Off topic : Say what you want about the users in here but thank the heavens the mod team actually does a good job in weeding out all the insufferable, preachy, holier than thou and disingenuous posters in here, Manabyte gas been literally one of the most cancerous posters in here lately.
Also : lol
repeating his "little buddy" bullshit as to rile up others after backpedalling about 10 times.
Again, like most of these people, self awareness = zero.
And this is exactly the problem in here : 5-7 users (at most) trying to bring the whole place down with their insufferable nonsense - it's dog eat dog each and every day with them with a heavy dose of preaching and pesudo-politics sprinkled in.
I really dont know how we got here lads, a jab and/or a joke here and there are OK, the bullshit some specific games bring out of people though is just horrible, it's "woke" this, "chud" that, racism accusations, constant back and forth, constant whining and general pettiness - there's about 3 topics about this fucking slop of a game and in each and every one of them it's the same exact shit, why ?
Jesus Christ, the things people do over a product made by a multi-billion company (and a preachy one at that), I'd be laughing if it wasn't for the fact that it's actually sad.
Let's just all chill the fuck out 'cause it's been pretty hard visiting and trying to read the forums these past few days.
Maybe some people don't get it but everyone is allowed his/her own opinion, let's just try not to be fucking assholes about it with the c.o n s t a n t accusations 'cause frankly, shit has ran its course.