Assassin's Creed Shadows officially has surpassed the launches of AC Origins and AC Odyssey according to UbiSoft

Lokaum D+



Has Man Musk
Yes it stops you from acting out gay romance fantasies. It doesn’t affect the game itself.
What you mean it doesn't affect the game? The event options are way more than just romance options, there are loads of event whether you can choose to spare someone or kill them, or pretend not knowing Japanese, etc. The canon mode lock them all out.
Mass Effect 3 has a similar option where the game can choose canon options for you and you don't need to.

But to Mana's point, you have to actively seek out the gay dialogue options to get to that conclusion, it's in your hands. All the dumb posts about "Oh no they got a black aaaand gayyyyy guy" are basically lying out of their teeth for clout 🤷‍♂️
I mean come on now, my man. Mass Effect you play a player-created completely fictional character. I have no problem Ubi shoehorns some half assed gay romances in previous AC games, or even for Naoe as they are all fictional characters. But they claim Yasuke is real historical figure, There is absolutely no record Yasuke being gay on history, adding such thing to a historical figure is clear to pander the woketards who mostly never buy games anyway. Yet you are here to defend Ubi's dumb practice on GAF.
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Moderated wildly
In AC IV Freedom’s Cry you played a black slave revolting and killing white people. Where was the outrage then? There was none because monetized social media didn’t exist.

My only issue was why have a black guy in Japan when it could be a legit samurai. BUT after playing it I get the power fantasy in the intro. Not sure how it is once he's unlocked because I'm just Naoe for life lol


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I mean come on now, my man. Mass Effect you play a player-created completely fictional character. I have problem Ubi shoehorns some half assed gay romances in previous AC games, or even for Naoe as they are all fictional characters. But they claim Yasuke is real historical figure, There is absolutely no record Yasuke being gay on history, adding such thing to a historical figure is clear to pander the woketards who mostly never buy games anyway. Yet you are here to defend Ubi's dumb practice on GAF.

There is no historical record of Nobunaga being a busty anime waifu either but there are licensed IP's that have portrayed him as such. You wanna start a petition for those too? :messenger_grinning_sweat:

It's an RPG with a certain amount of player agency, it's up to the player to evoke that agency to their liking. In the 'canon' route that Ubisoft has laid out, there are no same sex romances, so as far as we're concerned, that's what Ubisoft considers canon.

It's like what Mark Hamil said about Luke Skywalker when someone asked him if Luke could be gay. He said 'sure he is, if you want him to be', i-e it's up to the viewers interpretation.

Make of that information what you will. 🤷‍♂️
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Is it going to be like this for every release now ? 2 years of grifting but then the game comes out and it goes the other way around, people pretending mediocre typical slop is actually different than what we expected ?

The constant changes in the dominant narrative get confusing and tiring. It's just some Assassin's Creed man, who even cares ?
as fewer & fewer major titles are released, & there's less & less to get excited about? yes, this'll become the new normal...


Has Man Musk
There is no historical record of Nobunaga being a busty anime waifu either but there are licensed IP's that have portrayed him as such. You wanna start a petition for those too? :messenger_grinning_sweat:

It's an RPG with a certain amount of player agency, it's up to the player to evoke that agency to their liking. In the 'canon' route that Ubisoft has laid out, there are no same sex romances, so as far as we're concerned, that's what Ubisoft considers canon.

Make of that information what you will. 🤷‍♂️
You are spinning the subject with altered context. People know what they are expecting for the forementioned anime, while the AC IP has the pillar of following history event.

And I absolutely said nothing about whether you should or not engage in those romance option in Shadows, what I said is it is woke as fuck, regardless Ubi has a canon mode or not. Don't use RPG as the shield for this crap, by this standard, you Avowed isn't a good RPG as it doesn't offer such "player agency".


To be fair there are a lot of fabrication and lies about his story.

I’m not talking about Thomas Lockley. Why is that the only thing people turn to try to erase Yasuke? There are sources that predate Lockley.
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To Ubisoft’s credit (or not, depending on your POV) it looks like they took steps to wring some of the wokeness out of this game as we got closer to launch. The canon mode would be an example of that. My working assumption is that some of the brass saw the way the winds were blowing with the ideological nonsense in the last couple years and put the hammer down to course correct.


Has Man Musk
They CLAIM? What racist BS is that?

Literally every AC game since Odyssey have had OPTIONAL romance options.
Wow, just like the twitter mob. You understand when you are calling people racist you already lose the argument? Are you not even capable of reading context? Was my quote truly about whether Yasuke is real or not? This is ridiculous.

And where did I say AC did not or should not feature optional romance? I was telling you canon mode is not your excuse for Ubi, as it no only removes romance, it removes all the options in the game.
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To be fair there are a lot of fabrication and lies about his story.

It's already been proved that article is bullshit. "The university fired Lockley", no it didn't.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
To be fair there are a lot of fabrication and lies about his story.

There are articles, records and pages on the official Diet Library website of Japan irrespective of Lockley.

I think we are well past the point of doubting Yasuke's entire existence now. That's a 12 month old rehashed 'controversy'.

You are spinning the subject with altered context. People know what they are expecting for the forementioned anime, while the AC IP has the pillar of following history event.

And I absolutely said nothing about whether you should or not engage in those romance option in Shadows, what I said is it is woke as fuck, regardless Ubi has a canon mode or not. Don't use RPG as the shield for this crap, by this standard, you Avowed isn't a good RPG as it doesn't offer such "player agency".

The game, like all previous entries, begins with a disclaimer about it being a fictional tale. If you think people should know what to expect when they go into an anime, they should also expect that the AC games are not meant to be accurate historical retelling. All the disclaimers at the start of each of these games say that, the official website says that.

This is elementary level stuff. We are making outrage over nothing here.

Let it go.

Lokaum D+

I’m not talking about Thomas Lockley. Why is that the only thing people turn to try to erase Yasuke? There are sources that predate Lockley.
There is, but nothing conclusive, as a Portuguese speaker i read the letters i could find online and the only conclusive thing about Yasuke is that Oda liked him, he was given a sword, the samurai thing is not conclusive, he stayed at Oda side for 1 Year and once Oda died, Akechi took his sword back spared his life and then he returned to the Jesuits and that is, he did absolutely nothing of recognition in Japan other the be Oda retainer.

the whole black samurai fantasy was Thomas Locklei.
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Lokaum D+

Which in the 1500s in Japan makes you a Samurai if someone like Oda gives you a sword.
if you say so, i just told you what some documents from the Jesuits say, if you want to believe that a sword makes him a samurai, go forth, i m not gonna say you are wrong, it dosnt make any difference for me if he was or wasn't.
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Has Man Musk
There are articles, records and pages on the official Diet Library website of Japan irrespective of Lockley.

I think we are well past the point of doubting Yasuke's entire existence now. That's a 12 month old rehashed 'controversy'.

The game, like all previous entries, begins with a disclaimer about it being a fictional tale. If you think people should know what to expect when they go into an anime, they should also expect that the AC games are not meant to be accurate historical retelling. All the disclaimers at the start of each of these games say that, the official website says that.

This is elementary level stuff. We are making outrage over nothing here.

Let it go.
It's the franchise's reputation and people's perception. It's a long running franchise, not a single disclaim is gonna magically reverse all the fundamentals.

I am not raging over nothing, what I have been saying is that this is a typical Ubi game, gorgeous graphics, serviceable gameplay, and way too bloated contents. If people are having fun, let them have fun.

What I started was saying the canon mode is not the solution for you to defend all the woke shits forced in the game.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It's the franchise's reputation and people's perception. It's a long running franchise, not a single disclaim is gonna magically reverse all the fundamentals.

But the disclaimers have been there since the first game in the franchise.

Did you think an assassin fist fighting the pope in the vatican over an alien artifact is also based on historical accuracy?

Is George Washington turning into an evil dictator part of the US historical books?

Why is there so much selective picking and choosing which aspects of history to champion in this game's case?

What I started was saying the canon mode is not the solution for you to defend all the woke shits forced in the game.


People have been saying that it's a player choice, just like with Odyssey and Valhalla since before the knowledge that the game has a Canon mode option in it.
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Has Man Musk
But the disclaimers have been there since the first game in the franchise.

Did you think an assassin fist fighting the pope in the vatican over an alien artifact is also based on historical accuracy?

Is George Washington turning into an evil dictator part of the US historical books?

Why is there so much selective picking and choosing which aspects of history to champion in this game's case?
Because alienfact or Tranny Washington serve as fundamental settings/themes/narratives.

Yasuke being gay adds absolutely zero benefits to the game's theme or narratives. And moreover, the gay romances are so fucking cringly written it's unbearable. You know why people don't have problem (or for me even I like) the gay romance in ME or old DA? Because they were well written.

Come on now my man , if anyone, it is you ignoring all the context, dare I say "nuances".

People have been saying that it's a player choice, just like with Odyssey and Valhalla since before the knowledge that the game has a Canon mode option in it.

I was not against, player choice, you can choose whether to engage or not the optional contents. My point was if you use canon mode to get rid of the gay romance, you also lose all the other optional events.
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The wokies never learn. It's always the same fucking thing. Publisher lies about numbers, wokies go 'huh huh, guess the chuds were wrong', then a few weeks later the truth of the game underperforming comes out and then it's back to 'why are you happy those people are losing their jobs, bigots'?

You never learn, do you, woketards?

woketards 😆

Please tell me your ten year old son came up with that
This restaurant serves literal dog shit mixed with the food but you can order normal food from the cook if you want, you will only get the dog shit if you order it what's the big deal? just go visit this dog shit serving restaurant bro lmao

A more apt analogy would be “I know dog shit is an option here but only if I want it. I selected everything leading to dog shit and now I am going to throw a fit that they served me dog shit”.


I actually had to go looking for the store/battle pass thing. Only bit that was "intrusive" was when it flashed up I got 300 helix credits which it's done for years.

Honestly people are hating for the sake of it

It's annoying because while it may be in your face for the first 20 minutes of the game, it's incredibly easy to ignore for the rest of the game.

If it's anything like Odyssey(Same dev) you get more resources as you level up. I literally just finished platinum run of Odyssey last week. I looked at the shop on my second day of playing, then a week later I had more resources than I knew what to do with.

But you will never convince people that are looking for things like that and create a narrative that it detracts from the game.

Is it bad to have a shop to have a shop in a full price single player game? Probably, honestly no defense, but is it also not a big deal at the same time, and super easy to ignore? Absolutely.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Because alienfact or Tranny Washington serve as fundamental settings/themes/narratives.

Yasuke being gay adds absolutely zero benefits to the game's theme or narratives.

Good news, you don't have to make Yasuke gay if you don't want to. Nor is the game's setting / theme or narrative dependent on it.

Problem solved.

I was not against, player choice, you can choose whether to engage or not the optional contents. My point was if you use canon mode to get rid of the gay romance, you also lose all the other optional events.

You don't lose all other optional events, whoever told you that is not completely accurate.
I mean come on now, my man. Mass Effect you play a player-created completely fictional character. I have no problem Ubi shoehorns some half assed gay romances in previous AC games, or even for Naoe as they are all fictional characters. But they claim Yasuke is real historical figure, There is absolutely no record Yasuke being gay on history, adding such thing to a historical figure is clear to pander the woketards who mostly never buy games anyway. Yet you are here to defend Ubi's dumb practice on GAF.


Am I doing this right? Be careful reaching, don’t hurt yourself


Has Man Musk
Good news, you don't have to make Yasuke gay if you don't want to. Nor is the game's setting / theme or narrative dependent on it.

Problem solved.
You are spinning the argument yet again. You were arguing if we had eden apple or Washington, why can't we have gay Yasuke.

My point was Yasuke being gay adds no benefit to the game, or even just make sense; it is clearly there to pander the modern audience, which almost won't help the game's sales figure at all.

You don't lose all other optional events, whoever told you that is not completely accurate.

When Canon Mode is activated, all dialogue choices during cutscenes are removed. Simply put, Canon Mode removes the option of choice, which makes for a more immersive experience and allows you to experience the true, intended story as it was crafted by Ubisoft.


Has Man Musk
Funny how Mass Effect 1-3, AC Odyssey, AC Valhalla, and KCD2 weren’t pandering when they had the same optional romance options.
You are just a joker, I have answered you this question you attacked me with racist accusation. And now you come back with the same lame argument.

All the games you mentioned are fictional characters.
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You are spinning the argument yet again. You were arguing if we had eden apple or Washington, why can't we have gay Yasuke.

My point was Yasuke being gay adds no benefit to the game, or even just make sense; it is clearly there to pander the modern audience, which almost won't help the game's sales figure at all.
Plenty of things in video games dont make sense and its only purpose is to pander. You only complaining because you're not being pandered to in this particular instance.


Gold Member
Ok...just real quick...i played the tutorial but had to get back to work. Some thoughts
- Combat is pretty simplistic and strangely stiff...I hope the enemies get tougher in ways that just require more skill.
- Naoe feels way better to play, Just personal preference
- The stories are actually pretty good so far.
- I felt similarly about Avowed in the early hours regarding the story.

I'll edit this as I get into the game more this weekend.

So after a weekend of playing on and off...I'm apparently having some issues with my PC. Or it might be the game itself. Every 20 minutes or so, the game just crashes. No error message, no blue screen of death. It just stops. I tried lowering the resolution thinking maybe the game is somehow overheating my gpu or something but I wasn't able to really get into it due to this. Researching this issue, it seems this could be a problem unique to the Ubisoft+ version of the game....strange. Suggested solution was to sync your clock, which I did, but didn't really help in my case. Others reported that it did help.

- I really like playing as Naoe.
- Upgrade tree looks interesting, but reminds me a lot of Ghost of Tsushima...not a bad thing.
- I like that you can be outleveled and still win if you have the skill to fight off multiple enemies. Experienced the first "boss" fight. Just a bigger enemy with more health and armor. But hey, it's the first boss, didn't expect much, didn't get much. The hideaway seems cool. Only got to build a couple of buildings but I like that they give perks to help out in the world.
- Being that the last AC I played was Odyssey, the character models in Shadows look way worse. I'm pretty sure Unity's models looked better. What happened?
- I do like how the ninjas seem to be historically accurate in their nature. Not some mystical being using ninpo (a la Ninja Gaiden), but were villagers and farmers who used hit and run and ambush tactics to take down samurai.
- Overall, it's a decent game so far. I'm not blown away or anything like I was with Odyssey. Still a lot to discover, so I'll keep playing.
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