True. I have no idea how they went from gorgeous realistic graphics in AC to cartoony character models in AC II.Darknessbear said:It's also surprising how much better that graphics are in AC1.![]()
True. I have no idea how they went from gorgeous realistic graphics in AC to cartoony character models in AC II.Darknessbear said:It's also surprising how much better that graphics are in AC1.![]()
Volcynika said:Anyone had an issue on the PS3 version where it won't pull out the crossbow? I keep selecting it then the game is like WELL YOU SELECTED HIDDEN BLADES! I'm still able to use the gun but it sometimes just won't let me use the crossbow.
bumpkin said:Hmm, I hope that whatever takes place outside of the Animus between sequences isn't limited only to that particular place and time. I haven't left it for at least two or three sequences (I just started sequence 7). In the original AC, I got hosed on one of the achievements because I missed an opportunity to talk to Lucy.
MjFrancis said:Well, there are two achievements you can miss that are outside the Animus, and I don't know if you can leave the Animus after a certain sequence. Better go through them while you can just to be sure.
Ledsen said:You better do everything you want outside the Animus before a specific mission in (I think) Sequence 8. Also make sure to finish all the Subject 16 puzzles and then exit the Animus to have a special conversation that you can't get after you finish the game. All the conversations with your teammates are also sequence-specific, so you've missed a few.
The second 2012 trophy is given foroddworld18 said:crap! one of them is the (early game spoiler)but what's the other? i haven't beaten the game yet - taking my sweet time, since I heard you can do almost all the side-stuff after the story ends. but it sounds like i should prioritize the subject 16 codes before i finish the main story based on what ledsen one
is the other 2012 achievementbecause i had just assumed that was part of the main storyline. or is that just the"find one artifact in 2012"that i read had no real purpose?statue searching in monteriggoni
Well this is disappointing. Kinda wished you were forced out of the Animus after completing each sequence. I guess I'll start up a new save once I get back.Ledsen said:You better do everything you want outside the Animus before a specific mission in (I think) Sequence 8. Also make sure to finish all the Subject 16 puzzles and then exit the Animus to have a special conversation that you can't get after you finish the game. All the conversations with your teammates are also sequence-specific, so you've missed a few.
I thought theultron87 said:Beat it. Loved the game.
Only complaint about the last act,the missions where you had to use the Apple were dreadful. And it's really sad that that is the last time you get to use your guild. I would have loved to fight sword by sword with all of them one last time. Instead I had to mind a stupid AOE attack.
Jeff Stephen said:Well this is disappointing. Kinda wished you were forced out of the Animus after completing each sequence. I guess I'll start up a new save once I get back.
Also is there a map for all Borgia flags available to purchase? I've come across a few on the map but certainly not all all 101.
Jeff Stephen said:Well this is disappointing. Kinda wished you were forced out of the Animus after completing each sequence. I guess I'll start up a new save once I get back.
Also is there a map for all Borgia flags available to purchase? I've come across a few on the map but certainly not all all 101.
No, more of them unlock as you progress through the game. Might depend on your synch rate, or how many sequences you've completed.oddworld18 said:It looks like the maps unlock for purchase after you hit 100% of Rome rebuilt.
They don't, but all of the Borgia Flags in the Romulus Lairs are all pretty much along the path, and easy to spot. Maps for them would be kind of unnecessary.They're pricey, around 17k each. I got them last night, and I don't think they cover flags in the Romulus lairs.
I think there's one flag that I missed in a Romulus Lair, but I couldn't tell you *which* Lair it was. All I can say is it was a flag in this square-ish alcove that wasn't reachable from any angle I could spot; it was just out of reach of simply scaling the wall beneath it. My only thought is to replay the Lair and try using aSai said:They don't, but all of the Borgia Flags in the Romulus Lairs are all pretty much along the path, and easy to spot. Maps for them would be kind of unnecessary.
Only reason I missed out on some of them in my first playthrough is because I was anxious to finish the game, see how the story plays out.
Is there a youtube link for this? I'm not in mood of beating the game again :\ .Ledsen said:You better do everything you want outside the Animus before a specific mission in (I think) Sequence 8. Also make sure to finish all the Subject 16 puzzles and then exit the Animus to have a special conversation that you can't get after you finish the game. All the conversations with your teammates are also sequence-specific, so you've missed a few.
oddworld18 said:It looks like the maps unlock for purchase after you hit 100% of Rome rebuilt. They're pricey, around 17k each. I got them last night, and I don't think they cover flags in the Romulus lairs.
You have to first collect 25 flags on your own (use eagle vision), then shops will carry flag maps. You don't have to rebuild Rome first. I think the treasure maps unlock as you open more art merchant shops. You can also get a Vatican treasure map, but that's part of the art merchant shop quest.Bebpo said:Even the Vatican area?
I'm at ~71% sync right post-game and I still don't have maps available for some sections.
rataven said:You have to first collect 25 flags on your own, then shops will carry flag maps. You don't have to rebuild Rome first. I think the treasure maps unlock as you open more art merchant shops. You can also get a Vatican treasure map, but that's part of the art merchant shop quest.
Did you get the five flags in the Vatican? And I think the maps the art merchant sells are regional. Meaning you have to be in that district to purchase the flag map there.Bebpo said:My rome is at 100% and I have about 65 of the 83 flags in Rome (not counting secret locations) but there's only about 10 left on my map. Which means ~8 are unmapped right now and the art guy wasn't selling any new maps last time I checked.
Bebpo said:Even the Vatican area?
I'm at ~71% sync right post-game and I still don't have maps available for some sections.
bumpkin said:I think there's one flag that I missed in a Romulus Lair, but I couldn't tell you *which* Lair it was. All I can say is it was a flag in this square-ish alcove that wasn't reachable from any angle I could spot; it was just out of reach of simply scaling the wall beneath it. My only thought is to replay the Lair and try using awhen jumping off the pillar across the room and aim for it.parachute
I haven't checked, but you can replay the Romulus Lairs, right?
Bebpo said:Oh, Vatican map is a shop quest? No wonder I'm missing it.
I have like 2 of the Vatican flags. Guess I need to just scout out the district.
I think we also should remember that in AC1 that space you were in out of the animus consisted of 2 rooms. In AC2 it was a much bigger place, which is probably why they toned down the detail of the original animus room that you're in.jett said:It's not that they are better, they're also different. AC1 has a much more realistic look to it, especially the character models, which border on cartoonish in AC2 and ACB. Textures might also be higher quality, but it's worth pointing out that Florence and Venice are much bigger and more varied than the cities in AC1, especially vertically.![]()
Deepack said:Aaah! WHy the fuck is the text in this game in dutch (Belgian here)?
My 360's system language is english, the chracters speak english but the other text is all in Dutch. The fuck? I want it in english. There is no option to change it...fucking Ubisoft.
Yeah, on PS3 you just put your system language in english and all the games adapt.1stStrike said:...What? I never had that issue (PS3 version).
TSAGoodness said:So i just finished the Romulus Lairs (best part of the game so far), I haven't finished the real game yet, but I noticed on the map key it says "Templar Lairs" but I don't see any listed around. Do these become visible once you beat the game or something? I want some more "lair" platforming action.
Amir0x said:All of sequence eight should have been fucking modified to have some interesting end missions. All the boringmissions were BLAST
Deepack said:Yeah, on PS3 you just put your system language in english and all the games adapt.
On 360 it appears not to be the case. It could have been worse, but dutch text is still horseshit.
Nakiro said:Quick question, is the save file for AC:B copy-protected?
Great, I'm locked out of my AC II until I head back to my HQ.. lolcanadiancrowe said:Nope.
Deepack said:Aaah! Why the fuck is the text in this game in dutch (Belgian here)?
My 360's system language is english, the chracters speak english but everything else is in Dutch. The fuck? I want it in english. There is no option to change it...fucking Ubisoft.
1stStrike said:Wow, and once again I am glad I've stuck with Sony over the years.
I just set my console's locale to United Kingdom, that did the trick for me. Like you, I prefer to keep the dutch language out of my games.Deepack said:Aaah! Why the fuck is the text in this game in dutch (Belgian here)?
My 360's system language is english, the chracters speak english but everything else is in Dutch. The fuck? I want it in english. There is no option to change it...fucking Ubisoft.
big_z said:fuck i hate the white gradient they put over the screen. looks like shit, especially in darker areas.
1stStrike said:Yes, it does read your AC2 save game because I had the same amount of money I had when I finished AC2 when I started up AC:B
For me, there were so many improvements have been made to the game mechanics and there were enough enjoyable plot points in the game for meShockingAlberto said:Okay, finished the game last night. I was left with two basic thoughts:
- The end game of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood goes a long way to retroactively ruin the game before it.
- This series can not sustain yearly installments.
Everyone has been throwing around the phrase "If they keep it this good, they can make it yearly." The problem is, it's clearly slipping already. Lots of Rome is copy and pasted from AC2, every ruined building is ruined in exactly the same way up top, mission directives are sometimes boring and uninteresting, and the end of the god, the end. I have never seen a game so obviously rushed to make a deadline.
Even what is ostensibly the big mechanic change for the single player, the use of the guild, is randomly turned off during some missions. The actual training of the assassins is busywork. You click thing, fill up a percentage bar, then they eventually come back except this time with possible nutmeg.
And oh my god, the promotion scenes. Really? Really? Not only is it completely unskippable, but you can't even teleport to the hideout to do it. You have to go there, exit a door, and come back in before the unskippable cutscene will start that is exactly the same every goddamn time.
I've already mentioned how badly the last few missions dropped the ball. I could not picture a worse denouement to the game. I've never been a firm believer in the idea that games are made chronologically, where the first part is made first and the last part made last, but damn if it doesn't feel like the final leg of this game was as rushed as it could possibly be.
All in all, I picture Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood like someone rushing to cook an hour long meal in half an hour. The basic ingredients are there, but they're undercooked, and you don't see how bad it is before you take a bite.
I'll be skipping next year's installment, I think.
When you say promotion cutscene, do you mean when you save a citizen? That cutscene lasts like 8 seconds and you only see it like 9 or 10 times during the game...
Oh wow, I don't think I ever saw that. I leveled up my Assassins to around level 7 or 8. How long is the ceremony?Volcynika said:He probably means when a guild member becomes a full fledged assassin / maxed out on level, and you watch the ceremony for them to be 'inducted' or whatever.