markot said:How is the audio quality and GPS on your Galaxy S Legend?!
Both are pretty meh- just wait for the end of the year- new Android devices and Windows Mobile 7 ones.Agyar said:Wildfire looks fairly so-so, especially the screen resolution. I'll sell you my iPhone 3G for, unlocked and you can go with any carrier you want!
Agyar said:Wildfire looks fairly so-so, especially the screen resolution. I'll sell you my iPhone 3G for, unlocked and you can go with any carrier you want!
I see you subscribe to the 'stick a hat on something to make it more way rad' school of thought.Megadrive said:Not to double post but, we've created AusGiraffe Tshirts. Who wants one?!
It went from this to this to this ultimate reality.
Bernbaum said:I see you subscribe to the 'stick a hat on something to make it more way rad' school of thought.
Why are you using Firefox?Ydahs said:
come now, don't start this nonsensetrinest said:Why are you using Firefox?
$18 games? Where?Darklord said:Damn, JB have some good prices at the moment. They have a buy 2 get 1 free deal with those $18 games. I didn't realize some of them are like Batman: AA and Red Faction: Guerrilla. That's damn cheap. Bioshock 2 is $34 too. What the hell? Did it bomb here or something?
Kane & Lynch 2 is already $59. Only came out a few weeks ago.:lol
The most enjoyable way to play that game is on Easy. Difficulty has no effect on achievements and makes no change to the demolition challenges (one of the most fun things in the game). Normally I play things on a harder difficulty but in RF:G you're better off just going nuts on Easy.evlcookie said:After owning RF:G for like a year and finally starting to play it these past weekends, I'm not a huge fan of it.
The gunplay is just off and while i know people will say hammer and explosions!! They aren't all that useful when you piss off the bad guys and there's 40 of them all around the place and they just keep on coming too.
As much as i would like to be a space asshole, it's a little to hard and troublesome.
Agyar said:The most enjoyable way to play that game is on Easy. Difficulty has no effect on achievements and makes no change to the demolition challenges (one of the most fun things in the game). Normally I play things on a harder difficulty but in RF:G you're better off just going nuts on Easy.
Because I'm fine with it. Boots up in the first ten seconds of Windows loading too, so there's nothing really involved now other than preference.trinest said:Why are you using Firefox?
Choc said:Clarification for those who keep asking me
EBGames has the madcatz controllers exclusive for RB3
The madcatz controls are third party and not the ones that Harmonix are building
Hence, the instruments ARE NOT exclusive to Ebgames
Choc said:Clarification for those who keep asking me
EBGames has the madcatz controllers exclusive for RB3
The madcatz controls are third party and not the ones that Harmonix are building
Hence, the instruments ARE NOT exclusive to Ebgames
I'd wait and see how it pans out over the next month. And by 'I would', I mean 'I am'.Mar said:I guess I have money in my main bank account now. To Giantbomb or not Giantbomb...
Rez said:I'd wait and see how it pans out over the next month. And by 'I would', I mean 'I am'.
evlcookie said:I wonder if some of the premium content will pop up on torrents/usenet.
That would be the saddest and funniest thing :lol
Choc said:btw did they get enough subscribers to make GBombcast f ree?
Choc said:btw did they get enough subscribers to make GBombcast f ree?
Mar said:Yep, the bombcast is free. Another thing that doesn't sit well with me is that they never explained this to people who bought prior to the newest bombcast coming out. It's entirely possible many bought their subs because they were told they were going to lose half their podcast.
Choc said:Clarification for those who keep asking me
EBGames has the madcatz controllers exclusive for RB3
The madcatz controls are third party and not the ones that Harmonix are building
Hence, the instruments ARE NOT exclusive to Ebgames
Choc said:*said in really fast voice*
oh my gosh ico and shadow of collosus getting HD updates ps3 confirmed in this weeks famitsu oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh*
to be announced at TGS
VOOK said:
Agyar said:Boo hiss get out.
VOOK said: