burgerdog said:How do you do the thief/merc/courtesan quests? Every now and then I see a message saying that there's new missions available.
It increases any time you complete a strand of the DNA sequence. Main story sequences and the optional stuff.LordPhoque said:I have a question about the total sync percentage. Does it only increase if you complete the optional objectives ?
You have to find an NPC to initiate the quest. They're marked on your map. Courtesans are marked with a flower symbol, thiefs with a mask, etc.burgerdog said:How do you do the thief/merc/courtesan quests? Every now and then I see a message saying that there's new missions available.
burgerdog said:How do you do the thief/merc/courtesan quests? Every now and then I see a message saying that there's new missions available.
There's no automute option, but there is a mute option buried within the scoreboard. IIRC, you have to press start and select Abstergo Agents for the scoreboard.1stStrike said:I just wish I could mute people online. People with mic's either breath into them, are fucking annoying, or just straight up retarded. I've actually started turning on my mic just so I didn't have to hear them. :|
Killthee said:There's no automute option, but there is a mute option buried within the scoreboard. IIRC, you have to press start and select Abstergo Agents for the scoreboard.
Yeah, especially due to how short the rounds are.1stStrike said:Oh, good to know. Pain in the ass to get to, though. You don't really have time to be fucking around in the start menu during a match.
Papercuts said:The roof stuff is why I love manhunt. If I see a target running like a jackass I just switch targets and don't waste my time, they're not going to get any points up there. As for the gun, it can annoy me, but I also know they get shit for points...so again, nothing really to worry about. Coordination can mean a ton, the teams don't auotbalance because everyone can pick, if you're in a party of 4 you all just automatically fill up one team. And with the power of coordination, it can be BRUTAL. My squad was getting 15000-20000 in the hiding portion, you can all hide closer as a group and get +60 every few seconds to gain insane points.
As for the flags, I'm really really glad they added maps and I look forward to getting them, but I'm not a good example since I got all the flags in AC1(AWFUL) and feathers in 2.
Jipan said:Yeah, that's the funny thing about people running the roof; they're the ones who get spotted right away and get killed the easiest. I always play discreetly, maybe a small burst of run here and there, but I always walk. I swear, I've had a ton of close encounters with a bunch of idiots running around near me only to stun one before the others finish me off or a player will approach me for the kill and the I try to jam on the stun button before I'm gone. I played with a mic on earlier, only to hear a kid that sounded like he was 15 and another dude who was telling him to shut up because he was being annoying. Nobody seems to coordinate or at least, the people I end up playing with and I always play a public match. It seems that the people who do win are the ones that plan out everything. I'm dying to get to level 20 already because it seems that Templar vision is the key to winning and playing with guys who are level 18 and up are the most dangerous players.
That's insane. I didn't bother going out my way for the flags in AC1 and in AC2 I gave up once I got somewhere around 80 of them or so. The maps are a godsend indeed. I got all the flags with the help of a faq for the ones that I missed at the Romulus shrines. The reward is pretty stupid as it essentially has same properties as the Auditore cape. It wasn't really worth it, but for achievement/trophy fanatics (like me) and completionists it's worth it.The Borgia Cape
Revolutionary said:Fuck me, I don't think I'm ever going to get this damn Abstergo Employee of the Month trophy. I'm just missing the Drop Kill bonus (AFAIK), because every time I had the chance to do it and tried, it never registered as a Drop Kill - just a regular kill. I guess I'm supposed to be leaning over the edge for it to count (which is dumb, IMO - if you're right by the ledge but not leaning it should still count).
Revolutionary said:Fuck me, I don't think I'm ever going to get this damn Abstergo Employee of the Month trophy. I'm just missing the Drop Kill bonus (AFAIK), because every time I had the chance to do it and tried, it never registered as a Drop Kill - just a regular kill. I guess I'm supposed to be leaning over the edge for it to count (which is dumb, IMO - if you're right by the ledge but not leaning it should still count).
1stStrike said:So, after hitting level 20 I finally got 1st place for the first time (yeah, not that all impressive, I know.) But, then I got first place and stayed between 1st and 2nd for like 4 more games.
That templar vision is fucking amazing. Combine that with morph and omg, rape. Those two are a fabulous combo for manhunt.
Around my level everyone is starting to use morph. So, I get near them, throw on templar vision and stab them in the face. Or, if that's on cooldown, I walk up to a group (usually with a buddy or two on my team) and throw down my own morph. Either that results in me getting a kill, or I end up stunned, but my other team mate stabs them. Either way, they're dead.
I did have a rather hilarious moment just a little while ago playing in manhunt. I had used my morph off to the side of the map and was standing there soaking up points (we were way in the lead already in the first round) and two of the enemy team walk up to me (I thought there was just one).
The one guy throws down a firework, and I just start mashing O (I get so many stuns like this when they throw down fireworks and are working on targeting me - I usually get the stun in before they get the assassination) and I stun one of them while I'm blind.
A couple seconds later the blindness wears off and I realize there's another dude there who's just standing there - mash O some more and stun him too. Then jog off to victory :lol
Having quite a blast with this. I do have my bad times, but overall it really is a lot of fun.
Again, though, levels do make a huge difference. The lack of tools available in the beginning makes the game extremely difficult. Now that I'm a bit higher level and have more available to me I'm more flexible. Just got "charge" so gonna give that a shot soon![]()
bobs99 ... said:As you level up does matchmaking try and match you against people at your level?
Im like a level 15ish right now I think and im not really looking forward to the possibility of playing against people with templar vision, it just seems a bit of a game breaker, no matter how stealthy you can be or no matter how smart you use your perks your gonna get spotted. :/
bobs99 ... said:As you level up does matchmaking try and match you against people at your level?
Im like a level 15ish right now I think and im not really looking forward to the possibility of playing against people with templar vision, it just seems a bit of a game breaker, no matter how stealthy you can be or no matter how smart you use your perks your gonna get spotted. :/
As much as I love Brotherhood, I think its time the developers moved on from the mechanics and set peices. AC2 was a HUGE step up from AC1 but Brotherhood feels like an expansion pack, and one that sort of fails to capture the magic of AC2. It was a chance for them to try out multiplayer and that was a success in my eyes.
BUT now I just want a fully fledged sequel, and I WANT it to have a 3 year development cycle, I want a game thats as big a step up as AC2 was. I want a new setting and assassin and I kind of want them to strip away some of the stuff they added in AC2. Each timezone should feel 'different'.
Theres rumours that AC3 is coming in 2011 and I just dont see how it can be all that different if its just had a 1 year dev cycle, I sort of hope AC3 has been in development since AC2 went out the door and Brotherhood was built by a smaller team or something like that.
1stStrike said:So, after hitting level 20 I finally got 1st place for the first time (yeah, not that all impressive, I know.) But, then I got first place and stayed between 1st and 2nd for like 4 more games.
That templar vision is fucking amazing. Combine that with morph and omg, rape. Those two are a fabulous combo for manhunt.
Around my level everyone is starting to use morph. So, I get near them, throw on templar vision and stab them in the face. Or, if that's on cooldown, I walk up to a group (usually with a buddy or two on my team) and throw down my own morph. Either that results in me getting a kill, or I end up stunned, but my other team mate stabs them. Either way, they're dead.
I did have a rather hilarious moment just a little while ago playing in manhunt. I had used my morph off to the side of the map and was standing there soaking up points (we were way in the lead already in the first round) and two of the enemy team walk up to me (I thought there was just one).
The one guy throws down a firework, and I just start mashing O (I get so many stuns like this when they throw down fireworks and are working on targeting me - I usually get the stun in before they get the assassination) and I stun one of them while I'm blind.
A couple seconds later the blindness wears off and I realize there's another dude there who's just standing there - mash O some more and stun him too. Then jog off to victory :lol
Having quite a blast with this. I do have my bad times, but overall it really is a lot of fun.
Again, though, levels do make a huge difference. The lack of tools available in the beginning makes the game extremely difficult. Now that I'm a bit higher level and have more available to me I'm more flexible. Just got "charge" so gonna give that a shot soon![]()
I'm fairly sure I've gotten Extreme Variety already - or hope so, at least. I've seen Greater Variety pop at least 50 times early in the match and such but I never actually noticed if Extreme popped. Shit, I hope so.GraveRobberX said:Yeah you the killer have to be gripping a ledge and the victim has to be looking downward, if he is not you will do an animation of jumping off the ledge and pouncing onto him on the base he was standing on
The thing that will kill you getting the trophy is the Greater/Extreme Variety, that means 15 different bonuses earned with-in a game
Only Kill & Action bonus counts, it's fucking hard, it means get a kill, with these actions included (no repeats) acrobatic, hidden, incognito, silent, discreet, stun, double stun, escape, double escape, triple escape, drop kill, poison, intercept, revenge, etc.
You gotta keep a manual checklist, game doesn't do you any favors of how many of each style you have gotten
It's dependent on your target being stunned by their target. They'll be immobile on the ground for a few seconds. Just assassinate them with a kick to the stomach before they get up (not sure how that kills em, but it's fun for a laugh).Revolutionary said:One more bonus I have a question about is Grounded. Does this mean I have to knock them to the ground and then kill them? I don't recall getting it before.
I didn't get my trophy for completing one of the lairs or for the wishing well. Ubi's technical support forum is full of people complaining. Seems common, so hopefully they'll fix it somehow.gamerecks said:Anyone here about a fix for the Trophies missing issue?
Yeah you have to do a pulldown from a ledge to get Drop Kill. If you're along side him and kill him you'll get acrobatic, he must be standing and you must be on the ledge.Revolutionary said:I'm fairly sure I've gotten Extreme Variety already - or hope so, at least. I've seen Greater Variety pop at least 50 times early in the match and such but I never actually noticed if Extreme popped. Shit, I hope so.
But yeah, seems I was misunderstanding the Drop Kill, then. I thought it was something akin of stepping on his foot and dropping him to his death - you're making it sound as though I just have to be climbing alongside him or something to do it. In that case, I'm certain I've gotten those kills before.
One more bonus I have a question about is Grounded. Does this mean I have to knock them to the ground and then kill them? I don't recall getting it before.
Reinstalling the game did it for me. Delete the game data and then reinstall before installing the patch (I actually skipped the patch). If they're multi trophies they should just pop up after a round. Single player trophies I believe you have to start a second save and redo the requirements, not sure if you can get them by replaying memories.gamerecks said:Anyone here about a fix for the Trophies missing issue?
I pretty blatantly got some trophies that arent showing on my list.
Ah, I see. No wonder I haven't done it. I rarely play Wanted, mostly just Manhunt.rataven said:It's dependent on your target being stunned by their target. They'll be immobile on the ground for a few seconds. Just assassinate them with a kick to the stomach before they get up (not sure how that kills em, but it's fun for a laugh).
I guess you could get it in Wanted, but it's much easier in Alliance since everyone has a set target and pursuer.Revolutionary said:Ah, I see. No wonder I haven't done it. I rarely play Wanted, mostly just Manhunt.
EDIT: Oh god not Alliance. I hate that mode.It's a clusterfuck.
You can get it in Wanted. The opportunity isn't incrediably common, but you'll get your chance. I've managed it a few times.Revolutionary said:Ah, I see. No wonder I haven't done it. I rarely play Wanted, mostly just Manhunt.
EDIT: Oh god not Alliance. I hate that mode.It's a clusterfuck. And oohh I get Drop Kill now. :lol Don't know why that never occured to me.
crispyben said:GAF, I'm finally about to get started with this, but I downloaded and installed the Copernicus DLC before I installed the main game... Is this known to cause a problem with the missions not showing up or something?
OK, I was asking because the game still says I can download it in the DLC section of the main menu, so I'm a bit wary of having screwed things up by doing it backwards...jett said:No? Copernicus mission will show up later.
1stStrike said:Templar vision really isn't that terrible. You have to know where they're at first as it only lasts 3.5 seconds. If you use it blindly you probably won't find them.
1stStrike said:You're not guaranteed a kill even with the radar and templae vision. You spout so much hate for it, but it sounds like you're the one getting owned. Try adapting. When they use templar vision they're lit up like a christmas tree so you already know where they are. Either charge them and knock their asses out or throw down a smoke bomb or firework. Most of the people that use templar vision just stand out in the open like retards and make it blatantly obvious they're looking for you.
Amir0x said:Sorry it's skill-less bullshit and your explanation says "hey, I'm a player who has become overly reliant on it myself and thus have to make excuses for it." It's not about getting owned (I mean, I'm lvl 50 and am a pretty high rank on the leaderboards) - you immediately HAVE to escape. Your cover is instantly blown. You waste the trouble to hide, only to have it unravel because the templar vision 100% gives your position away. There's no effective way to confuse the one using Templar Vision, you either smoke bomb/charge or escape.
The point of HUNTING is to have to actually hunt... if the game does all the deductive work for you, then you're not hunting. You're just having the game give you a blow job and call it a day. It doesn't matter whether you can see them too, because all hunters all ridiculously easy to spot. What matters is that they can see you, and so your only option is to a.) escape b.) smoke bomb/charge. It's a neverending lame cycle that is built on the backs of shitty players.
because all hunters all ridiculously easy to spot.
bobs99 ... said:I agree with this 100% It just seems like a crutch, it seems like it takes away EVERYTHING that the game is built on.
Im a relativly new player, and I tend to find that I struggle to spot when im getting hunted. I love the free for all mode because your always getting hunted, and I tend to find that if I see someone acting odd I RUN. But generally when im slowly making my way towards my target its hard to spot the hunter, how do you guys do it - do you spin the camera around you every so often or something?
I might be wrong, but I don't think you can. Best to get them in an execution streak, or give yourself some distance and shoot them with the crossbow.Die Squirrel Die said:Oh and a question, how do I disarm Papal Guards? Unlike the Brutes Taunting them doesn't work?
rataven said:I might be wrong, but I don't think you can. Best to get them in an execution streak, or give yourself some distance and shoot them with the crossbow.
1stStrike said:Templar vision really isn't that terrible. You have to know where they're at first as it only lasts 3.5 seconds. If you use it blindly you probably won't find them.