is that ever not on sale? :/You idiots like point & click adventures right? Have 2 of the best for 44c!
Knack outsold Super Mario 3D World
1 year overtaken in 1 week
Guys I'm kind of obsessed with Louis Theroux documentaries at the moment.
Man, I really want to be in a movie club. I have a group of friends who I watch terrible horror movies with, but I want to discuss movies with people in person.
Rezbit chose this week's flick... Snatch.
Guys I'm kind of obsessed with Louis Theroux documentaries at the moment.
You guys should watch the modern classic, "Shoot 'Em Up".
1 year overtaken in 1 week
You guys should watch the modern classic, "Shoot 'Em Up".
I'm in love with Clive Owen so I should probably watch that again anyway.
What's the numbers look like for the AU figures? I'm hearing the xbone did better than PS4 on launch day?
What's the numbers look like for the AU figures? I'm hearing the xbone did better than PS4 on launch day?
Which confuses the hell out of me if true. I mean the local narrative for months has been like europe in terms of pre-orders, with the addition now of it being sold out right through to early January.
Though I guess it could simply be a matter of no supply compared to the XBone and even all the pre-order folks got screwed over let alone the folks expecting to walk in and buy one before January.
DSE late Dec stock orders have been bumped to 2014 too I see, there was a notice in store yesterday.
Sony have given us the bum deal really. Higher markup to make every sale here profitable compared to the X1 which is the best deal worldwide.
tl;dr - import as usual lads!
Oh god no. Everyone I know turned 21 this year. I think I've heard enough speeches for the time being.
And now my PS3 HDD has died...or is at least in a death spiral.
I'm not sure if interesting is the word I'd use, he's something that's for sure but I'm failing to think of an adequate word (especially considering what I was asked as I entered chat just a moment ago).You cannot deny laf makes chat interesting.
Cheap fix at least! The joys of giving gamers the option to change out their HDD.
I'm not sure if interesting is the word I'd use, he's something that's for sure but I'm failing to think of an adequate word (especially considering what I was asked as I entered chat just a moment ago).
Gold thread. So many salty tears from butthurt markots.
Words can't accurately describe some things that defy greatness.I'm not sure if interesting is the word I'd use, he's something that's for sure but I'm failing to think of an adequate word (especially considering what I was asked as I entered chat just a moment ago).
Because there were actually some available on the shelf to pick up? That'd be my guess.What's the numbers look like for the AU figures? I'm hearing the xbone did better than PS4 on launch day?
lol seriously? Ahahahaha. If it wasn't for the horrid netcode in FM5 I'd assume the same thing.New KI thread in gaming suggests that the cloud replaces a real opponent with an AI opponent.
Is there a single xbone game that isn't wrought with malice?
I liek carrots.You guys should watch the modern classic, "Shoot 'Em Up".
Is not $7.50. Wot crack u smokin'?
Could have imported to have it the business day after launch for AUD$470 !!!Because there were actually some available on the shelf to pick up? That'd be my guess.
Shitty understocked launch. Fuck Sony.
It was a flash deal. YOU OLD AND SLOW TRY AGAIN NEXT TIEM LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLIs not $7.50. Wot crack u smokin'?
Could have imported to have it the business day after launch for AUD$470 !!!
Personally...I'm willing to pay an extra 50$ or so for a warranty that doesn't involve me shipping my console to the US.
I got burned that way with the PS3. Bought a Japanese unit as it was 500$ at around the time the Australian launched at 999. At some point it had some kind of graphics failure and Sony AU wouldn't even look at it and charge me for repairs as it wasn't a AU unit.
lafiel owns so cruncho it isCan everyone please take some time out in their day to cast a vote.
at midnight tonight one of the following candidates will be banned from ausgaf chat.
Please vote for one of the following:
Lafiel. - [16:41] <LafielLIBRARY> AusGAF House Party (@ my house) [16:41] <LafielLIBRARY> Free booze, hentai and pods will be provided.
Cruncho - mute and silent person, no one has any clue who he/she is, could be a bot, could be a spy. we don't know and given that chat has personal info discussed often some of us want cruncho banned.
I believe you will if you want the extra content for MP and some tablet thing which is like that assassins side-game game from ACII. But you may be able to get Ubisoft customer service to issue you a new code.
If you dont want that, you can skip it altogether.
Really? I found the 360 version to be pretty good. Frame rate was mostly solid for the entire games aside from a few instances when shit was going off tap.
What are you trying to tell me facebook?
Re: Steam sales
Black Ops 2 is 50% off! Bringing it to the low, low price of $60 USD!
Wait, what? Is this fucking game really usually ONE HUNDRED AND TEN US DOLLARS?
edit: ok it's now showing back at the totally fair and reasonable price of a bargain busting $90 USD.