Can you view your total play time?
Can you view your total play time?
The load game screen in the main menu shows the total playtime.
The tailing mission when you get to New York is the most awful thing ever put in a video game. This is taking forever!
I've almost failed it because I have dozed off a couple of times. It's so boring.
Oh, I feel dumb lol
No need to feel dumb, good sir. The previous games all had extensive stats menus which showed overall playtime and lots of other tidbits like distance walked, height climbed, people killed and favourite weapon.
Such a menu is missing in this game, so it took me some time as well to figure out that at least the load game menu shows the overall playtime.
Considering all the UI elements in these games are "in character" I found that to be consistent and understandable... different strokes.What the fuck.
Why the FUCK would something like that be under "Animus training center"? Who the fuck looks for stats under "training center"?
See this shit? This is exactly what is wrong with this game's UI. I can't believe this.
AC is a series that assumes you've played through all the DLC for each game, both of those things were addressed in such content.
That's terrible. They shouldn't even assume people are playing every game, because I'm sure a lot of people skipped Brotherhood and Revelations (and Assassin's Creed, for that matter).
Speaking of terrible, whoever designed the menu/interface for the homestead accounting book deserves a good hard slap to the face. It completely negates all the good things they did with homestead building, rendering it all meaningless by trapping its main function by something so disgustingly user unfriendly.
Do you mean the DLC for Revelations? I was more insulted by the fact that there were more Revelations in the Revelations DLC (we learn aboutI'm coming off as a bit of a Ubi defender with these posts which isn't my intent, Ubisoft has done some atrocious shit, but as far as AC is concerned they've been very consistent IMO if you follow the full lineage of AC2 > Bro > Rev >AC3 (AC1 being largely a testbed for what AC2 would become).
The story DLC aspects have been cemented in since AC2 and to me are to be expected, there will be AC3 story DLC that somehow ties into AC4 and the new protagonist next-gen mark my words. As many who skipped the Bros and Revs games there are as many who didn't, the DLC for Brotherhood IIRC was some of the best and it essentially adds on another ending to the game (wheremeets her fate).Lucy
I agree that the UI for the Homestead crafting doesn't give you a great first impression, I put off trying to use it for the longest time. The same can be said for the Map overlay and filtering/mission log, it's not overly apparent how it works at first. Once you do get it though it's quick and easy to use (it thankfully, like past games, doesn't force you to wait for transition animations when pressing through menus so you can skip/fast-forward a lot of actions by pure memory).
Do you mean the DLC for Revelations? I was more insulted by the fact that there were more Revelations in the Revelations DLC (we learn about) than in Revelations itself.Lucy
I don't remember the AC2 or ACB DLC being anything to write home about. AC2 introduced you to the chick you would bang in ACB, correct?
They haven't had Subject 16 style puzzles since ACB, which is terrible IMO! And the Revelations DLC seemed the PERFECT reward for such a thing...
That was a terrible way to introduce you to New York. It's one of the most iconic cities in the world and they treated it like 'Generic Plot of Buildings 2.0', which is pretty much what it is.
The turkey got a little cap, is what happened.
at the end of Brotherhood. Sorry, my memory is a bit fuzzy, it wasn't actually in DLC at all, it was the ending after you'd solve all of Subject 16's puzzles - so the argument that they include that substantial development in DLC is moot actually.Lucy diedIt was later expanded upon in Revelations itself.
Overall I think the DLC story parts were substantial in the sense that they both served to unravel parts of the overarching plot, not to the extent of ACR by any means but still integral (YMMV) to the overall narrative progression through the series. Something that has remained since AC2's missing 12-13 sequences were put back in as DLC.
I don't think it's that big of a deal that they don't explicitly recap Lucy dying. Plenty of stories in different mediums come back for their next season or sequel and things have changed that are not explicitly detailed for the viewer, rather they pick up on it somewhere along the way (as in AC3).It's not moot at all. They don't explain that Lucy had defected to the Templars until the Lost Archive. They end Brotherhood on a massive cliffhanger, then go on to not resolve it in the next game, but the DLC to that game. After this, they don't mention her at all, so if you go straight from ACII to ACIII and wonder where the hell Lucy is, you have to look that shit up, since it's nowhere in the game. What's the point of having a SERIES RECAP AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH AND EVERY GAME if you're not going to use it to catch people up on stuff like that?
It isn't until after the first present day mission, if you decide to run around and exhaust everyone's dialogue options before hopping back into the Animus, where William will casually mention her and imply that she had joined the Templars and betrayed the Assassins.
Also, here's how the introduction of William looks to someone who hasn't touched the DLC: End of Brotherhood: Who the fuck is talking? End of Revelations: Who the fuck is he? Beginning of ACIII: What the fuck?
People ask all the time, "Hey, do I have play x before y?" And the answer is almost always, "Of course not, no developer is stupid enough to limit their potential user base by alienating newcomers." Except, apparently, for Assassin's Creed.
And the Homestead interface is NOT OK. It has nothing to do with me getting the hang of it and everything to do with it taking approximately 400 button presses (I did the math) if I want to send off 18 of the same item that happen to be the end of Connor's inventory because I can only set one at a time and the cursor goes back to the very beginning after each selection. People complained about having to go back to the Villa/bank to withdraw your money in the ACII games, but that was a single button press that only had to be done once every hour or two at the most, and served an actual purpose--preventing you from simply leaving your game on and idly collecting money. With the Homestead, it's every 12 minutes, plus once you get there, you have to fight through the menus again. Not worth it at all.
Did anyone use any of these: Rope darts, poison darts, bow and arrow, smoke bombs, trip bombs, bait, or snares? I only used them like once in the entire game.
For me, rope darts caused too much of a stir. Darts, arrows and smoke bombs make the game way too easy. Trip bombs are utterly worthless. Bait and snares are superfluous since hunting is already simple enough.
Hook blades was possible when you have building that were close to each other can't implement this thank to the fact that the cities design themselves don't allow it.Thoraxes, I didn't read your spoilers as I'm onbut you really hit the system.sequence 6
None of the stuff is really spoilerific or story specific but I'm erring on the side of caution.
Free running was fun in the last few games. Maybe its because I'm only part way through, but I've yet to see any of the lanterns to swing around andWhy are we moving backwards? Free-running used to be fun. You could literally go miles by simply free running as the design was so great that you would rarely stop. Here, it's stop and go, as besides it being touchy, none of the buildings really connect. I used to run around in the old city. Wanting to go between landmarks and sync spots, but because the buildings don't connect, it's not as fluid.I have yet to see any ropes (for the hook blade).
Too many options, that's why you have to use the quick access option ( 4 slots ) for the weapons you use oftenIts a bunch of the little things in this game from the regeneration of health to the lack of stores. Heck, my big thing right now is the lack of control over the map. Before, the map was easy to understand. Nice and big, allowed you to highlight or turn off any icon you wanted. Now? It's a giant mess. I'm trying to decipher where my mission is but I can't. Furthermore, why the heck would they have a system in which I need to press RB and go into a separate menu to choose my weapons. Why not, as in every other Assassin's game, just let us do it mid-fight without going into the separate menu? Why are we going backwards here?
The boston tea party is a very big Low of creed 3..they included it to match the "historical" part of the franchise..but yeah ....i was bored too. it get better afterwards.EDIT: I'll leave the above in there as I just figured out you can press the left stick to to access the maps. Still not as much control as in previous games but at least some control is there.
I just finished theand it's just not fun. Nothing is exciting. There are some parts where I enjoy such as the running in the trees but then we realize that not all trees connect. It feels a bit unfinished. Boston is a boring city that feels absolutely generic. I want to like it. I really do but I don't feel like I've accomplished anything so far.Boston Tea Party thing
I had high hopes for this game. As a Red Dead Redemption meets the AC franchise but it kinda soured on me. Normally, I want to complete 100% sync but I just don't. Some of the missions are just boring and feature awful AI.It's just boring. Or the following mission where you have to kill 15 guys before it starts. I literally went through six of them standing there while I stabbed them in front of each other before moving onto the other 11. It was kinda hilarious but that shouldn't be happening.For example, take the mission in sequence 6 when the French chef walks through the town. You don't really do anything. You just run before the guy gets there, stab one in the back, watch the other redcoats look at you before you stab him, and wait for the French cook to catch up to "incite the people".Even the Boston Tea Party was just boring. It was run from ship to ship killing guys using our not-so-great fight system while occasionally throwing tea. Maybe the actual Boston Tea Party was fairly boring and this was accurate but it didn't make it exciting or fun.
that's to be expected if you avoid 2 games of contentIt's not moot at all. They don't explain that Lucy had defected to the Templars until the Lost Archive. They end Brotherhood on a massive cliffhanger, then go on to not resolve it in the next game, but the DLC to that game. After this, they don't mention her at all, so if you go straight from ACII to ACIII and wonder where the hell Lucy is, you have to look that shit up, since it's nowhere in the game.
Because she became unimportant.. and desmond does talks about her while reactivating the temple.What's the point of having a SERIES RECAP AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH AND EVERY GAME if you're not going to use it to catch people up on stuff like that?
you know who he is ( a confirmation ) if you've played revelation desmond sequences.It isn't until after the first present day mission, if you decide to run around and exhaust everyone's dialogue options before hopping back into the Animus, where William will casually mention her and imply that she had joined the Templars and betrayed the Assassins.
Also, here's how the introduction of William looks to someone who hasn't touched the DLC: End of Brotherhood: Who the fuck is talking? End of Revelations: Who the fuck is he? Beginning of ACIII: What the fuck?
Really i agree the homestead/trade interface is horrible..what's more annoying is that you don't get enough informations to exploit it properly ..and worse it's not fun !People ask all the time, "Hey, do I have play x before y?" And the answer is almost always, "Of course not, no developer is stupid enough to limit their potential user base by alienating newcomers." Except, apparently, for Assassin's Creed.
And the Homestead interface is NOT OK. It has nothing to do with me getting the hang of it and everything to do with it taking approximately 400 button presses (I did the math) if I want to send off 18 of the same item that happen to be the end of Connor's inventory because I can only set one at a time and the cursor goes back to the very beginning after each selection. People complained about having to go back to the Villa/bank to withdraw your money in the ACII games, but that was a single button press that only had to be done once every hour or two at the most, and served an actual purpose--preventing you from simply leaving your game on and idly collecting money. With the Homestead, it's every 12 minutes, plus once you get there, you have to fight through the menus again. Not worth it at all.
So true.. i think the thing here is since they both know , there is nothing to ask.That said, like you I found Desmond's statement that he knew Lucy was a Templar (was it just in that moment when Juno took control that he "knew"? I can't remember) was a little at odds with how it's dealt with in Revelations and in the early conversions in AC3. I felt that before we learn that Desmond "knew" it made a lot more sense how it was minorly dealt with in Revelations, just a very unexpected and sad event. Not much to say really, and just the small mention about her funeral. Wait... except you FUCKING MEET SUBJECT 16 IN THE FUCKING ANIMUS AND HE SAYS NOOOTHING ABOUT IT!!! The whole DLC is a total waste of time cause as soon as you see him you'd think Desmond would go "yo Juno made me kill Lucy and I'm in a coma now or somethin", to which 16 would reply "yeah dude, shes one crazy bitch. She totally betrayed me and I offed myself just to get away from her". Now I remember why I disliked Revelations so much, we finally get to meet this guy who we've been trying to find for 3 games, who has a bunch of answers and DESMOND SAYS AND ASKS FUCKING NOTHING IMPORTANT!!!!
DittoI totally agree about the Homestead, the interface is half baked and is a nightmare to use. Luckily sending bear pelts seems to be the best option and isn't too hard (you don't have to wait for the animation to finish before pressing the next input so you can send off a convoy reasonably fast - but your still right it shouldn't be so clunky).
Did anyone use any of these: Rope darts, poison darts, bow and arrow, smoke bombs, trip bombs, bait, or snares? I only used them like once in the entire game.
For me, rope darts caused too much of a stir. Darts, arrows and smoke bombs make the game way too easy. Trip bombs are utterly worthless. Bait and snares are superfluous since hunting is already simple enough.
Basically the convoy system is pretty useless until you do a few more Homestead missions and get the different artisans to live there. You will find Homestead missions everywhere, the Davenport Homestead map, on the Frontier, and in Boston/New York. If you can't see any available Homestead missions that means that they must be on uncovered portions of your map - so get explorin'.Just got this for Christmas and i don't know what the hell's happening. I lost my one and only convoy thing(don't know how to rescue them when they are attacked) and i guess i need to craft another? Where do i get lumber and other resources?
I also read somewheres that you can do naval convoys, is that right? I assume they're more profitable, so should i go directly to that?
Is there some beginner's guide for this stuff that anybody can recommend?
Can you get money from the Homestead like you could in the Ezio trilogy? Like an income.
No.Can you get money from the Homestead like you could in the Ezio trilogy? Like an income.
America isboring
:lolDesmond and his back tumour.
How is the multiplayer for Assassin's Creed 3?
I just beat the game.
What the hell is this Pivot bullshit?
Thank you.Basically the convoy system is pretty useless until you do a few more Homestead missions and get the different artisans to live there. You will find Homestead missions everywhere, the Davenport Homestead map, on the Frontier, and in Boston/New York. If you can't see any available Homestead missions that means that they must be on uncovered portions of your map - so get explorin'.
I would highly recommend getting the first 2-3 artisans out of the way earlier rather than later. The game shot me in the foot this way and I did not unlock any of the extra artisans past the first until quite late in the game.
It unlocks the cheat codes that in previous games would be unlocked by getting 100% synchronization in the SP sequences. It's the most obtuse mechanic in the game, and isn't explained AT ALL. Like, not even 1 word. Had to look up videos that tried to sort of kinda half-way take a guess in the dark at explaining it.
It's not really worth the hassle, IMO. Unless you really want to control the weather with a bullet-proof Connor.
It actually is explained. The explanation that's given, and it goes by very fast, assumes (wrongly I feel) you know what triangulation means, encountered it before (in geometry for example) and how to go about. The game then leaves you to figure out the rest. The whole intro for it just went by very fast but that word stood out and I realized what I had to do. It's a complete extra in the end and it can be ignored. So perhaps they felt if one really was interested they'll put in the work to figure it out considering what the end results are.