempt to escape his other two pursuers. He blends into the group RIGHT NEXT to me and, sure enough, escapes them. Thinking he's home free, he waits for a second...just enough time for me to turn to him, look him in the eye, then stab him in the gut with my spear. It was pure luck, but I got a kick out of it.
Completely cosmetic. Each gear rank slightly alters the base character models by altering the fabrics (studded apron for the Blacksmith, etc...) and adding fancier accessories (metal mask for the Doctor, jewel encrusted cross for the priest, hat for the thief, more pockets for the footpad, mask for the courtesan, etc...).1stStrike said:I can't wait to hit the higher levels. One thing I'm wondering though is what does the "gear" do that you unlock as you level up? Game doesn't give any clues on this.
1stStrike said:Oh, and for you guys playing multi, what are some of the most unique kills you've done / seen? I've been trying for a bench kill, but nobody ever comes near me when I'm on a bench :lol
jett said:No one else enjoyed collecting flags in this game? With the maps it's no longer a pain in the ass to search for them, and several flags are in places that require you to figure out exactly how to get there. Almost puzzle-like, in a way.
Amir0x said:Which ones were "puzzle-like" to figure out?
I'm glad they made a map for them - I fucking hate mindless collectathoning especially in a world as big as AC - but none of them seemed really well placed. half of them were just a short hop and skip on top of some columns, on top of some roof or just a skip off an aqueduct or something. The only ones that were even really unique were like one or two inside a Romulus tomb.
I'm just glad they added a map to these bitches.
Jeff Stephen said:The glider controls... well that's one way to approach it.
I've completed DNA sequence 6 and once your recruits reach the rank of Assassin, I assume there's no point to send 'em out on contracts anymore?
If you still have recruits of lower ranks, you can send your Assassins out on higher-level contracts with them. It'll help recruits level up much quicker and almost guarantees 100% success.Jeff Stephen said:The glider controls... well that's one way to approach it.
I've completed DNA sequence 6 and once your recruits reach the rank of Assassin, I assume there's no point to send 'em out on contracts anymore?
1stStrike said:Man, the:|glider part in the war machines was the biggest ass pain in the game IMO. I crashed that thing like 10 times before I got the controls down, and then I kept missing, so I'd have to continually circle around.
I just bought myself a 40" LED tv and a sony sound bar (space constraints) with the black friday deals, so I'm going to be setting that up today and getting some more AC:B MP in. I can't wait to get to the higher ranks and get some more strategies going.
Also, I wish I could go dual pistols, or summon a fucking cannonball or something for those jack asses that run around roofs.
One thing that I've started doing is getting in with a crowd, letting it do auto-follow, and then morphing the crowd.
One of two things usually happens.
1. My pursuer kills a civilian and I'm off the hook
2. The guy I'm after walks near me and I jump out and stab them in the face.
Some guy used firecracker on me last night, though, so at least some people use the items the way they're supposed to. I've noticed that most people seem to not use items at all and just run around like jack asses, or they use them at dumb times (like throwing a smoke bomb when your pursuer is nowhere near you)
jett said:There are a few scattered around the countryside among columns that I personally had a hard time figuring out how to reach them.![]()
Ledsen said:There are a few like that but even most of those are just "jump on the nearest low column and follow the 'stairs'". I really hated the flags, mostly because they have no point whatsoever. You don't get anything for finding them, they're not hard to find (they're right there on the map!) and it's incredibly obvious that they're simply meaningless filler.
jett said:No one else enjoyed collecting flags in this game? With the maps it's no longer a pain in the ass to search for them, and several flags are in places that require you to figure out exactly how to get there. Almost puzzle-like, in a way.
jett said:No one else enjoyed collecting flags in this game? With the maps it's no longer a pain in the ass to search for them, and several flags are in places that require you to figure out exactly how to get there. Almost puzzle-like, in a way.
Bebpo said:I like collect the flags, because like you say they're small platforming challenges setup throughout the map.
But there were things I didn't like about them:
-too many
-putting some of them in tombs so you had to redo the whole tomb if you want to get them (because while trying to clear them in 8 mins for full sync you likely didn't get all 3)
-clutter the map screen when trying to actually USE it to see what missions are left to do
There should have been about 30 and all on the overworld. The feathers were stupid because 10 w/maps is a joke and far too few. 10 would've been ok if there was a no map I guess. 100+ collectables just clutters the world. Especially when the entire world is only 1 city.
jett said:No one else enjoyed collecting flags in this game? With the maps it's no longer a pain in the ass to search for them, and several flags are in places that require you to figure out exactly how to get there. Almost puzzle-like, in a way.
Jipan said:It's true that most people play the MP like jackasses, running on the rooftops and camping with the hidden gun. It ruins the whole point of the experience and it doesn't help that people don't coordinate their plans in Manhunt although I've never played with a mic on so that's probably part of the reason. Manhunt is the only game mode I play because the other game modes are intimidating especially with high level players who have all the cool perks and I'm level 11 I believe. They seriously gotta patch up the matchmaking system and punish people who rage quit and give more time to make balanced teams. I remember in one Manhunt match it was a team of 4 guys versus a team of me and another play. We got our asses kicked badly but I didn't rage quit.