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Assassin's Creed III |OT| Easier to read than Ratonhnhaké:ton


Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.

I chugged through it because I've played through all of the series except Revelations, and I wanted to see it through. Plus I dropped 60 bones on it and I was going to get my money's worth. Well, I've learned my lesson though. Next time I'll wait to see what regular people (not reviewers) say about the game before I buy it. Really disappointed.

Also, while I thought the end was interesting, without spoiling it too much I thought it was weird that it was one, singular static ending. I mean I understand that it has to be that way so they can make new games, but it was so odd how they tried to like build up a choice and then kind of say "fuck it, you're doing this." Guess it's likely another unfinished part of the game.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.

I chugged through it because I've played through all of the series except Revelations, and I wanted to see it through. Plus I dropped 60 bones on it and I was going to get my money's worth. Well, I've learned my lesson though. Next time I'll wait to see what regular people (not reviewers) say about the game before I buy it. Really disappointed.

Also, while I thought the end was interesting, without spoiling it too much I thought it was weird that it was one, singular static ending. I mean I understand that it has to be that way so they can make new games, but it was so odd how they tried to like build up a choice and then kind of say "fuck it, you're doing this." Guess it's likely another unfinished part of the game.
It did seem like they were going to pull a Mass Effect "choice" ending, but I'm personally glad they didn't.

AC was never about options, but I guess some of us are so used to the BioWare formula that when certain words are dropped, we automatically think option time.


Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.

At least in ACI the story was good. That moment when you learn that you've been betrayed? Amazing. The atmosphere going back to the Assassin's Base (forgot name) was really great. Combat was more challenging too... plus the controls were much better.

The only downfall to ACI was the repetitiveness and the lack of content... Which I might add was completely fixed with ACII. Shame the franchise has been tipped on its head and lost its spark since Revelations though.
Just finished the game. Yuck. Interesting ending to a really boring, tedious game. Probably my least favorite of the series, possibly even behind the near completely broken AC 1.

I chugged through it because I've played through all of the series except Revelations, and I wanted to see it through. Plus I dropped 60 bones on it and I was going to get my money's worth. Well, I've learned my lesson though. Next time I'll wait to see what regular people (not reviewers) say about the game before I buy it. Really disappointed.

Also, while I thought the end was interesting, without spoiling it too much I thought it was weird that it was one, singular static ending. I mean I understand that it has to be that way so they can make new games, but it was so odd how they tried to like build up a choice and then kind of say "fuck it, you're doing this." Guess it's likely another unfinished part of the game.

Outside of the Desmond missions I thought the game had good variety, why exactly did you find AC3 to be tedious?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
"A warning to you both - choose to follow me or oppose me and I will kill you"

Damn, Connor comes into his own at that moment. Yeah,
following his dad, Haythem
for several missions is a pure "what the fuck!?" moment of Ubisoft, but the reveal of the information
that George Washington is the one that had Lee attack Connor's village
is a pretty good twist that solidified
Haythem's "what? I didn't order that!" "excuse" in the previous sequences mission


Damn, Connor comes into his own at that moment. Yeah,
following his dad, Haythem
for several missions is a pure "what the fuck!?" moment of Ubisoft, but the reveal of the information
that George Washington is the one that had Lee attack Connor's village
is a pretty good twist that solidified
Haythem's "what? I didn't order that!" "excuse" in the previous sequences mission
Would have been a much better twist if Ubi hadn't spoiled it in the original animus database (now patched out). In retrospect, that single spoiler was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Pretty much every other bug/glitch in the game was forgivable. Annoying, but forgivable nonetheless. But not that one. Glad some folks got to experience it in its intended form.


What did 1.03 fix?

Single Player

Global Fixes

- Couriers will now appear more often in Boston and New York
- Fixed a bug where consumables would not be restored properly after playing a naval mission
- Fixed a bug where multiple copies of heralds or paper boys could be spawned at the same spot
- Fixed a bug where printer shops icons could appear on the map even if the player is not notorious
- Fixed a bug where the 2nd equipped pistol could disappear after a loading
- Fixed a bug where the player could fall through the map if he went through a city gate on horseback while in conflict
- Fixed a crash when the player uses the rope dart on a horse from above
- Fixed horse glitch
- Fixed inventory messages that kept being displayed after every reload if the player had completed some missions
- Fixed various crashes
- Forced subtitles to be displayed for off-camera voices like some tutorials and end of sequence transitions
- Made sure to stop tavern music when exiting taverns

- A DEADLY PERFORMANCE: fixed a music glitch by making a cinematic not skippable

- FEATHERS AND TREES : fixed another case where optional objective "Do not touch the ground or water" could fail for no good reason

- ON JOHNSON'S TRA IL: fixed a bug where sometimes Adams and Revere could be missing, preventing the player from starting the mission

- LEXINGTON AND CONCORD: fixed a bug where the player could stay stuck on the road while on horseback at a specific spot on the mission's path

- Fixed Animus Synching gameplay that could get stuck

Side Quests
- Boston Brawlers: clearer message after beating all ex-champions, stating that you need to go back to Boston
- Boston Underground: fixed a bug where exploded barrels could come back if you re-entered through the South Commons entrance.
- Boston Underground: fixed a bug where Haytham could never use the North Port entrance
- Liberation Missions: added unfogging of the map when the player gets near a liberation event, to make sure the icon will be revealed in case the player doesn't complete it and wants to come back later.
- New York Liberation Missions: fixed a few cases where the player could get to the event's icon but nothing would happen.
- New York Underground, fixed a bug where the player would be teleported at the center of New York if he declined to enter the underground through the South Market entrance.

- Added map icons on Homestead buildings as you unlock new settlers
- Made sure Achilles cannot be stoking the fireplace after the homestead story arc is completed
- THE PROPER TOOLS: added map icons on all shops in New York when that mission asks the player to go buy the hammer parts for the blacksmith
- Side-quest "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COMMON MAN", fixed a bug where the quest would still not be completed if the problem was already encountered prior to the last patch. Buggy savegames are now fixed on load.

Naval Locations
- OAK ISLAND: fixed a bug where the mission could not continue if the player reloads after completing some parts of the puzzle

- Added auto-whistle for a horse when entering Frontier from Boston, New York or Homestead
- Fixed NPC committing suicide when the player approaches

- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to hide the on-screen money counter and "hold to skip" message. Money is now linked to the "mini-map" HUD visibility option, and the skip cinematic message to the "controls" option.
- Fixed a bug where the "Fast Travel Points Unlocked" stat could not reach 100%
- Fixed a possible crash after all pivots have been synched
- Fixed bad date formatting in Notification Center
- Fixed various typos and bad translations
- Made sure Boston Brawlers and Hunting Society icons are displayed over the fog once the player gets approached to join the club
- Map icon filters: added a bunch of side-quest start icons on the missions layer, added viewpoints to the collectibles layer, and made sure all fast travel destinations are visible on all layers.
- Opening the weapon, naval weapon and assassin recruits menus is now faster


- Team modes balance is no longer affected when extra players join in progress.

- Players are no longer stuck after they got hit by knives while climbing cranes.
- The Unstoppable Perk now correctly opens recently closed Chase Breakers in the Animus Core map.
- Closure now seals and opens Chase Breakers for the player who used the ability as intended.

- Abstergo points now update correctly after you finished a game in the progression menu.

- Locked targets don’t become unavailable under certain conditions anymore.
- Players will now see the notorious lock indicator when their pursuers kill NPCs, regardless of their approach meter.
- In a chase, target players will now be able to lock their pursuer by default prior to any other character.

- It is now possible for players to reopen Chase Breakers right after their team mates went through them in the Animus Core map.
- The time during which you’re vulnerable after a stun from ground to a haystack doesn’t vary from one mode to another anymore.
- Players can no longer get killed by another player from any distance after performing a haystack kill.
- Players no longer get stuck in the position the character adopts on narrow ledges when they kill with the Fast Gun.
- Players will no longer see their pursuers as notorious when their pursuers are killed with the silent bonus or better.
- Characters appearance and Gamertags can no longer be accidentally reverted on Wolfpack podium staging.
Just finished the game, sitting through the amazingly long credits now. I liked the game more than it appears most people did although the pace of the story seemed a bit strange. I feel like a ton of the homestead missions all opened up at the same time rather late in the game, I don't know if that was just me but it felt awkward taking such a long break from the story to go do a ton of those.


A few more things that I forgot:

I loved the naval missions.

Besides being cool by filling out the homestead I didn't really get the point of most of it. I got the opportunity to build some more stuff but other than the upgrades it all seemed so useless especially since selling things was incredibly tedious.


Single Player

Global Fixes

- Fixed inventory messages that kept being displayed after every reload if the player had completed some missions

About fucking time. You'd think this would have been right up there with "fixing" the hood during the epilogue.


So I just started this on the PC, but why are there so many instant fail missions in this game and terrible checkpointing in them as well?

The only time I remember anything like this in the series was the AC2 DLC missions (which I thought were awful there too)


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Maybe it's just me, but does the constant full-screen flashing of "lightning" that happens when you're in the crafting screen bother anyone else?

I like to play in semi-darkness, and it's so annoying and distracting that I have to turn on another light in the room when I'm crafting.
Ive been trying to get into this game but the controls are terrible. Shooting someone takes a rocket science degree and when you are fighting you cant just attack. Its the most frustrating and boring mechanics Ive ever seen in my life.

I just got to Boston with a few missions in and Im already thinking of selling this garbage. Please someone tell me this game gets better?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It does get better. But if you're used to the (better) older combat systems, prepare your butt for having to acclimate to the (bad) new combat system.

Shooting isn't that, it's more the issue with the stupid lock-on system and how the lock-on system isn't in the dead center (but it is in the MULTIPLAYER. WTF, Ubisoft?) so you're having to lock-on while the dude is nearly off camera. What the hell? Well, the lock-on and range. Which is an interesting mechanic for "hip"firing/not-locked on having the game tell you "no, you wouldn't hit from that range" but then you lock-on and suddenly can so WTF is the point?
It does get better. But if you're used to the (better) older combat systems, prepare your butt for having to acclimate to the (bad) new combat system.

Shooting isn't that, it's more the issue with the stupid lock-on system and how the lock-on system isn't in the dead center (but it is in the MULTIPLAYER. WTF, Ubisoft?) so you're having to lock-on while the dude is nearly off camera. What the hell? Well, the lock-on and range. Which is an interesting mechanic for "hip"firing/not-locked on having the game tell you "no, you wouldn't hit from that range" but then you lock-on and suddenly can so WTF is the point?

Yea Im not playing this game. Thanks for the heads up.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I really want to see that suicide NPC glitch. It sounds hilarious.

"Oh shit, an Assassin is approaching me. *stabs self in neck*"

"Why are all these people dying around me!? D:"

Yea Im not playing this game. Thanks for the heads up.

It's not really that bad. My complaints with the combat system aside, if you want to go through and complete the main story without worrying about the optional objectives or getting the achievements, you can complete it in roughly 5-12 hours max. Optional Objectives are probably the worst thing the game has since they're stupid buggy or luck based than the combat system. Combat system is a preference/kinda awkward transition to make it similar to the Batman games. But the optional objectives breaking the "flow" of the game is simply unforgivable.


Beat the game and now this
thing kind of comes out of nowhere. What am I supposed to be doing?

editL i got it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Where the hell is that KrustyTheKlownWhatTheHellWasThat?.gif? Because that's my exact reaction to the Desmond ending/story ending.

Actually, this could be as appropriate:


At least the
provides some closure and a sense of completion. But seriously: WHAT THE HELL?
Desmond sacrifices himself to "prevent a cycle"/Assassin's and Templars restart their war. World isn't saved. But Minerva is "released" to... what? Control humans, I wager/gathered. Which is a bit of a weak ending choice since Assassin's are all about "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted/freedom." Seems really weird that Desmond would go "okay, I'll die to protect the majority of humans and give you the keys to the kingdom to control them! Bye dad!"


Where the hell is that KrustyTheKlownWhatTheHellWasThat?.gif? Because that's my exact reaction to the Desmond ending/story ending.

Actually, this could be as appropriate:


At least the
provides some closure and a sense of completion. But seriously: WHAT THE HELL?
Desmond sacrifices himself to "prevent a cycle"/Assassin's and Templars restart their war. World isn't saved. But Minerva is "released" to... what? Control humans, I wager/gathered. Which is a bit of a weak ending choice since Assassin's are all about "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted/freedom." Seems really weird that Desmond would go "okay, I'll die to protect the majority of humans and give you the keys to the kingdom to control them! Bye dad!"

Seriously. The ending to my favorite new IP of this gen was THAT.

I know what Mass Effect fans felt.
Finally got the game, really enjoying it so far. Goddamn the frontier is huge!

A few negatives though:

-I miss climbing crazy shit, in this all the view points are churches and IDENTICAL trees
-The interface is absolutely fucking awful. I have such a hard time figuring out how to do so many things because the menus are so bad
- Glitches. Kept climbing a pole on a boat in an early mission, everytime i reached near the top I would shoot up five feet and fall back down to the ground.
Started playing this today (PC) and twice it's crashed on me. Had to start task manager and it's not responding, not sure what the problem is :( Any advice?
- Side-quest "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE COMMON MAN", fixed a bug where the quest would still not be completed if the problem was already encountered prior to the last patch. Buggy savegames are now fixed on load.
so glad they did it.

i know patches need some time to be made and tested but still ...

a good thing they corrected this at least


tagged by Blackace
Seriously. The ending to my favorite new IP of this gen was THAT.

I know what Mass Effect fans felt.
No you don't.

Just beat the game and this wasn't as bad as ME3s ending, at least with AC you know this was forced and going to end with a shit ending since AC2, there was more confusion and terrible delivery of story on all the steps on the way here.

The only silver lining in the ending is that
Desmond is finally dead, thank fucking god.
F5 this franchise Ubi, your in too deep and now it's clear even they know it.

Now to read the spoiler thread to understand WTF is happening at the very very end.


You guys weren't kidding when you said that this game sucks at explaining things. I'm confused as fuck when it comes to the Homestead stuff.

Escape Goat

I'm so frustrated when the game gives you a bonus objective and then never gives you a tutorial on how to accomplish the necessary tasks. Argh!
What a piece of shit ending.

You've been through all this trouble fighting and running from the templars in both time periods; searching for the apple; all this bullshit talk about assassins and freedom for the people; only to go against what you so called believed in? Desmond and crew might at well let the templars do what the hell they originally wanted. What a waste of time. Actually, im not blaming the entire team, only desmonds dumb ass. Why would he do that?

It's like the writers of Assassin's Creed 3 and Mass effect 3 got drunk in a bar one day and said "you know what would be funny?"

And how random
what that interruption or hacking when you continue the game?
I have zero clue what those things are for. It was a horrible and quick explanation. Is this suppose to be a fake ass truth puzzle?


The new way of revealing the entire map of an area is an absolute disaster. The previous way was perfect, why make a player explore every damn centimeter of a huge forest when you can just put a bunch of viewpoints here and there?

Whoever made this decision needs to be punished.


Gold Member
And how random
what that interruption or hacking when you continue the game?
I have zero clue what those things are for. It was a horrible and quick explanation. Is this suppose to be a fake ass truth puzzle?

They're basically cheat codes. Every pivot unlocks a certain cheat code granting you special powers like immunity to bullets or fast reloading, for example. Others adjust the game world, like changing time of day, weather or season.

The in-game explenation is that you use them to "hack the Animus". The way they are introduced is atrocious and confusing. I doubt there is a single player out there who DIDN'T had to google what the fuck just happened.

You find them throughout the game by triangulation - you put down pivots and the map will show you its general location, after which you narrow the area by moving the pivots. You need to be online because you pick up other people's pivots, and they can pick up yours. So triangulation is a game of chance. Or something. It's an extremely and needlessly complex mechanic for something this trivial, my suggestion is to look up a youtube video on how this works.
The new way of revealing the entire map of an area is an absolute disaster. The previous way was perfect, why make a player explore every damn centimeter of a huge forest when you can just put a bunch of viewpoints here and there?

Whoever made this decision needs to be punished.

Their punishment must be more severe.


So I decided to run through those incredible preorder missions that were part of the first DLC 'hidden secrets' pack. That stuff is the standard drivel but what became a matter of concern was the minute I booted up the game I could tell the framerate was higher.

Uh oh.

There was one sure fire way to raise frame rate at no 'cost' on the PS3 version and that was to unlock vsync. The issue with this is it would potentially introduce tearing. Fear not though it only seems to effect general gameplay 100% of the time.

Fucks sake ubisoft I'd take the original framerate hit over this shit. Game is damn near unplayable now. I feel like I'm going to have a siezure every time I pan the camera.


Mmh... I don't understand how the day/night cycle works... I'm at sequence 5 now.

- Time is stuck during story missions... this is correct, I suppose.
- Time is always stuck BETWEEN the story missions too... to "unlock" the night/day cycle I have to enter/exit the Animus or to restart the game, or I have to "force" a loading (enter/exit a galley, replay a chapter etc..)

Is this a glitch or a common feature?
Mmh... I don't understand how the day/night cycle works... I'm at sequence 5 now.

- Time is stuck during story missions... this is correct, I suppose.
- Time is always stuck BETWEEN the story missions too... to "unlock" the night/day cycle I have to enter/exit the Animus or to restart the game, or I have to "force" a loading (enter/exit a galley, replay a chapter etc..)

Is this a glitch or a common feature?

it's the way the game works..
you'll be able to change daynight cycles and weather freely once you've completed the game


it's the way the game works..
you'll be able to change daynight cycles and weather freely once you've completed the game

Yes but in the previous AC the day/night cycle started automatically between two main missions... here I can't see a single day/night loop if i don't force a "reset" (for example, exit/enter the Animus)

This is very lame and i don't understand this change...
I hereby nominate the underground tunnels as the worst thing ever added to any game ever. I've spent the last 20 shitgargling minutes lost down here. I come to one exit, it's locked from the other side. I come to another exit, I have to do some busted ass jumping sequence that keeps failing in order to escape.

What kind of crack were they smoking when they designed this shit?
Yes but in the previous AC the day/night cycle started automatically between two main missions... here I can't see a single day/night loop if i don't force a "reset" (for example, exit/enter the Animus)

This is very lame and i don't understand this change...

i have no IDEA

Nori Chan

I hereby nominate the underground tunnels as the worst thing ever added to any game ever. I've spent the last 20 shitgargling minutes lost down here. I come to one exit, it's locked from the other side. I come to another exit, I have to do some busted ass jumping sequence that keeps failing in order to escape.

What kind of crack were they smoking when they designed this shit?
It was tedious but it makes sense. More exploration for me.

Even though not much of this series makes sense lol
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