Gucci Messiah
finally beat the game. feels good man.
Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.
I chugged through it because I've played through all of the series except Revelations, and I wanted to see it through. Plus I dropped 60 bones on it and I was going to get my money's worth. Well, I've learned my lesson though. Next time I'll wait to see what regular people (not reviewers) say about the game before I buy it. Really disappointed.
Also, while I thought the end was interesting, without spoiling it too much I thought it was weird that it was one, singular static ending. I mean I understand that it has to be that way so they can make new games, but it was so odd how they tried to like build up a choice and then kind of say "fuck it, you're doing this." Guess it's likely another unfinished part of the game.
Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.
Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.
I chugged through it because I've played through all of the series except Revelations, and I wanted to see it through. Plus I dropped 60 bones on it and I was going to get my money's worth. Well, I've learned my lesson though. Next time I'll wait to see what regular people (not reviewers) say about the game before I buy it. Really disappointed.
Also, while I thought the end was interesting, without spoiling it too much I thought it was weird that it was one, singular static ending. I mean I understand that it has to be that way so they can make new games, but it was so odd how they tried to like build up a choice and then kind of say "fuck it, you're doing this." Guess it's likely another unfinished part of the game.
Would have been a much better twist if Ubi hadn't spoiled it in the original animus database (now patched out). In retrospect, that single spoiler was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Pretty much every other bug/glitch in the game was forgivable. Annoying, but forgivable nonetheless. But not that one. Glad some folks got to experience it in its intended form.Damn, Connor comes into his own at that moment. Yeah,for several missions is a pure "what the fuck!?" moment of Ubisoft, but the reveal of the informationfollowing his dad, Haythemis a pretty good twist that solidifiedthat George Washington is the one that had Lee attack Connor's village.Haythem's "what? I didn't order that!" "excuse" in the previous sequences mission
What did 1.03 fix?
Single Player
Global Fixes
- Fixed inventory messages that kept being displayed after every reload if the player had completed some missions
What did 1.03 fix?
Is 1.03 only out on the PS3? I noticed a lot of those bugs in the PC version, and i just played it last night.
It does get better. But if you're used to the (better) older combat systems, prepare your butt for having to acclimate to the (bad) new combat system.
Shooting isn't that, it's more the issue with the stupid lock-on system and how the lock-on system isn't in the dead center (but it is in the MULTIPLAYER. WTF, Ubisoft?) so you're having to lock-on while the dude is nearly off camera. What the hell? Well, the lock-on and range. Which is an interesting mechanic for "hip"firing/not-locked on having the game tell you "no, you wouldn't hit from that range" but then you lock-on and suddenly can so WTF is the point?
Yea Im not playing this game. Thanks for the heads up.
Where the hell is that KrustyTheKlownWhatTheHellWasThat?.gif? Because that's my exact reaction to the Desmond ending/story ending.
Actually, this could be as appropriate:
At least theprovides some closure and a sense of completion. But seriously: WHAT THE HELL?epilogueDesmond sacrifices himself to "prevent a cycle"/Assassin's and Templars restart their war. World isn't saved. But Minerva is "released" to... what? Control humans, I wager/gathered. Which is a bit of a weak ending choice since Assassin's are all about "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted/freedom." Seems really weird that Desmond would go "okay, I'll die to protect the majority of humans and give you the keys to the kingdom to control them! Bye dad!"
so glad they did it.- Side-quest "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COMMON MAN", fixed a bug where the quest would still not be completed if the problem was already encountered prior to the last patch. Buggy savegames are now fixed on load.
No you don't.Seriously. The ending to my favorite new IP of this gen was THAT.
I know what Mass Effect fans felt.
loved far cry 3 will i like this?
also can i play it without playing any of the earlier games?
And how randomI have zero clue what those things are for. It was a horrible and quick explanation. Is this suppose to be a fake ass truth puzzle?what that interruption or hacking when you continue the game?
The new way of revealing the entire map of an area is an absolute disaster. The previous way was perfect, why make a player explore every damn centimeter of a huge forest when you can just put a bunch of viewpoints here and there?
Whoever made this decision needs to be punished.
Their punishment must be more severe.
Mmh... I don't understand how the day/night cycle works... I'm at sequence 5 now.
- Time is stuck during story missions... this is correct, I suppose.
- Time is always stuck BETWEEN the story missions too... to "unlock" the night/day cycle I have to enter/exit the Animus or to restart the game, or I have to "force" a loading (enter/exit a galley, replay a chapter etc..)
Is this a glitch or a common feature?
it's the way the game works..
you'll be able to change daynight cycles and weather freely once you've completed the game
Yes but in the previous AC the day/night cycle started automatically between two main missions... here I can't see a single day/night loop if i don't force a "reset" (for example, exit/enter the Animus)
This is very lame and i don't understand this change...
It was tedious but it makes sense. More exploration for me.I hereby nominate the underground tunnels as the worst thing ever added to any game ever. I've spent the last 20 shitgargling minutes lost down here. I come to one exit, it's locked from the other side. I come to another exit, I have to do some busted ass jumping sequence that keeps failing in order to escape.
What kind of crack were they smoking when they designed this shit?