explodet said:I think some people are suprised that Mega Man 1 went from a 160KB ROM to a 273MB CD image.
I know it caught me off guard - that's over 1700 times the size!
Link316 said:so what's their excuse for editing the ending for Mega Man 7?
WordofGod said:Tell this crap company that Red Book Audio can be converted to MP3 files in less than a couple of minutes. And remind them that Angel Studios shrunk two Resident Evil 2 cds on to one N64 64meg cart without any excuses.
Lyte Edge said:No, it's not, and that's too bad, because the Wily Wars music ROCKED. BLEH TO YOU, JETT, BLEH TO YOU, I SAY.![]()
Spike said:Bullshit, plain and simple.
Nintendo does have GCN cases that hold 2 Discs. If you're going to do something, do it right!
btrboyev said:still redbook audio is a standard format that can be read using your cd player...it could have been easily compressed into any smaller format and they could have made it work...its just laziness on their part. They could have done the same on ps2 and could have added more extra content if they wanted.
and you can make changes to emulated games..after all I'm sure capcom still has the source code for these games...besides I think people would have appreciated the original un-altered versions anyways.
jett said:Everything about Wily Wars is crap. That's all I have to say.![]()
dark10x said:Quit using that damn RE2 example...
That was an extreme exception...not the rule.
TekunoRobby said:But you have to admit, that's one awesome exception!
Sooo...you are saying that you could use an NES emulator to handle all those extras? I don't think so...
You wouldn't be properly emulating an NES anymore if you added all of the extra features (it isn't as if the NES could playback digital audio or display higher color UI features). Emulation would never have worked...
I agree about the audio format, though...
btrboyev said:the extra features your referring to such as the little fixes aren't worth the port..the orignal versions were good enough..proper emulation could have fixed flickering and slowdown problems. And do believe the the remixed tunes could have been used even if the games were emulated.
dark10x said:It was no easy feat.
dark10x said:It is absolutely NOT taken from Power Battle/Fights...
jooey said:I like how this game turns everyone into really big morons
TKM said:10I suspect that if the PS2 version didn't exist for comparison, a lot of people here would be praising the package. Instead we've got the blame-everyone-but-Nintendo mentality out in force.
The Faceless Master said:basically, their reply says it all... they didn't want to do any more work than they deemed necessary, and obviously, all the music *could* fit if they used an adequate format, of which there are plenty to choose from, but they probably don't get paid by the hour...
bobbyconover said:Your arguments only cover the music portion of things, though. I and many others are 10x more disgusted with the button-switch fiasco, which really does ruin the 'feel' of all of the games for those of us who grew up with them, and which can only be the result of laziness or ignorance within Atomic Planet. Seriously, there's no excuse - they haven't even tried offering up one yet.
Sho Nuff said:Yes, a musician should have resampled and recomposed +10 hours of Mega Man music from scratch to make up for a crippled format. WhatEVER.
tenchir said:Or they could just have compressed all those Red Book Audio. I doubt people would have made a big deal over a slight loss of quality compared to the loss of entire soundtracks.
Sho Nuff said:Did they ever state that they used uncompressed redbook in the interview? (I'm lazy) I can't think of any developer who doesn't use a noncompressed format anymore. We're not working on the Saturn anymore.
Sho Nuff said:Yes, a musician should have resampled and recomposed +10 hours of Mega Man music from scratch to make up for a crippled format. WhatEVER.
Developer = Right
You = Wrong
Now go buy the PS2 version bitches!
Agent X said:The original music was already composed in a chip-based format. There are rips of this music available on many Web sites, which can be played in a NES music player program on a PC. They can be readily obtained by just about anyone with the ability to use a search engine.
The developers could have obtained these files, the same way you or I can. All they would've need do after that is write their own playback routines using the original music data. They wouldn't have to do any sampling or new composition. This isn't exactly rocket science.
fenekku-gitsune said:OK, that's it. The final straw.
This thread has officially made me hate the GameCube thanks to its users.
Sho Nuff said:So you're saying the PSX ones sounded identical to the NES ones?
Jonnyboy117 said:As for the need to use redbook audio, apparently these guys have never heard of .nsf and .spc. You can play those files in Winamp on a P300, and they are note-for-note perfect because they are ripped directly from the game.