This sums up how I'm starting to feel about it. There HAS to be a better way and I'm just playing shitty. Right?
Get used to it. That's how you'll feel for the entirety of the game.
This sums up how I'm starting to feel about it. There HAS to be a better way and I'm just playing shitty. Right?
You are kidding. There is no easier way to go incognito? There have been points at which I've wanted to toss my pad out of frustration in comparison with past AC games.Get used to it. That's how you'll feel for the entirety of the game.
You are kidding. There is no easier way to go incognito? There have been points at which I've wanted to toss my pad out of frustration in comparison with past AC games.
Wow, the longest and most boring tailing mission (does anyone like those?) and thenI get knocked out by one guy and sent to prison? Really? Cause I just killed like 100 dudes in the last mission
Auuuuuuugh what bulllllshittttttt.Nooope. The game never shows you how where the wanted posters are, and the only other way to take it down is using money. You can choose to quick travel to the frontier/homestead and then warp back to instantly reset it, but hey them you have to suffer through load screens for something that almost always isn't your fault. ACIII takes stuff that worked perfectly in previous games and just breaks them for no reason.
You are kidding. There is no easier way to go incognito? There have been points at which I've wanted to toss my pad out of frustration in comparison with past AC games.
Anyone got a tip on how to get your encyclopedia filled? My homestead peepz just don't do the stuff I wanna see![]()
That's pretty much the summary of my experience with the game. They spent four games perfecting design and tech that they just threw out the window in AC3 for no good reason. Why "fix" something that wasn't broken? And if you're going to "fix" them, it had better be worth it. Don't redesign something just for the hell of it.No need for it to be this odd, at all.
Lexington and Concord was such a frustrating mission. Took me 10 tries just to get past 100.
What's the point of the whole convoy/hillstead thing/crafting again? I'm killing people without any problems as is and I have 9k with no idea what to spend it on (mostly from raiding the treasure in that keep)
Nothing, considering the weapons you start the game with are also good enough to beat the game, and you likely won't want to be swapping back to your Normal/Heavy weapon every time the game defaults to the Light one.
They kept that in AC3:L, but took it out for AC3?
That is pretty dumb.
so I caved in since I needed something to play until the WiiU and bought the PC version at a really good price
Liking it so far and well, isn't Haytham Conway so goddamned cool?. Perfect outfit, attitude and the baddest hardarse in London
I hope Connor is at least half as brilliant as him...
Oh ya wanted to mention this before but forgot, you can do mass smokebomb kills, but it's with the tomahawk.
Also, screw those optional objectives. Seriously. No fun.
The fact that he's not is one of my biggest issues with the game. Connor is utterly bland, lacking personality, charisma or charm of any kind.
The fact that he's not is one of my biggest issues with the game. Connor is utterly bland, lacking personality, charisma or charm of any kind.
Killing 100 guys in a row with brutal executions is pretty bloodthirsty.
it's just the same incongruity of gameplay and story as in all games. I would like an AC game where the nastiness of the main character matched his actions
Near end game spoilers:"This is the last time I help deliver a battle for you and yours, Washington!"
"Let me help you guys out in this hugely important Battle of Chesapeake Bay!"
Connor was just a nonsensical character altogether, frequently borderline offensive and with motivations that make so little sense it's pointless to even try.
I'm sure I missed a post detailing this, but I'm curious to know what you thought of the end game sequences. I recall telling you I hated sequence 12 in that other AC3 game.
Ah, I forgot who told me how terrible the last sequences were. I was trying to remember.
Honestly, because of how bad everyone was saying it was, I expected something even worse. It was still bad, don't get me wrong, design-wise... but it didn't really bother me. I full synced it on my second try, if it's theyou're talking mission
Boy the ending was... just immeasurably worse than anything I could have anticipated.
Haytham, really, wouldhave been a sweet character for a few games. I don't mean to beat that drum yet again (everyone has been saying it), but he continually just kills people without a thought if he knows they will cause trouble down the line.
Is it just me, or is going incognito way harder in this game? I'm on the Wii u, and I a)don't have any money at the start to bribe people, and b) the map won't display wanted posters for me to take down. This is making the game way more frustrating for me than the older ones.
I hope Connor is at least half as brilliant as him...