Er, I meant the other one--the male one that was exclusive to those who preordered from Gamestop. :lolJeff Stephen said:Isn't this available for 40 uPlay points?
Er, I meant the other one--the male one that was exclusive to those who preordered from Gamestop. :lolJeff Stephen said:Isn't this available for 40 uPlay points?
jett said:You can check your e-mail. Lucy leaves during Sequences 5, 6 and 7 for reasons unknown. Nobody acknowledges she's missing, no one cares when she comes back. Yay for 1 yearlong dev cycles.
Dr Zhivago said:Doesn't she say she's going out for supplies?
HYDE said:Quick question, is this game like the ODST of the Assassin's Creed series, or is it an awesome and justified sequel? Please answer yes or no, and then state a quick paragraph why yes or no. Oh, and if you would recommend it at full price or wait for the drop. Oh, and I don't care for the multiplayer, so include that in your weighted opinion. Thanks. :lol
Ledsen said:It's as long or longer than AssCreed 2, and is set in a new and HUGE city. It has a number of gameplay improvements, the most important IMO being the new combat combo system (no more waiting around for counters) and the Assassin's Guild system. There are tons and tons of side missions and collectibles (too many IMO). I'd estimate I spent ~25-30 hours with this game and I never even touched the multiplayer. It is still a very similar game to AC2 with all its flaws basically intact, so if it's worth full price or not depends entirely on whether you're tired of the formula or not. Content-wise it's definitely a sequel.
Dr Zhivago said:Doesn't she say she's going out for supplies?
bigcappy said:Loving the multiplayer for this game. For the whole year my thoughts were "Meh" how fun can it be.
But last night I finally got the morph ability. Morphed a group on, jumped in a haystack and for about a minute and half I had 3 out of the 4 enemies knifing any avatar that looked like me in sight. I was laughing so hard as these guys went out of their mind trying to find me...
The trails starts (ends?) from that Assassin logo and ends near the entrance to the sanctuary, at first I thought it is there so player can find the entrance easily1stStrike said:At one point in the game she does go out for supplies, and then at another point you'll find her outside and she'll have a quick heart to heart with Desmond.
Also, anyone else figure out that red trail outside that led in? Red trails generally insinuate something/someone bad, so was that supposed to beshowing that Lucy was somehow 'bad' based on the ending and what not?
miladesn said:The trails starts (ends?) from that Assassin logo and ends near the entrance to the sanctuary, at first I thought it is there so player can find the entrance easily. It's not red, it's blood, like subject 16's signs on the wall in Abstergo, Desmond can see blood in Eagle Vision. I'm still not believing
that Lucy is a Templar judging by the Machiavelli's plot in the game or that she is dead but this animus in animus crap is so looking to be true and I hate that :\
1stStrike said:Ah, welcome to the fun. The morph ability is also a great tool for discovering who is the real one too - you get into a group, morph them, and whoever isn't morphed is your guy![]()
The haystack is hit or miss. Sometimes it works, but a lot of people tend to check haystacks first. It also depends on how cooperative the NPC's are. I got in one once after morphing a group, and they all walked away. I was like "fuuuuuck"
General Stability Improvements.
Tunnel Fast-Travel Bug - Using the Tunnel before being shown how by Machiavelli no longer results in immediate desynch.
Subject 16 Completion Bug - You will be able to re-enter the Animus after completing the Subject 16 puzzles.
Invisible Crowd in Sequence 5 - The crowd around Micheletto during the play no longer contains invisible people.
Red Room Stuck - Ezio will not remain stuck in the Red Room when accessing a cluster from The Truth.
General Matchmaking Improvements - Certain crashes and infinite loading loops eradicated in this patch.
Extensive Refinement and Tweaking - Bonus scores altered (Coop bonuses divided by 2), pursuers must wait longer if their target is in the process of killing their own target, improvements to spawn point selection in team games.
Wrong Information - End Game page will no longer show inaccurate match information.
8-Player Private Groups - You will always be able to invite up to 8 players to a private group.
Please do not worry if you see an error that you reported has not been addressed, all are being reported and the team will continue to work tirelessly to repair any persisting problems.
It's also surprising how much better that graphics are in AC1.iNvidious01 said:so i went back to AC1 for a while, so weird i just couldn't play it. Makes you realize how big of a step up AC2 was :lol
wutDarknessbear said:It's also surprising how much better that graphics are in AC1.![]()
iNvidious01 said:so i went back to AC1 for a while, so weird i just couldn't play it. Makes you realize how big of a step up AC2 was :lol
1stStrike said:Ah, I see. If Lucy really was dead I'd be just like :O but I'm not sure. Also, based on the ending, I think it may be an animus within an animus too at this point - unless they can somehow explain where those two guys game from at the end that were speaking in the credits
But, yeah, that trail leads all the way up, so either someone is dead and has been replaced, or there's something else going on.
It actually doesn't. Maybe in terms of the art - but the graphics/fidelity is much better in AC1. Plus there is no screen tearing, fps dropping and the popin is minimal. Character models/animation are best in Brotherhood though.ZephyrFate said:AC1 may have somewhat better character models, but AC2 has a better looking world, and Brotherhood looks better than both.
Darknessbear said:It's also surprising how much better that graphics are in AC1.![]()
I Agree with that. But it's lacking the polish AC1 had - which I hope they can achieve with AC3.jett said:It's not that they are better, they're also different. AC1 has a much more realistic look to it, especially the character models, which border on cartoonish in AC2 and ACB. Textures might also be higher quality, but it's worth pointing out that Florence and Venice are much bigger and more varied than the cities in AC1, especially vertically.![]()
Darknessbear said:I Agree with that. But it's lacking the polish AC1 had - which I hope they can achieve with AC3.
Jipan said:Yeah, I went back to AC2 yesterday to collect a few more feathers and and then I got into a fight and realized how much I miss instantly killing everybody off one huge combo and the crossbow and not to mention that the hud is in your face in AC2 but I do miss messing around Venice and Forli. I was thinking of popping in AC1 for the hell of it to see how much it's changed, may do that soon.
So I played about five hours of MP yesterday and I finally learned to appreciate it and enjoy it. After getting Morph and Templar Vision (so far it works like a charm and I haven't gotten caught, but I'm not gonna try to rely on it too much), the game's opened up and it's great. I got into a match where people were finally talking (I was talking to 1 person from Arizona on my team and another dude on the other after the game, but still) and matches are a lot more enjoyable when people talk and we won some and lost some, but it was great. It goes to show that playing with strangers isn't as bad as it seems and I've talked to and befriended some cool people playing on XBL. In one match, I was blended in a crowd of strangers and 3 pursuers couldn't find me for a full minute and change. :lol
I was also playing with a bunch of mid level 40s- 50 players, and learned what combos they use (poison, knives + pistol, morph, charge) and what strategies they use, so that was pretty fun learning experience and I finally understand that the player who attacks wins over the player who stuns, plus what color people who use TV are. I'm still waiting on a meet up on the 360, so if anyone's up for it, I'll be down to play and my GT's in my profile and in the MP thread.
Yea they are basically asking you to make groups to boost in.Najaf said:So, did the developers expect anyone to get all co-op challenges in one session legitimately? At first I thought it meant in one logged in session of gaming. A buddy and I made it through one or two challenges per match. Then I read up on the achievement and realized they meant in one game. Who's idea was this?
Also, getting all bonuses at least once is in the same league of absurdity. Perform a triple escape? So I need to be in first place to get three people hunting me, then I need to get all of them chasing me at the same time, and then escape? GTFO.
I'm not into boosting, so I guess these are two I will never get.
Volcynika said:What sequence does the game lock you into completing the rest of the main story?
Triple Escape is actually not that hard to get. I know I've gotten it several times in Manhunt when I spot a pursuer tailing me and I bail out only to find out everyone was on me. Just got to have Fast Getaway equipped and you have to pass a couple of chase breakers to successfully escape.Najaf said:So, did the developers expect anyone to get all co-op challenges in one session legitimately? At first I thought it meant in one logged in session of gaming. A buddy and I made it through one or two challenges per match. Then I read up on the achievement and realized they meant in one game. Who's idea was this?
Also, getting all bonuses at least once is in the same league of absurdity. Perform a triple escape? So I need to be in first place to get three people hunting me, then I need to get all of them chasing me at the same time, and then escape? GTFO.
I'm not into boosting, so I guess these are two I will never get.
Killthee said:Triple Escape is actually not that hard to get. I know I've gotten it several times in Manhunt when I spot a pursuer tailing me and I bail out only to find out everyone was on me. Just got to have Fast Getaway equipped and you have to pass a couple of chase breakers to successfully escape.
The Co-Op bonuses are ridiculously hard to get though because most people online rarely lock on, especially when the target is the pursuer. Co-Op Kill, Multi Kill, and Knockout are pretty easy to get in a full game of Manhunt; it's Co-Op Stun, Diversion, and Rescue that require a coordinated team to achieve it in the same match.
Unfortunately the latest patch reduced the bonus down to 50 for some dumb reason.Papercuts said:Yeah, locking on a target before you kill them is a great habit to start doing. Even if you don't get the kill, you get a +100 bonus. I got the co-op bonuses legitimately in one match out of sheer luck pretty much, but I played in a group of 4 that all used lock on constantly.
Darknessbear said:I'm sorry never dying in a game is impossible.
Employee of the Month achievement will never happen unless you get with a group of friends. Or if they make a game type that lasts 30 minutes
Killthee said:Unfortunately the latest patch reduced the bonus down to 50 for some dumb reason.
1stStrike said:So, I hit level 31 tonight. The matchmaking is a bit better, but it's still crappy. Had a few games get stuck on me tonight and had to go back to the menu and restart.
I tried out poison for 5 games and wow is the range fucking short on that. I was practically up this dudes ass and the game was like "you need to get closer". I managed to get 1 kill with poison in that entire time. Every time I tried 1 of 2 things happened.
1. I poison someone and then a team mate runs around the corner and jumps on their face. Great, there goes the 600 - 800 points I would've just gotten our team with that.
2. I narrow down who's who and try to approach them, but they throw a smoke bomb down and then stun me and run off :|
I'm just sticking with charge. I rarely miss with that and it's a guaranteed kill most of the time.
It seems like most everyone has the same tactics though in MP now. Morph and smoke bomb when someone approaches, and then TV and some other random skill for attacking. 9 times out of 10 the people using TV just pop it from behind you and then sprint at you - so it's easy to counter. There are some that are fucking on point though - they run at you, then right before getting in range they back track. I usually toss my smoke bomb down at that point and they'll be out of range so I'm like "oh fuck" and have to run.
DualShadow said:I was pursuing someone when they did this and I just stood outside the smoke and they just stood there not knowing what to do :lol
With poison I found its best to use if your approaching your target from the front and just brush past them, from behind or if they running is much harder to pull off.
1stStrike said:Yeah, some people don't connect failure of a smoke bomb to having to run or act. I either run away, or if it's just one I sometimes try for the stun. It's 50/50, but the problem with the stun is even if you initiate it first, they can still kill you, so it's usually safer to just run away.
And, yeah, I totally understand that, but with everyone I usually end up playing with they're all running like crazy around the god damn map and I can't take it slow and easy, which is pretty much required with poison since you need to line up your shot and pass by your target in a crowd or something.
I've wanted to put my mic on and just start cussing my team out many times before. I really need some gaffers to play with on PS3 :|
Papercuts said:You're in manhunt, right? Flip through the targets and you can see blue triangles for how many teammates are going after a specific person. There's typically always atleast one person you can go after by yourself, those are the easiest to poison.
1stStrike said:Yeah, I actually go for the secondary targets most of the time, but I've been playing with/against some shitty teams tonight. Also, I quit out of a game after it ended and tried to join another manhunt game. 3 times in a row it brought me back to the same game =\ If you quit out of a game it shouldn't bring you back to it when you go back to the matchmaking screen. Grr.
Darknessbear said:I'm sorry never dying in a game is impossible.
Employee of the Month achievement will never happen unless you get with a group of friends. Or if they make a game type that lasts 30 minutes
ShockingAlberto said:Ran in to a hilarious glitch today.
I wanted to finish up the assassin chalk board, so I decided to start a fight with some guards and call in my recruits. So I go behind one and stab him with the dual hidden blades. None of the other guards react. Then the guard I stabbed gets up.
I try again and Ezio shoves both blades through his armor. He gets back up.
I try the sword and break his neck several times. He gets back up and just looks at me.
I keep trying different weapons, poisons, guns, etc. He just gets up and looks at me.
I try calling in an assassin-level recruit, who throws a few throwing knives at him from behind a tree. He turns to her, having not fallen down, and the game freezes with a loud "BZZZZZZZZZZT"
So, there's two possibilities here:
Either my copy of the game is haunted or this game is rushed as fuck. Or both.