lookin back at some of the beta videos, this one was awesome
.mysticwhip said:Doed this game have custom soundtracks for the PS3 version?
iNvidious01 said:#3 | Animus Project Update 2.0 | January 2011 | PS3 + 360 | Free
The Animus Project Update 2.0 includes a brand-new game mode and brand new map for Assassins Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer. The Pienza Map provides a new free-running playground where predators and targets can blend and disappear.
In the new Chest Capture Multiplayer Mode two teams comprised of three players each partner with fellow Templars to either defend or capture Chests. Also included is the new Templar Score feature to reward diligent work by Abstergo recruits.
Sweet, so when picking Play Now does the game just pick a random game type or is there only one game type for that setting? If so, which one?_Isaac said:If you choose Play Now, the it will put you in whatever available game they have regardless of the mode. If you choose Ranked you can then select your mode like Wanted, Manhunt, etc on the next screen. I would recommend choosing Play Now anyway because I have found that choosing Ranked takes forever to get an actual game started.
iNvidious01 said:#3 | Animus Project Update 2.0 | January 2011 | PS3 + 360 | Free
The Animus Project Update 2.0 includes a brand-new game mode and brand new map for Assassins Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer. The Pienza Map provides a new free-running playground where predators and targets can blend and disappear.
In the new Chest Capture Multiplayer Mode two teams comprised of three players each partner with fellow Templars to either defend or capture Chests. Also included is the new Templar Score feature to reward diligent work by Abstergo recruits.
iNvidious01 said:#3 | Animus Project Update 2.0 | January 2011 | PS3 + 360 | Free
The Animus Project Update 2.0 includes a brand-new game mode and brand new map for Assassins Creed Brotherhood Multiplayer. The Pienza Map provides a new free-running playground where predators and targets can blend and disappear.
In the new Chest Capture Multiplayer Mode two teams comprised of three players each partner with fellow Templars to either defend or capture Chests. Also included is the new Templar Score feature to reward diligent work by Abstergo recruits.
Just open up the DNA menu and go over to the Secret Location section under the Flag strand. That section will show you which dungeon the flag is in.MjFrancis said:Seriously, AC:B, you give me 100 of 101 flags, and the last one is somewhere in the fucking dungeons? Come on!
I could have sworn that I grabbed three in each one. I suppose I may retrace my steps, unless someone has a good idea of where the last one may have eluded me at.
Incitemaybe said:Sweet, so when picking Play Now does the game just pick a random game type or is there only one game type for that setting? If so, which one?
Thanks, I never would have found that otherwise. I missed the very first flag in the Terme di Traiano. It would have been a waste had I bothered to gather one hundred flags and simply gave up on one more.Killthee said:Just open up the DNA menu and go over to the Secret Location section under the Flag strand. That section will show you which dungeon the flag is in.
You could send him on a suicide misson if his level is low enough. Something under 10% if you can.Tkawsome said:Is it possible to fire assassins? I want an all girl kill squad and this one dude is cramping my style.
MjFrancis said:You could send him on a suicide misson if his level is low enough. Something under 10% if you can.
Wow forgot how bad people used to be at the game. Everyone just RAN - even when the Smuggler was standing in a group 2 of them just ran straight for him.iNvidious01 said:lookin back at some of the beta videos, this one was awesome
harriet the spy said:Mm, I am confused, I have played like 2 hours maybe, and am already at like 16% sync (forgot the exact number, I just). Is the game that short? (not that it would be a bad thing, playing AC2 and this back to back might have been a bad idea.left some cave with wolfmen hiding in it
Also.. only.10 glyphs to find? the number of clusters seem to be 10
So far a bit disappointed. Not because it's samey, but because the exposition was pretty poor. Also they don't seem to explain how to play (i know it doesn't matter since i just played AC2, but i find it bizarre to start with lots of weapons and barely be told about how you play around).
Ah, final questions:
A) is there any in-game reason to improve sync?
B) does matchmaking tend to make you play against ppl your level?
Heh, I had the same idea (and I'm sure it's exactly what Ezio would doTkawsome said:Is it possible to fire assassins? I want an all girl kill squad and this one dude is cramping my style.
harriet the spy said:Mm, I am confused, I have played like 2 hours maybe, and am already at like 16% sync (forgot the exact number, I just). Is the game that short? (not that it would be a bad thing, playing AC2 and this back to back might have been a bad idea.left some cave with wolfmen hiding in it
Also.. only.10 glyphs to find? the number of clusters seem to be 10
So far a bit disappointed. Not because it's samey, but because the exposition was pretty poor. Also they don't seem to explain how to play (i know it doesn't matter since i just played AC2, but i find it bizarre to start with lots of weapons and barely be told about how you play around).
Ah, final questions:
A) is there any in-game reason to improve sync?
B) does matchmaking tend to make you play against ppl your level?
Flipyap said:Heh, I had the same idea (and I'm sure it's exactly what Ezio would do, so I've sent a couple of my ugly dudes on difficult assignments (7% chance).
10 minutes later, I got a free spot in the guild.
15 minutes later, much to my surprise, "mission successful" popped up. Still can't stand that guy's face, but his survival skills impressed me, so he's a permanent member of my girly stab team.
Darknessbear said:Fuck this game. Goddam. Now being at level 45 I just keep joining games filled with 50's and they are all pro's. All I keep getting is 2nd-3rd every fucking time. I can't get first.
It's no fun anymore... ugh. And these guys just run up to me and get 600 points for killing me, howwww the f!!
Yea that would be helpful. I think there are a lot of little "exploitable" things you can do to boost your score.iNvidious01 said:im bringing out a pro-tips vid soon, i'll post here when its up.
Yes, the mute is totally worthless - because it's not dependable. I find that it RARELY works when I'm in a hiding place. If I'm hiding in some hay, and they are almost too me I blast it off and then they just jump in and kill me right after I do it. I think lag plays a heavy toll on that ability and if you are not host it wont be reliable.iNvidious01 said:Sometimes i use the mute ability and someone still kills me (i know it lasts literally for only a second) but i know how to use it, and they still kill me. That's my sign that the game has lag, and its time to leave
Darknessbear said:Yes, the mute is totally worthless - because it's not dependable. I find that it RARELY works when I'm in a hiding place. If I'm hiding in some hay, and they are almost too me I blast it off and then they just jump in and kill me right after I do it. I think lag plays a heavy toll on that ability and if you are not host it wont be reliable.
Why'd you message me this?The Antitype said:Um guys...mute doesn't protect you from standard shanking kills. That's not the point of the ability. It disables the oppositions ABILITIES. So they can't use throwing knives, templar vision, sprint boost, poison, flashbang, charge, etc.
Just running up to you and stabbing you is still very much an option for them.
I use mute all the time when I'm hidden and see an enemy in range looking around for me. Prevents them from using abilities to pick me out (like flashbang of templar vision) or charge, and then I can use a smoke bomb or a throwing knife to stun or cripple them so I can make my getaway.
Mute "silences" all characters around you, stopping them from killing, stunning or using their abilities on you. This is best used if you think a pursuer is in disguise near you and is about to attack. It has a larger radius of effect than that of the smoke bomb ability but does not stun anyone enabling players to run away. Mute however does not reveal players in disguise and any players entering the area after the ability is used can still use their abilities. The duration is 1 second, with a 90 second cool down.
I doubt it does, but since I don't have it (yet) I can't answer definitively. I would love to be proven wrong, though. Anyone know??mysticwhip said:Doed this game have custom soundtracks for the PS3 version?
The Antitype said:LMAO, I didn't even realize that.
I don't think mute has EVER stopped me from shanking somebody.
In many cases, I would try to poison, but be muted, and respond with 'well fuck it, I'll just stab him' and it would be fine.
Does it work for you when you are hiding in hay or on a bench? It works decently when I'm standing in a group and the guy is near by - but never had it work when they are near me while I'm hidden in hay.iNvidious01 said:im about 5 stuns away from long lasting mute which only adds a second on i think (so 2.5 seconds) so hopefully it should be easier now. If you get into a game with a good connection then mute is great
Darknessbear said:Does it work for you when you are hiding in hay or on a bench? It works decently when I'm standing in a group and the guy is near by - but never had it work when they are near me while I'm hidden in hay.
The only benefit I see with Mute over Smoke Bomb is that it's less noticeable... but 1.5seconds compared to what 4? Plus they can't move, plus anyone that comes after you set it off will be stunned makes Smoke Bomb infinitely better.
Darknessbear said:Does it work for you when you are hiding in hay or on a bench? It works decently when I'm standing in a group and the guy is near by - but never had it work when they are near me while I'm hidden in hay.
The only benefit I see with Mute over Smoke Bomb is that it's less noticeable... but 1.5seconds compared to what 4? Plus they can't move, plus anyone that comes after you set it off will be stunned makes Smoke Bomb infinitely better.
bobs99 ... said:Charge is probably the most overpowered ability in the game? It destroys on defense and offence and seems to have no counters.
bobs99 ... said:Charge is probably the most overpowered ability in the game? It destroys on defense and offence and seems to have no counters.
I really dont think Templar Vision and stun belong in the game. Its so much more fun when its about deciet and mindgames.