The track that plays when letting the game sit on the xmb has been playing for over a half hour as I've been playing with my son in the other room (within earshot of course). Loving it.I'll be damned if this soundtrack isn't the best soundtrack I've ever heard. Up there with the Scott Pilgrim game soundtrack.
So... what's the point of navel missions? Don't think i get money or anything.
btw: whats the best way to make money?
It better not be the random frontier trading thing.
I'm not sure anyone currently alive knows what that "Risk" factor means.
I'll be damned if this soundtrack isn't the best soundtrack I've ever heard. Up there with the Scott Pilgrim game soundtrack.
Last time I checked Jesper Kyd didn't do the soundtrack, so yeah your opinion isn't right.
patch is still not up for ps3 users. =(
patch is still not up for ps3 users. =(
patch is still not up for ps3 users. =(
Is that version 1.01?
I didnt really find this intro explained what happened in AC revelations at all really
So I picked up this game on steam last night. Just starting it out. I had heard, and thought maybe the introduction at the beginning of this game would explain the events of the previous games pretty well so that non-AC players would understand it. I've played most of the previous ones. AC2 and Brotherhood were awesome, but I couldn't bring myself to play AC revelations.
I didnt really find this intro explained what happened in AC revelations at all really, and I was wondering/hoping someone could maybe give me a run down of what some of the important plot points of AC revelations were, and how we ended up where we are at the beginning of this game. Brotherhood ended with DesmondNow we're here though in some cave, with Desmond's dad? I guess I could use more explanation than what I was led to believe I'd need.killing Lucy, and one of the first civilization people, I can't remember which one, forcing him to do it. I wonder if we were supposed to believe Lucy was a templar spy or something? Im not sure, but I already miss her.
I heard your name once before, Desmond, a long time ago. And now it lingers in my mind like an image from an old dream. I do not know where you are, or by what means you can hear me. But I know you are listening. I have lived my life as best I could, not knowing its purpose, but drawn forward like a moth to a distant moon. And here, at last, I discover a strange truth. That I am only a conduit for a message that eludes my understanding. Who are we, who have been so blessed to share our stories like this? To speak across centuries? Maybe you will answer all the questions I have asked. Maybe you will be the one to make all this suffering worth something in the end.
In fact, buying property in ACR resulted in 75% notoriety while bribing a herald only brought down said notoriety 50%. So for every store bought you had to visit two heralds.
Mindblowingly stupid game design.
So I picked up this game on steam last night. Just starting it out. I had heard, and thought maybe the introduction at the beginning of this game would explain the events of the previous games pretty well so that non-AC players would understand it. I've played most of the previous ones. AC2 and Brotherhood were awesome, but I couldn't bring myself to play AC revelations.
I didnt really find this intro explained what happened in AC revelations at all really, and I was wondering/hoping someone could maybe give me a run down of what some of the important plot points of AC revelations were, and how we ended up where we are at the beginning of this game. Brotherhood ended with DesmondNow we're here though in some cave, with Desmond's dad? I guess I could use more explanation than what I was led to believe I'd need.killing Lucy, and one of the first civilization people, I can't remember which one, forcing him to do it. I wonder if we were supposed to believe Lucy was a templar spy or something? Im not sure, but I already miss her.
When asked why they excluded a crouch option, they explained "because social stealth".
....If running over peddler's carts, climbing buildings, wielding deadly weapons, always wearing a hood, jumping into wells and hay stacks isn't frowned upon why would ducking?
Really want to get this for pc, how much of a hassle is Uplay? Also how are the pc versions of the Ass creed franchise? Good enough ports?
Really want to get this for pc, how much of a hassle is Uplay? Also how are the pc versions of the Ass creed franchise? Good enough ports?
HAytham is way better than Connor. And he has this one sick animation where just slices away at a dudes much better would this game be, if you just played as haytham?
At the very least I wouldn't facepalm at everything he says.
Does he have some unique attack animations? I swear his sword attacks are different from connor.
So dumb that they took out the ability to do hidden blade assassinations after dropping a smoke bomb during combat.
Haytham as a main character would never work for the narrative since he is way too strong a personality. He has his own ideas and opinions, makes up his own plans and acts accordingly.
Unlike Connor, who is not only heavily influenceable but also has almost no opinion of his own, nor a plan. He is a pawn, a simpleton used by all kinds of people throughout the game to do their dirty work. This, of course, drives the narrative forwards and results in actual missions, but still.
Haytham would tell Revere to fuck off and ride his own damn horse.
Um so are there any platforming missions like the tombs in old games? The closest has been that Desmond mission but it was super easy
Also, so far I'm not finding any reason to do any of the side stuff. So far, other than barely introducing the stuff, the game really hasn't pushed me in the direction of completing side content. It feels like even the eagle vision points, which have been a staple of the series, are kind of ignored. The homestead stuff is confusing. Is there anything to gain by sending out trade carts? The monetary gains don't seem particularly high, and I can just go to the general stores and sell my shit anyway, right? I think I liked the system of buying shops and earning money periodically in the ACII series a lot better.
Also, what's up with the ship missions? Some of then are pretty fun, but is there really no reward for any of them, whether in the form of items, money, or interesting story segments?
Has anyone gotten stuck at the spot in sequence 2 where you have to shoot the powder kegs? I tried googling the problem, found some other people with the problem, but none of their fixes worked. I tried turning on the hud, didn't work, tried restarting the mission, didn't work. I can't even equip my pistol to try to shoot, extremely frustrating.
The screen says "Press LT to AIM. It increases your range". I press LT and then Y to shoot the pistol, but nothing happens. I tried mashing every combination of buttons, but he still won't shoot the pistol, and it says it has 7 ammo remaining. This is so frustrating and I've only played for a little bit, good thing I only rented the game![]()
You have to aim at the kegs on the floor in front of the other powder kegs, otherwise you cannot aim and/or shoot.
Everyone experienced this very same issue, good sir. This is your first introduction to ACIII not explaining things.
This sums up how I'm starting to feel about it. There HAS to be a better way and I'm just playing shitty. Right?God this game is frustrating. I spent the first couple of hours in absolute bliss playing with the new controls - one button free-running, no more random jumps into empty air, fights that don't start with me mashing the 'lock-on' button and praying Ezio will pull out his sword in time. Haytham and Connor are so gloriously agile; with a flick of the analogue stick they'll juke like Wei Shen, whereas Altair and Ezio have always handled like cargo ships. You can sprint headlong into a crowd and Haytham will just slip between people like the free-runner you've always wanted to be, rather than initiating the thirty-second-long tripping and falling animation from the old games. It's absolutely glorious.
My elation lasted until the mission where Haytham puts on a redcoat disguise and has to rescue a bunch of native slaves from Silas' base. Oh shit, that guy saw me! Better hide in the grass... hide... in the grass... now. NOW. What the fuck Haytham why aren't you hiding? This is about the time I realized that hiding spots in this game only work when you're already hidden, and every couple of hours the game was going to make me play a terrible instant-fail stealth mission that the controls and mechanics just aren't good enough to make enjoyable. You can't cross huge distances quickly like Batman and Corvo, and there's no darkness mechanic to hide like Garrett, so as soon as things go bad in Assassin's Creed you're just plain fucked.
What makes it worse is that the 'hiding' mechanics aren't under your control. You just steer Haytham at a hiding spot and hope he'll hide. To a certain extent every mechanic in AC is out of your control, with huge animation priority on everything and a control scheme that makes you basically point and wait, but at least you aren't usually punished with instant failure. These stealth missions are so incredibly infuriating, because I never feel like it's my fault when I fail. Haytham decides not to respond to my controls, or an NPC freaks, or the game just screws me over for no reason. And it makes it so much worse when I know I could singlehandedly murder every single man stationed at this fort if I needed to, but the game's forcing me to crouch in grass that I'm clearly visible through just because some game designer decided it had to be that way.
I just got through a series of missions introducing me to the game's notoriety system, and I was so close to just quitting immediately. I don't want to know about your terrible notoriety mechanics. I don't want to do any of that shit. Running around on rooftops and murdering dudes at full speed is the best part of the game, and all the notoriety system does is punish you for that. It's like Ubisoft resents you enjoying the fun parts of their games. In Revelations your notoriety meter filled up by one quarter for every business you bought, and when it was full you had to play their godawful Tower Defence game. When you reach full notoriety in AC3 guards will attack you on sight, and there are five guards on every corner in the city who are all linked to the hivemind. Why would I want to play that game?