Fuck, Paul Walker died :/
Yup :/ Looks like a car accident, I'm not sure if it was during filming or not... but confirmed on his official Twitter and FB accounts.Holy shit.
Isnt that Paul Walker death a hoax?
PS+ actually discourages me from buying games I might otherwise pick up in a sale. It's like the Steam Sale effect writ large.
I'm not complaining about it because free games are awesome! But I can't imagine it's amazing for developers... I'd love to see whether I'm right or wrong though.
I've had a facial scar since I was 3 (mostly faded now, but it was really obvious during school years), it makes a good conversation starter if nothing else. And it's not like your head was that pretty to begin with ;p Hope it heals up well for you.Welp, just taken the bandage off as advised by the doc, and holy fuck did he take a massive chunk out of my forehead. Wish I'd known the options of less visibly scarring surgery before he decided to go the hack on it :/
The spot I had previously was maybe 2mm diameter and now I'll probably have a scar the size of a 10c piece on my forehead. Hope it heals to something that's not too visible.
Feeling numb right now, jesus fuck.
Walkup from PAX (or possibly a tourney qualifier from location machines), I'd never seen nor heard of him before. Looking at IFPA he finished 6th at the AC/DC state finals but that's it. So yeah, probably on-location qualifier.
Never liked his work, but never happy about somebody dying, especially young. RIPFuck, Paul Walker died :/
Wtf!Fuck, Paul Walker died :/
Horrible news, looking at the wreck (http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...g_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/front1n-6.jpg) he never stood a chance. The fast and the furious films have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, I guess this will get written into the story of part 7.
Choc'd!Papa & Yo cheap Steamkey on Indie Gamestand ($1US). Supposed to be orright.
Gimme a break man, I've gone through too much shit this week!Choc'd!
How are they going to deal with this in the Fast & Furious 7 canon?!?
I thought it was him driving?They already kill one character and introduce a new one in each movie. This made it easier to select which one.
Really sad news though, He died doing charity work and due to someone else's fault. RIP.
Better than dying doing something you hate.'At least he died doing what he loved.'
I don't get that saying. Way to pervert and ruin your lifelong hobby by tainting it with your death.
But I want to die how I Iived...Better than dying doing something you hate.
Fuck, Paul Walker died :/
Brisbane-r reporting in, been lurking this thread for awhile and I've been curious, any particular reason why the ausgaf thread is here in gaming community as opposed to OT communities?
Brisbane-r reporting in, been lurking this thread for awhile and I've been curious, any particular reason why the ausgaf thread is here in gaming community as opposed to OT communities?
was walkers death the drivers fault or a 3rd party/2nd car or something else entirely
was walkers death the drivers fault or a 3rd party/2nd car or something else entirely
The demo unit TV's Sony are using really need to be set properly. The one at DSE here looks great while the one I played in Geelong yesterday was muddy and washed out.I was away for the weekend, so I missed any news that might have come up. Any word on how the PS4 is doing now that its launched in other territories?
They had some PS4's set up at EB on the way to work, so I played NFS and Knack for a few minutes. I have to say, visually I was pretty underwhelmed. The controller seems interesting though.
The demo unit TV's Sony are using really need to be set properly. The one at DSE here looks great while the one I played in Geelong yesterday was muddy and washed out.
This is why they run preview events in a controlled environment!
[11:47] <LafielLIBRARY> okay
[11:47] <LafielLIBRARY> i'm going watch a stream of a hentai
[11:47] <LafielLIBRARY> while i'm at the library
He omitted the part where I only lasted a minute! (before I had to close the window).
I played a bunch of Wii U and PS4 over the weekend.
Super Mario 3D World is amazing and addictive. I've already sunk about 14 hours in to it.
Resogun is a great game to launch the PS4 with, so many particles and physics objects. Great gameplay too.
Ass Creed IV is very nice on PS4, runs at 1080P and is completely locked at 30fps. The combat feels good as well, way better than what I remember of ACII and what I saw of ACIII.
Gear of War 1 is now FREE for Xbox Live Gold members
HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHe omitted the part where I only lasted a minute! (before I had to close the window).
I am loving ACIV. Really didn't expect to after hating ACIII so much.
The pacing is so much better, Edward is more fun than that boring Connor, the Carribean sea is much more interesting to explore than the snowy emptiness of America, the modern day stuff is funny and more intriguing than the super serious story in ACIII. Pretty much everything is a lot better.
So great to just have your ship going full speed and the crew starts singing a shanty song.
So your saying it's worth getting? ACIII was the first I'd played in the series and I didn't hate it. I mean it wasn't the best thing ever but I had fun.