Hey, Paz! If you don't mind answering,do you ever feel like you should have gone with another art should have gone with another art style/character design to widen the game's appeal?
Well Tim is the artist and it's his original concept, though from a purely design point of view much of the art was necessary to improve the gameplay in a 3D world. For example Cactus's original design was very slim and anime-esque but she was hard to see from above with almost no silhouette, adding distinct hair coloring and larger proportions to the character designs solved those issues.
I bought this almost two years ago just because of a NeoGaf post. One of the best Twin Stick shooters I've played in a long time. Sorry if this has been asked but is there a possibility for a hard core mode that lacks the recharagable health? And maybe a level editor?
A separate Hard mode without the Batteries would work I think.
Hit the nail on the head there. Go down for the count and you'll not only lose your currently active power-up (two out of three that is), but your primary firearm will also become less potent until you scrounge up enough of those white collectibles again. Keeping your weapon at max is a big difference for your DPS output, which is why as of late I aim for the speed boost more often than I did in the past due to how it pulls those in (as well the battery) for you like a magnet with a fairly large radius while it's active.
I was thinking more along the lines of dropping Cactus and Co altogether for big burly men...or ships. Truth be told I would have loved controlling ships <3
Bought, the GAF impressions convinced me, and the launch discount prevented me from hesitating (mission accomplished). Will give it a try in coop this weekend.
I bought this almost two years ago just because of a NeoGaf post. One of the best Twin Stick shooters I've played in a long time. Sorry if this has been asked but is there a possibility for a hard core mode that lacks the recharagable health? And maybe a level editor?
Ah hmm, two parts to this. The first is that we really wanted to push personality in the game through the world building story (cut scenes, unique dialogue for each character with bosses), character design (Unique visuals and animation) and gameplay (different weapons), that's a lot harder to achieve with an object like a ship which becomes a tool in the players mind.
What bump? It's been consistently posted in for almost a week now.Shit, thought the bump meant this was out for Wii U/PS4. Will there be a demo on consoles?
What bump? It's been consistently posted in for almost a week now.
Haven't noticed, thought it's been out on PC for a few months now.
Technically a no-knockdown difficulty already exists if you enable the 'auto-reset when dropping the S+ chain' setting. Not really seeing the appeal behind a hypothetical Hard Mode sans batteries either.I'm still early game but even when I'm not touched by enemies the initial battery won't last the whole stage. I guess a no knockdown mode will work, though.
First time that happened I gawked at it in disbelief. Seriously cool delivery.lmao - final boss spoiler:died on the post-stage stage thingy, KILL EVERYTHING
My frothing demand for this remixed campaign increases.No plans for a game mode that drastically alters the core mechanics right now, but we do have ideas for implementing a custom super hard remix campaign ala SMB Dark World, our end game caps out at S+ing all the stages (You practically can't get hit, but true single hit would suck with 3D graphics inherent position perception issues) and score chasing the best players.
Ignore if you don't want any advice:I gotta' say; I finally went back to try to finish the Campaign and I'm not quite liking the last two boss battles. I'll spoiler this just in case:
I like the idea of fighting the clone. That was genuinely interesting. The problem is that the screen is so busy that it's incredibly hard to keep track of everything at once. That, and it seems like a battery almost always spawns next to your clone.
I did manage to beat the doppleganger with the Drill character but I chalk that up to dumb luck. Again, it's just way too busy and the camera pulling out so far just makes the fight feel very sloppy.
Final boss was okay up until the phase where roots come out of the ground (not the tentacles in the final phase). That part felt so incredibly random and again, it was just too busy, too much shit was going on at once to follow it.
I've played Shmups and Twin Stick games for years. I've played every Cave title that's emulated. I've beaten some of the harder non-Bullet Hell Shmups. And I've beaten a few of the Bullet-Hell ones too. But these two fights in particular were just too sloppy.
Just unlocked Aubergine. She seems really cool but controlling her minion is really hard for me right now.
Also, I just suffered from a glitch in zone 3 stage 2, Transit. I was in the first part of the level and one of the little robots that fired missiles glitched and became both inactive and indestructible. No matter how many times I shot him with main the main and secondary weapons as Cactus he just stood there shouting "I'm fucking invincible!'. In the end I died after destroying everyone else due to the battery running out.
Just unlocked Aubergine. She seems really cool but controlling her minion is really hard for me right now.
Also, I just suffered from a glitch in zone 3 stage 2, Transit. I was in the first part of the level and one of the little robots that fired missiles glitched and became both inactive and indestructible. No matter how many times I shot him with main the main and secondary weapons as Cactus he just stood there shouting "I'm fucking invincible!'. In the end I died after destroying everyone else due to the battery running out.
maybe try playing her with KB/M. she's made for it
Like the above post. She is pretty damn good when using a mouse and keyboard. Her partner in conjunction with her secondary attack does some serious destruction.
Giant Bomb put up a video of Assault Android Cactus today. Coverage!
Peanut is indeed a ton of fun, though I struggle to have her turn around during her drill animation. Not quite sure how to go about it, unless she's simply not allowed to make really sharp turns by design.And Peanut is really fun to play as. Kind of can get you easily screwed, and some levels are awful for her drill, but a ton of fun in general.
I feel conflicted now knowing there's a second, completionist S+ indicator for each level. Resisting OCD urges...
Actually nailing Boss Rush this time around ([URL="http://www.twitch.tv/crab_milk_mickey/v/18045044"]video as Cactus here[/URL]) was such an adrenaline rush. Five bosses divided into 30+ phases (if I recall correctly) in one sitting with numerous factors constantly needing to be taken into account for optimal strategies is overwhelming pressure at times, but the victory tasted ever so sweet after who knows how many botched attempts. Might even look into speedrunning this now (albeit on a casual basis) to see if it'll be engaging enough, because now there's no main objective for me to be gunning for anymore with all stages previously completed and aced at S+ rank.
Paz, props to you and the rest of Witch Beam for making an outstanding game. I rarely get this hooked.[/QUOTE]
This is crazy
The fact that there are 2 persons above your score is even crazier
To be fair, some androids do allow more room for error than others on average, although the game kicks it up a notch for realsies around halfway through world 3.I need to see some gameplay action of you. I can't even break S on half of these stages ;(
#2's score is within arm's reach since that one isn't an S+ rank, but there's a deficit of over 300k points between mine and the #1's. There's definite room for improvement in my run since I was playing a lot safer than I normally would against certain bosses because of built-up stress, but even then I don't think I'd be accumulating that many points...This is crazy
The fact that there are 2 persons above your score is even crazier
its probably been asked a few times but: When is it coming on Ps4?
.**Scheduled for Q1 2016 on PS4, PS-Vita and WiiU**
Played this yesterday for a bit over an hour, and I'm really impressed by the level of polish. It plays extremely well and looks great. What surprised me most is that the framerate seems rock solid despite using Unity. I guess the small self-contained levels help with that.
I do have a minor bug to report: the first time in the tutorial, the camera bugged out during the 4th or 5th tutorial message, looking at some completely different direction (below the level). We had to restart that one, luckily it wasn't reproducible.
Wow, that's an insane amount of detail he's gone into to make it run like it does.Oh crap that's not good, we hadn't seen that bug or had it reported since we re-worked the camera system in the tutorial after someone made it happen at BitSummit , we never got a clear reproduction case and implemented a bunch of stuff that would theoretically solve it but obviously there's still an edge case somewhere :/ don't suppose you were video recording or anything at the time? It's very rare and seems it might be multiplayer specific, but anything that can cause the game to become unplayable and need a level restart is critical to us.
As for the framerate we do a lot of things to ensure the experience is smooth, Tim wrote a system for interpolating (well predicting actually so it's theoretically ahead by 1 frame and constantly correcting based on motion) player/enemy positions to avoid physics tick/visual update inconsistencies that could cause any judder in the motion, things like animation are already interpolated properly at high framerates but now everything should be moving at whatever fps your monitor is. In terms of the underlying tech he also put a lot of effort in to pooling and avoiding garbage generation along with managed update systems for things like the wasp enemies that can have hundreds trying to interact every frame, this stuff is great for keeping the PC version as smooth as it can be and also helps us hit our console targets.
Sadly I don't have a recording. From what I recall, We were playing with 2 players, I (as player 1) had picked up a speed upgrade, and the camera was trying to center on me gradually and then suddenly spun out.Oh crap that's not good, we hadn't seen that bug or had it reported since we re-worked the camera system in the tutorial after someone made it happen at BitSummit , we never got a clear reproduction case and implemented a bunch of stuff that would theoretically solve it but obviously there's still an edge case somewhere :/ don't suppose you were video recording or anything at the time? It's very rare and seems it might be multiplayer specific, but anything that can cause the game to become unplayable and need a level restart is critical to us.
All the stuff you mentioned probably helps, but I can imagine that this is key. I always had this suspicion that the intermittent stuttering in many Unity games is caused by the GC kicking in.In terms of the underlying tech he also put a lot of effort in to pooling and avoiding garbage generation
S+ on Justice with Holly. #cannonballin'
S+ on Justice with Holly. #cannonballin'
CONGRATULATIONSIf you can S+ that bastard there's a good chance you can clear the rest of the game with a little practice
Love watching people evolve.
Attained S+ ranks with all 9 androids for World 1 - 3 and it's proven to be a fun meta objective so far due to the need to reconsider your general approach at times. A given character's strengths and weaknesses become readily apparent on the tougher levels when you play them back-to-back, and it's kind of amusing in a way how certain scenarios or wave compositions can give you far more trouble (or less) with x loadout than they did with y loadout. What's also neat is that there usually isn't a huge time gap between the androids either.
World 5 is likely going to be problematic though, but we'll see how it goes.