I really want to purchase the Crossbow from the blacksmith but I just want to ask if it will be given to me later on in the game through a story mission or something. The reason I ask is because even though the weapon isn't terribly expensive and I can easily afford it now with all the money from my renovations coming in, but I always like to play the game fairly and I feel like I'll abuse the crossbow if I get it now. I like to challenge myself to only work with the equipment I have now and wait for the crossbow to be given to me if possible.
TTG said:The crossbow really solves a lot of the problems with sneaking around that were in previous games. For example, say there's a courtyard with 2 patrolling guards. No way to get above them, no way to get them from a ledge below. Before the crossbow it would be a pain in the ass. Trying to figure out the range on the visibility cone of the AI, fumbling around behind some random pillar so you're out of their site... Now you just make sure the other guard can't see the first fall and boom, you're done. It's really seamless and easy to use... unlike the throwing knives and shit. :lol Also it's obviously nerfed, guards in armor aren't going down. And it's still more fun to just run up to a rooftop guard and stab him instead of breaking pace and lining up a shot, there's really not a lot of room to abuse it.
I'm not that far ahead of you, so I don't know if you eventually get it anyway. I don't see why, you have the pistol and the knives, why would it be required for something?
On to another subject, I pushed the story missions further to open up some other side quests. There are so many things going now that it's cluttering up the map. They've been making AC more and more "dense" with content since the first, but I feel like they should feed this stuff in a little slower. Also, maybe cut out some of the filler and focus on fewer but more rewarding missions. Not really a complaint, it's just weird that I can't move 50 yards without encountering another recruit/guild mission/renovation/pigeon coup etc etc.
Oh, and the extra little challenges for full synchronization are brilliant way to sort of target the casual audience and the people looking for a bit of a challenge.
MMaRsu said:Damn I met a gorgeous girl today who was eying me even though she was with her ( I think ) boyfriend, could have been her brother too ofcourse but I don't think so but anyway she said she played all Prince of Persia games and loves AC. Holy shitFML
just came in to say this guy is a real trooper. Sharing is caring.The Antitype said:If you're in Vancouver, it could have been my girlfriend. We're on the verge of breaking up anyway, so I can give you her number if it's her. What did she look like?
Officer. It's a limited edition exclusive.The Antitype said:Am I going nuts? I could have sworn I had seen a certain persona, but now I can't find it.
Male, medium length hair, long black coat, and he has a staff/cane thing with a hidden blade in it.
Seriously, am I taking too many drugs, or does that persona exist? And if so, how do I get him?
Flipyap said:Officer. It's a limited edition exclusive.
CAW said:I bought the CE for $99.99. Should have learned my lesson from getting the first CE for Assassins Creed (the toy dropped from my desk to the floor and shattered into pieces due to cheapness). This CE is really cheap, quality wise, but oh well. I'm a sucker for these CEs and the doc-in-the-box does look nice sitting on top of my PC tower.
Enjoying the game itself. Sadly I never did finish the first one or the second one so I tried to learn as much as possible about the story of those games before getting into this. It helped a bit but I'm running into 'old friends' in this game who are new to me. :lol
Ah, crap. Any way to upload the raw file by chance? Maybe even over at Vimeo briefly or something. Blast my timing on getting the game! :loliNvidious01 said:I had a video on my page giving the back story to the whole AC universe, was pretty good but its not available until i get my channel back. Damn
The Ezio statue that came with the AC2 CE was slick though.CAW said:I bought the CE for $99.99. Should have learned my lesson from getting the first CE for Assassins Creed (the toy dropped from my desk to the floor and shattered into pieces due to cheapness).
You do realize that your video would only confuse him more, right?iNvidious01 said:I had a video on my page giving the back story to the whole AC universe, was pretty good but its not available until i get my channel back. Damn
Yea I regret it to... but I loved the AC2 CE so I had to get this one.CAW said:I bought the CE for $99.99. Should have learned my lesson from getting the first CE for Assassins Creed (the toy dropped from my desk to the floor and shattered into pieces due to cheapness). This CE is really cheap, quality wise, but oh well. I'm a sucker for these CEs and the doc-in-the-box does look nice sitting on top of my PC tower.
riceandbeans said:Just got this game today for Christmas. Wasn't expecting it. I've never played the first or second game so I have no clue what's going on.
Even with the recaps, I don't understand what's going on.I can't tell whether they're going back in time and altering the past, how Ezio knows about Desmond, if they're just altering his memories or what.
Usually so they are set w/ the decoy ability.The Antitype said:Why, why, WHY do people insist on locking onto non-targets?! It helps NOBODY.
riceandbeans said:Just got this game today for Christmas. Wasn't expecting it. I've never played the first or second game so I have no clue what's going on.
Even with the recaps, I don't understand what's going on.I can't tell whether they're going back in time and altering the past, how Ezio knows about Desmond, if they're just altering his memories or what.
TTG said:I gotta keep the frustration levels in check when doing some of the more tedious side missions. Leonardo flying machine full synch is a good example. Go through like a 20 minute segment to get to the flying machine, full synch is not getting hit once while flying. Well, it loads and I'm fumbling around with the controls so I get shot at. Have to restart the whole thing... go through it again. It loads up again, I forget that there's a little encampment of archers immediately to my left as it starts, get shot within 5 seconds... :lol
Looks like I cleared the map off all thief/mercenary/courtisean missions for the time being though. I've been enjoying all the ranged trickeration too. Poison darts, sending in the helpers to distract guards and all that stuff is loads of fun. Still don't have smoke bombs, that will be cool as well.
try the spoiler thread. answers many of the questionsSevket-Erhat said:It is over after 3 weeks of play. So many questions in my head...
Sadaiyappan said:When is this coming to PC?
it's more like assassin's creed 2.5Trickster said:Just completed Assassins Creed 2, thinking about getting this now. I'm curious about how the storyline progresses in this game, does it expand upon the big overarching plot of the Assassin Creed series, or is this game mainly just about giving us more about Ezio and his life?
Incitemaybe said:I have the ps3 version and it just made me download and update the game. Does anyone know what that was for?
Both, though not as much advancement in both cases compared to AC2.Trickster said:Just completed Assassins Creed 2, thinking about getting this now. I'm curious about how the storyline progresses in this game, does it expand upon the big overarching plot of the Assassin Creed series, or is this game mainly just about giving us more about Ezio and his life?
Last week Ubi announced there would be an upcoming patch to fix a handful of issues, including the animus glitch, some problems with trophies, and improve matchmaking. So hopefully that's what this was for.Incitemaybe said:I have the ps3 version and it just made me download and update the game. Does anyone know what that was for?
Only 2 of them are hard to get without boosting, Abstergo Employee of the Month and Role Model. AEotM because you need to get the Extreme Variety bonus and that requires you to get a crap load of bonuses in one game. Role Model because you need to get 6 bonuses in a Co-Op game and most people don't coordinate/bother to use lock on. Everything else is easily doable on your way to the lv 50 trophy.Nakiro said:How hard are the multiplayer trophies without boosting? Since I've seen lots of place that focus on boosting, so I'm just curious how hard are they to obtain legit.
SamuraiX- said:So can anyone tell me whereLucy went at the start of Memory Sequence 6? I looked outside and throughout the city and can't find her. No spoilers, please!
Also, another quick question about the foot prints (?) that you see marked in red when in Eagle Vision when you exit the Animus chamber in 2012. Do they have some kind of purpose that will be revealed later? Just want to ask. Please, please, please no spoilers! Thank you!
big_z said:any word on when the multiplayer patch is dropping? the game says i've spent 10 hours in multi and i damn well know that 4 of those have been sitting in the damn match making.
-Winnie- said:Seriously. The matchmaking is horrible!
I hope it's something that can be fixed and it isn't due to a lack of players.
It went out last night in the US. It also seems like they were tweaking something on their end too cause the servers were having issues saving Profile Sets/Persona settings and displaying player levels in the lobby.big_z said:any word on when the multiplayer patch is dropping? the game says i've spent 10 hours in multi and i damn well know that 4 of those have been sitting in the damn match making.